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The Revolution

Active member
Oh yea for sure Sam. Ive got many things purchased and gifted to me over the years. I have nearly every hightimes from the original in 1974 thru the 90s and then some more. Old patches, photos, ill have to share some of these once I return home from work

The Revolution

Active member
I've been there brother. Lost everything I had.. They even took my books n mags. Working on getting back the replaceable things.. Fuckers

Nice collection window.

@Sams, you have some super cool stuff, I had never seen that coin before.

Anyway I had a fairly large collection of books, magazines (I had every issue of weed world to #64) and seed packs, catalogs and some random crazy things "cannabis" like my Sensi seeds Frisbee.

Unfortunatly the police stole my whole collection, a couple of years ago when I was busted.

Funny note, I used to save my seed packs and put them in my
Cannabible (book by Jason king) on there respective page.I had built up quiet a collection,

when the pig picked up my book about a hundred seedpacks fell on the ground, Doh! Kinda blew my defense of "this is my first time"

I still cant believe they stole my whole collection, posters and books where'nt illegal the last time I checked...

Love them Police arm patches Sam.

Peace out!


I do not sell much I just trade or buy Cannabis collectables. If anyone has anything cool post a picture, you can check out my old Gallery I have a bunch online. I sold a few Cannabis Brand Labels to try and get collecters to come out and trade with me, but few have anything I do not have. I am allways looking...


Active member
Hi Sam, fellow collector here. Just starting to build my collection again after a raid years back took everything. Really just starting with my books. I was searching around ebay the other day and thought you would find this funny.

1990's poster but what I find funny is the "North American Skunk Farmers Agricultural Association" on the side. Asking way high for what it is.




Active member
I'm a collector especially of books and prints / paintings

I was looking at this book that I didn't know

"Fritz Lemmermayer: Haschisch. Eine orientalische Erzählung von Fritz Lemmermayer, Ill. von Gottfried Sieben. Budapest 1898



Here is a lost illustrated masterpiece, a book so rare and sought-after that only two copies can be found in world libraries. For the first time this classic work on a forgotten Arabian legend has been translated into English. This illustrated novel is presented as a “pictorial opera” of love, hashish, and tragedy in the time of Victorian erotica, and it contains the first known illustrations and descriptions of true hashish hallucinations. This high quality case-bound and slipcased limited edition reproduces all fifty original erotic illustrations and colorful extras by illustrator Gottfried Sieben, and it is limited to only 418 copies, all signed by Ronald K. Siegel. This book will appeal to readers of Fitz Hugh



does anyone own it? can you tell me something more?
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This is a 70's era roach clip. Helping Hand.
I think it's pewter. Little lever on the arm opens it's fingers.



I don't know anything about this Sinsemilla perfume. I tried googling it a few times. Saw someone saying it didn't smell like cannabis.
But can't find a production date or anything else other than it came in did sizes.




Active member
Cool Fazor!

Cool Fazor!

Wow! Excellent collected.
I collect red cannabis stuff. Most of my collection is red silicone. Next on my list is getting the original Red Oat Willie's Power Hitter.

Here's my OW Fazor
View Image

That's a beauty CannaRed. The Fazors look cool but unfotunately don't work for shit. But we had a lot of fun as kids with the Power Hitters and Buzbees.


Scratch and sniff cannabis coin from Republic of Benin.
Doesn't smell like weed tho. Smells like hippy perfume oil.


My collecting recently is mostly LEO Cannabis Patches and LEO Challenge Coins I have 1300 different Cannabis Patches and 200+ Challenge Cannabis Coins and get more every week. I also have 9 of the 13 Canada Cannabis Tax Stamps collected.
I have some 30 Patches posted in my Old Gallery, I have not posted any of my Challenge Coins, yet. I do have a few extras I would TRADE, I do not really sell.
If anyone has a LEO Cannabis Patch or Cannabis Challenge Coin they want to trade contact me via Pm or post it here.

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