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cannabis and short term memory loss

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Shit....Neil Young is getting divorced from his wife Peggi...36 years they been hitched. It's always nice to see somebody of the celebrity persuasion have a lasting relationship. Thought Neil was going to be one of 'em.


Power Armor rules
"Do you really need to remember everyone's face on the subway ride this morning?"

That was Michael Pollan talking about cannabis and memory in the video version of The Botany of Desire.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I would wager that sativa strains especially those with that racy paranoia inducing high not only not cause short term memory loss but in fact enhances it because it causes people to be more on alert.

Which we all should be more alert....the world needs more lerts. :D


yeah, I zipped through physics & calculus my last two semesters stoned to the gills. being ripped DID cost me on a final in calc though. I tore through it in record time, but forgot to go back, rework the probs with my solutions in place of the variables & only got half credit. "if you don't PROVE that you are right, you are half-wrong" was his motto...:biggrin:

Sounds like a good professor. Sometimes those guys are hard but it's for your own good.

I had a poly sci professor who would never give you more than a C+ if you had a single error in spelling or grammar in anything you handed in.

It was because he gave a shit though. One of the best I ever had.

As far as the OP goes, I had a great insight about it but I forget what it was.
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There is a chemical in the brain called fuck it.

There is a chemical in the brain called fuck it.

I feel like i forget what really matters when i don't smoke...

paper thorn

Active member
I remembered to come back and post in this thread after dinner.:woohoo:

someone said:
racy paranoia inducing high

As far as I'm concerned, paranoia is not a side effect of smoking pot, but of prohibition.:thinking:

And as far as hindering the ability to retain information as in a college classroom setting, it definitely is why I could only pull off a 3.98 GPA. Just couldn't get those last 2/100ths of a point because I couldn't remember shit.

someone else said:

it's stupid to smoke before studying

I don't know, I smoked more reefer than all the kids in college classes, they always wanted to sit next to me(the old guy) during tests. They would get answers from a previous class, and I'd be like, "no no, that answer's wrong." Why? because I studied stoned and knew the material.

Now, in high school, many years before, I barely kept in the 3.5 gpa range.

Smoked since I was 13, but smoke more now than then.

In spite of being able to get fairly decent grades, I have always had a memory problem. I can forget the ending of a sentence as I speak(though this has improved in the last few years). I have to ask,"what were we talking about?" If I walk out to my car for a tool, I might forget why I went outside. By the time the computer boots up, I often forget why I turned it on.

Some people say it's because I smoke pot.

I've thought it was because I smoke pot.

But even during several extended periods of not smoking during my life my memory problem remained.

Then, one time remebering childhood things, I realized that my memory problem predated my ever having smoked weed. I hadn't forgotten those memory problems, just I had attributed them to being a 'goofy kid' as Wally Cleaver would say.:pointlaug

Dad would send me to the garage or shed for a hammer, and when I got out there, I had forgotten what I was supposed to get. Then, faced with a dilemna, I would look around hoping to jog my memory, and then time went by, and my Dad's probably getting pissed, I should have went straight back in and told him I had forgotten what he sent me for...

The memory problem was always there, just something I had to, and still have to work around. I think marijuana has helped me to develop alternative neural pathways that made learning and remembering a little better and easier as I've aged.


Active member
cannabis hasn't hurt mine any...cant say the same for the cholesterol drugs my doctor has given me..if I keep taking em I might not be able to find my way home......fuckers

man if you on statins get off that shit - real bad for you.
also all this bullshit bout cholesterol is just that- bullshit. Your brain needs cholesterol - funny how they predicting mass increase in alzheimers whilst simultaneously making everyone reduce cholesterol.
seriously chuck that shit in the bin


Active member
I've been smoking nothing but my own erb since BG cindy 99 made the scene,what was I saying..o yea but seriously if you cant tell the short memory loss you probably aren't smoking enough lol memory is over rated anyway.ugh

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
another DEA scare tactic. Like growing boobs on men. Or smoking seeds makes you sterile. Or jumping into an empty pool you're so high. They pretty much gave up though, now it's about couch lock

DEA go away!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
And as far as hindering the ability to retain information as in a college classroom setting, it definitely is why I could only pull off a 3.98 GPA. Just couldn't get those last 2/100ths of a point because I couldn't remember shit.

Perhaps people's memory problems are a result of the way information is assimilated in education? I mean we promote the idea of trying to remember everything by repeating it over and over. I went through high school getting by on just the lectures in class and tests. Essentially I'd do no homework and not so good on quizzes based on a particular homework assignment. I would however ace all the important tests and final exams because I could recall the lectures which covered everything. Maybe sitting there trying to memorize things actually does more harm then good? Maybe they focus so hard on specific things they lose out on the substance?

Unfortunately it's rare that you find a really good teacher that knows how to engage his/her students with the subject being taught. Many of them are little more then glorified baby sitters following the instructions printed in the Teacher's edition of the material being taught.

Most people can't remember what they ate several days ago or even just yesterday, unless they are in a habit of eating the same thing. Yet if you turn a meal into a particular event like a tailgating party at your favorite football team's stadium then people remember everything. That's because the routine things are just that whereas the event of the football game has many rare experiences that wakes up our senses. We don't have to record the whole evening and play it over and over to remember it for a test.


Active member
Seriously if some people think the subject isn't real I wish I could say I agree with them.My short term memory loss uaually occurs in a matter of just a few minutes.Like driving somewhere 15 minutes away but forgetting to stop at the store even though you told yourself verbally while walking out the door!Believe me its nothing to be bragging about shit I wish it wasn't real.I'm 54 and started at around 14 that's some good copd shit there man!My last cigarette was Dec. 31 2012 though and that's some good shiite


yep lol my son said your paranoid dad as he peeps through the curtain.


Active member
My problem, more than a real short term memory loss when stoned or later, is not actually not so much the forgetting of things in the short term, but more my attention being easily distrac.... look, a cat.

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