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Cannabinols for trippy visuals


Well-known member
the answer is none, terpenes are overhyped and cannot have that strong of an effect unless you convince yourself they do

think about all the times you have been in contact with much stronger concentrations of terpenes than will ever be in weed, anyone ever get high from squeezing orange juice?

weather has much more magnitude in affecting mood than any combination of terpenes, like what was the barometric pressure when you smoked etc

Terpenes are like MAOi to DMT.
They modulate the high and bio-chelate the cannabinoids.


Comfortably numb!
I found the aforementioned charts extremely useful. We are legal in Canada and lets just say very few bud tenders are worth their salt. Some can't even do math. I want an oz of X. We don't have it by the once. Well give me 8x1/8= 1oz! For some reason that confused him. Anyway we digress. We are here to cater to the recreational market, dispensaries will cater to the medicinal market. Yes and no, because it is a large scam. So unless you grow your own meds, are in a co-op with someone that grows meds and you share in the harvest and labour, whatever. Your pretty much screwed.

Some of the strain break down have percentages, some don't. Not a biggie. I chose these strains to demonstrate their is a shit load of minor compounds (terpenes). Some with names we rarely see, they are there nonetheless and, some not all, although in a smaller %, pack an awesome punch.

Let's start with BK
  • Terpinolene(main component)
    • anti bacterial
    • anti fungal
    • anti insomnia (so those that say it knocks their lights out are part of a special group)
    • anti proliferation (spreading of cancer)
    • anti oxidant (prevents its development)
  • B Caryophyllene
    • anti oxydant
    • anti inflamation
    • combat muscle spasm
    • Pain
    • Insomnia
  • Myrcene
    • boosts THC
    • sedating
    • relaxing
    • anti septic
    • anti bacterial
    • anti fungal
  • Guail
    • anti-inflammatory
    • antioxidant
    • anti-parasitic
    • and tumor-fighting properties.
  • Limonene
    • mood elevator
    • stress relief
    • anti depressant
    • anti anxiety
  • Humulene
    • appetite supressor
    • anti-inflamation
    • antibacteria
    • pain
  • Nerolido
    • anti-fungal
    • anti leishmaniasis (say that 1o times fast)
    • anti malaria
    • sedation
  • a-Pinene (although they share similar properties, there is 2 pinenes. A & B)
    • Memory retention
    • alertness
  • Linalool
    • sedating
    • calming
    • insomnia
    • stress/depression
    • anxiety
I will not repeat the previously listed terpenes for each strain, only those that haven't been mentioned.

The main ingredient in GDP is Linalool followed by Humulene, Myrcene and Caryophylene. Yup it will knock your lights out, along with no snacking before bed LOL

Although the main ingredient in AC/DC is Myrcene, 27% A Pinene, provides all the alertness one wants. With 4% Limonene, (mood elevator, stress relief, and ti depressant anti anxiety).

It does contain a few new ones:

  • Eucaliptol
    • uplifting
    • increases mental and physical energy
  • Valencene
    • anti allergic
    • anti inflamatory
  • Camphen
    • anti-inflammatory
    • antibiotic
    • antioxidantanalgesic, and antifungal effects
Ringo's gift touted as the strain in the treatment of cancer and in doing so packs a whopping 50% myrcene. OTOH is description is pretty much accurate, and as previously stated you will crash @ around 4.5 hrs, on a 6 hr pill. Don't try a toot to top up, it will really knock you out.

The a-pinene is a nice chunk that brings on alertness and memory retention. The reason I chose this one in particular is because of the odd man we see (uncommon, (you will not see it very often).
  • a-Bibisabolo
    • anti aging
    • anti irritant
    • anti inflammatory
    • antimicrobial (an important one, considering the frailty of cancer patients immune system)
    • analgesic
    • antibiotic
    • anti cancer activities
  • a- Terpineol
    • reduces the capability of movement in lab rats and is deeply sedating when inhaled.
  • Terpinolen
    • that's the cancer treating pkg
Tahoe OG has some interesting stuff going on. Not the least 34% Limonene...
  • Limonene (previously discussed, just a refresher) the #1 terpene @ 34%
    • mood elevator
    • stress relief
    • anti depressant
    • anti anxiety
That's your trip! 2 types of users, medicinal and recreational. We both have different tastes. I could say need, but that would be incorrect, because we do not medicate to get high, albeit a pleasant thing to accompany the medicine :) OTOH the recreational user is chasing after a high and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that either. It is not a need perse. This is a beautiful “segway“ into the following discussion.

I was either reading or listening to something in the last week or so which, is directly related to the current thread. Let me explain – I stated in my 1st post, its your trip, take it where it leads you. You do have a certain amount of control of your destiny. If, you care to ride the wave.

So this dude was saying, everyone wants to reach “that high” yesterday, and in doing so miss the journey. It's not the destination that is important, its the journey. Not my saying, but a well known saying. That society has forgotten in this era of me myself and I.

Anyway... he was saying, they want to get to the end, vice enjoying the raptures of the ride! Isn't that why we get stoned?

I was fortunate enough to save my stash and that is the only reason I am able to type this today. Yeah, seeing monsters would not have been a good trip for me, currently living in a high rise.

Mental illness is real and as we see on the news everyday. It's ignored!

We got in touch with DVA and there was nothing they could do for me (no surprise there). It was during Covid and therefore no therapy groups available, with the exception of online. Sorry no! For various reasons one of which: as Cancer with feminine energy, (I don't have a pronoun... my Johnson knows what it likes (women get a kick out of that one, these days)). I am gregarious and need the “human touch”. You might have guessed, I'm a huger and, yes I can detect the nuances of your hug, a hug doesn't/shouldn't require an explanation (words).

For those that follow me don't require the background contained here. https://www.icmag.com/threads/sad-news-switchers-house-was-gutted-by-fire.18040234/ posted by our recently departed Tycho due to Cancer.

Because of the way I normally medicate (mari-pills) https://www.icmag.com/threads/cbd-buds-are-they-worth-it.378866/page-3

This is an excerpt.
As folks know, I medicate and successfully I might add. All the strains in my medicine chest have all been selected, based on the aforementioned criteria. Think of CBD as the modern day gold rush, nothing more, nothing less. It was a way to circumvent regulations. Should cannabis be legal everywhere? Absolutely and twice on Sunday.

Cw was developed for Charlotte, she found relief in the oil (God bless her sole). Because it was touted as "the" strain, I gave it a whirl. 2 yrs in I still have 1/2oz. Doesn't work for me! It aggravates the bejesus out of me. OTOH the holly grail when it comes to a great strain, it has to be Dt IMHO. Why they (the Dutch) preserved the balance of 2/1 CBD/THC, even to this day while most of the market are looking for high THC. One gets you stoned the other cures/helps whatever ails you.

You hear me say Harlequin a lot. Well would it surprise you to find out it has a 2/1 ratio or 16/8. I make my own salve out of it for a multitude of applications.
I am not here to convert anyone, but in my humble opinion folks should a least know what the strains have to offer vice getting high. One has to know the deltas of different methods available to medicate one's self. Same medicine but differing effects on the method of consumption from:

  • orally;
    • tinctures & oils sublingually;
    • raw flowers (yes they do work to 75%, ask me how I know);
    • decarboxilated flower ~ mari-pills, is the preferred method of medicating. It doesn't take 2-3hrs to feel the effects. My pills start kicking in around 20-30 min;
    • vaporized; and
    • combusted. Combustion will provide you with the whole entourage effect...
      • we make edibles from our PVB (previously vaped bud). So I would have to say that vaping will only get you to 35/40% effectiveness.
  • anally;
    • yes folks shy away from this particular method. Why?
    • Some say nothing happens... to that I simply say BS!
    • What is the difference, if any?
      • Mari-pills are processed by the liver
      • adding lecithin will increase the overall ease of absorption (the blood/fat barrier)
      • taken on an empty stomach, provides larger dividend s, as the liver is not task to filter what it filters after you have eaten
      • from the liver it then enters the blood stream
    • There is a major vein (don't remember the name (it's a moot point). Research the subject (it's that easy) for the medical explanation.
    • For some reason, this method will do it's voodoo, where it needs to do it's voodoo, in my case a back injury that dates back to '85. The head is mostly clear, but you can feel a tingling sensation, throughout your body and relief is felt within the hour, sooner if I toot (vape) to get there sooner.
    • A typical pill will last 6hrs (regardless of consumption method)
      • rising in intensity for the 1st 1.5-2hrs, plateauing for another 2, until it commences its decent.
        • However, this doesn't apply to Ringo's Gift, the highly sought after holly grail of CBD strains "extremely" popular by the Spanish night time crowd. Although touted as it doesn't cause couch lock (terpene profile) you will crash without warning at 4.5hrs in. Why is that?
        • Well the strain was developed for cancer patients to provide relief with what they are dealing with. An important part of healing the body, is sleep. It is said you heal better. Therefore, Ringo provides you with the euphoria to take your mind off things, not to mention become extremely gregarious/sociable, all while forgetting what ever ails you. Until, the crash! It is unavoidable and you will not know you have crashed. IOW, you don't feel it come on, akin to the crash felt, coming down from a "sugar high". In this case you simply pass out/fall asleep.
        • The 2/1 balance wasn't maintained in this strain. He chose a pheno to do a specific job and it does it very well. It's parents however had a balance ratio. ACDC is a 2/1 strain 20/10% CBD/THC.
        • Because of what I have learned on this journey, is that Ringo will not be part of my normal rotation. Will I kick him to the curb? Absolutely not! Why?
          • scarcity/rarity of Ringo's beans, makes this strain capable of serving a special purpose down the road, if said strain provides the relief required for whatever ails me, at that point in time.
          • knowing how my particular Endocannabidiol system works, I know how to take advantage of Ringo, should the need arise
        • However, the unwanted crash, pushes Ringo off to the side.
        • That being said... I won't toss my remaining 2 beans, and will grow her again, but I won't be chasing the beans down in the future. Why?
          • A lot of strains are over popularized, some grossly exaggerated at times
          • Did it delivers the good?
          • Yes/no
          • It was touted for its CBD, which it has, however the crash (although useful, as explained herein) is simply something I don't or wouldn't want on a daily basis (unless warranted e.g cancer, or some other delibating ailment). Which brings to mind the following:
            • Who is growing, would be growing my girls?
            • Both ACDC, and Harlequin are readily available in my neck of the woods.
So based on everything discussed previously herein. Now I'll explain a trip I took here on Purple Kush. It is known as a medicinal strain (its profile) but it widely recommended as a night time strain Nah! It didn't work for me. But a great day time strain. Let's take a trip... (while I am writing this, I just finished a bowl of kief collected from my grinders LH and MKU. Good shit :biggrin: Back to PK...

This occurred around March, I had acquired a beautiful hunk of leather (shoulder) and required to square the piece off in order to maximize its yield. I was making leather bands for our pant hangers. Folks say... isn't it great you get to buy brand new. ROTFL. Everything new doesn't mean “improved”. AAMOF most of the shit is junk. We live in a consumer based society, repair by replacement. While the stock market might be doing great, with the de-regulation of: the banks and investment firms. The world market is no longer based on natural resources, which was ythe main/chief component of GDP.

Getting back to the piece of leather, I had to make strips (60+ (1” wide)) because the pant hangers would not hold the pants on. The would fall overnight. Ug!

Squaring up a piece of leather is getting the max out of it. This particular project permitted me to work around holes/blemishes ect... The journey in doing so lasted 1.5 hrs. If I recall correctly I was smacked down in the middle of my pill by the time I was done. You see, you control your destination, not unlike driving a car. That is being in tune with your body and. I like cruise control. Clipped from above...

So this dude was saying, everyone wants to reach “that high” yesterday, and in doing so miss the journey. It's not the destination that is important, its the journey. Not my saying, but a well known saying. That society has forgotten in this era of me myself and I. I rest my case...

Folks that are chasing THC, it is largely known, and I re-iterate their is nothing wrong with that, may be missing out on “some things”. The main one they talk about (young whipper snappers) mostly, is that CBD inhibits, read that word again, inhibit, not prevent, the attachment of THC to our CB1 receptors. It prevents “racy” which is the absolute last thing I needed or just plain, don't need nor want. Although White Widow was/is used during my moon phases as a substitute for Dt (in the day). I am OK if someone doesn't piss on my parade, but easily irritated. Jean Guy which was bred off her, is known to cause anxiety, something I am trying to avoid. The first 5 ingredients tells you why. TBS, I have slipped Pk in the rotation. (remember finding the medicine that works for you). The trip has fuck all to do with it, as you create the trip/journey.

So why is Dutch Treat, still popular and more important it is low in THC but a beautiful balanced stain. The ratio of 2/1 that the breeders selected not to phoque with, has become the holy grail.

I am able to type this today, because of the carefully selected medicine I grow. It meets all my needs in spades. Is it your trip? Does it matter?? Suffice to say, that I can take pill X or pill Y for whatever mood I'm in, and that is a big 1 and I find my “happy place” my avatar says it all. Regardless of where I need to be, where I need to be energetic or whatever, there is a pill for whatever I wish to do with it. BTW, a Harlequin total body stone, cures what ails you, not just the back pain. And this explains why.

Because of my current situation, I need to protect my “main stays” as this ordeal has set me back a couple of years. 2 runs, plus a 6m cure, although I do cheat. My meds become more potent medicinally with the degradation of THC, something frowned upon from the recreational side of the house.

I have recently added MKU in my rotation, based on the analysis of its terpenes, and , well it is a CBD strain to boot. I want to get another oz but it is no available online, and I ain't driving a couple 100kms to get some LOL. But it does the job. I try a new strain during moon phases. Yes they are real folks, all water signs are affected by the tides, which arew controlled by the moon. Some more than others.

I've acquired a good supply of local hash. It gets me there... and pleasantly so. Unfortunately, it needs to be “combusted”. I'm 66 and have led a full life in more ways than one. Having travelled the world and experience a multitude of different cultures, interactions etc.., many would envy. Considering, where I am headed, since we were suppose to die in the fire, I have asked God, that once Ruth is settled in, in our new home he can take me. So I don't have to suffer the indignity of having the woman you love change your fucking diaper. Not necessarily my dignity, but having your wife subject to that indignity. No different than changing a baby (she says). Yeah right!

Which brings me to...

That strain as rarer than hens teeth. But I describe it as... A little man walks out your right ear, and whacks you between the lookers within 1/2 hr. Lights out, no if, ands, or buts. Lets see why... by now you should be able to figure it out. Your top five explains it all:
  • Limonene
  • Myrcene
  • Caryophylene (whether a or b, they are more or less the same)
  • Linalool
  • Humulene
A new terp I haven't seen much of is Fenchol

“A terpene with the smell of pine, lemon, and camphor, commonly found in basil and aster flowers, as well as some strains of cannabis. Fenchol has many known medicinal properties, most notably antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects. Due to its unique smell, fenchol is frequently used in perfumes”.

Sorry for the long post. There is some interesting conversations going on here, and that is what this place is about AFAIC. The thread went off on a little tangent, or at least it seemed from the gist I was getting from OP.

In closing, it doesn't really matter why we use cannabis. It is simply nice that one can find relief in whatever ails them. Hopefully (perhaps) I have demonstrated here why I am able to type this response.

Something that has gone missing for quite some time is common sense and the conduct of "proper" research in a society where instant gratification is the norm. Folks want to be spoon fed :tiphat:
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Comfortably numb!
Ringos Gift was bred before the other CBD limes came to the US.
I grew in the valley he grew in.
He selected his plants by eating the leaves. If the leaf was spicy, that meant high cannabinoid content.
Well, he didnt realize cbd was just as spicy as thc. So his method ended up breeding a line high in cbd, without using a lab.
:tiphat: Yes, I know its popular in Spain. Where was its origins (country)? AAMOF, if, and that is a big if... If you can get your hands on the strain, that is the strain to turn into RSO.


Well-known member
:tiphat: Yes, I know its popular in Spain. Where was its origins (country)? AAMOF, if, and that is a big if... If you can get your hands on the strain, that is the strain to turn into RSO.
Southern Humboldt, California, USA, using local strains.
I got to meet a few of his neighbors and buddies and hear the stories.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I think there are other more important compounds in pot than terpenes. Ones we do not even know of or realize what they do in concert with thc.

My grail for visual as well as overall trippy stuff, was likely Acapulco Gold in '74. Wood and pepper was the taste. Pretty bland to be honest, the taste, NOT the high. hehe


Comfortably numb!
I think there are other more important compounds in pot than terpenes. Ones we do not even know of or realize what they do in concert with thc.

My grail for visual as well as overall trippy stuff, was likely Acapulco Gold in '74. Wood and pepper was the taste. Pretty bland to be honest, the taste, NOT the high. hehe
Absoutely! :tiphat:

Best shit I had was Cambodian circa '77 Wrt to Ag, don't remember if I ever had it. The stuff I grew was meh, from Sonoma seeds. As previously discussed, my particular endo system just might have something to do with that. Trippyest shit I have grown was Bk.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ Bubba Kush? Tripping is personal for sure. I know I got higher than the people around me that time in '74. No one said anything about the high being special. Lots of people just lack the ability to perceive something like that. My opinion.

Dr Purpur is still looking for Cambodian Red from about '77. He got it at a pot shop in San Fran. First of it's kind. Denis Peron was the owner. They busted him soon after.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Interesting thread. I have some amazing experiences from a cross of white rhino and the pre 98 Bubba Kush. Others get these similar psychoactive out of world effects too. Time dilation of a complete exaggeration is common which occurs visually in movement’s. For instance when eating the food enters the mouth way before it actually get there’s. Someone chucked me a packet of crisps from across the room and I tried to catch it way before it reached my hands. It causes fits of laughter for this reason.


Well-known member
I have experienced some noticeable sharpness in vision from a couple of strains, not a lot of change, just noticeable. Both strains went back to C99. I have many vision problems.

As far as being trippy like shrooms...i've only done shrooms a couple of times and neither experience was anything that i would compare to Cannabis. Maybe just those first few moments where you feel the shrooms starting, but that would only be a very brief comparative moment. That part where you just cannot help but start to smile...after that, no.

I've been VERY paranoid, shivering, etc from one weed experience. Never considered that sort of thing as being trippy any more than i would call the spins from drinking too much as being trippy. Also have enjoyed some Cannabis that made 'guided visualization' easier, and have had wonderful daydreams. Maybe i just don't understand everyone's definition of trippy. Also, our brains all seem to work a little differently from each other, plus that changes with age and other factors.


Well-known member
SAGE huh interesting. I don't think it is a Haze hybrid but rather a Big Sur Holy Weed hybrid. Now that may be a line worth looking into from the POV of this thread indeed..

Also I've often found White Widow to be quite trippy but it never seems to get mentioned in the tripweed discussions. Is it just me?
The widows that i've had were definitely strong. They always had a real head buzz, i mean a real buzz, like bees or something. Seems like we don't hear much at all from widows, these days. Last time that i grew any, was under led light, and i swear they just weren't as potent as under more 'blue' shop lights of olden days. I think that the last widow sample that i had was a thai x widow (dunno source) and THAT was strong, tall skinny leaf thing that produced a bowl or two per plant, ha. Only tried one pheno of it.


Comfortably numb!
^^ Bubba Kush? Tripping is personal for sure. I know I got higher than the people around me that time in '74. No one said anything about the high being special. Lots of people just lack the ability to perceive something like that. My opinion.

Dr Purpur is still looking for Cambodian Red from about '77. He got it at a pot shop in San Fran. First of it's kind. Denis Peron was the owner. They busted him soon after.
That's the beast :)

When it comes to Bk, like I said our endocannabidiol systems are all different. What floats your boat might not float mine. Then again as previously stated, it is what you make of the trip, vice getting blitzed :)
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Comfortably numb!
I have experienced some noticeable sharpness in vision from a couple of strains, not a lot of change, just noticeable. Both strains went back to C99. I have many vision problems.

As far as being trippy like shrooms...i've only done shrooms a couple of times and neither experience was anything that i would compare to Cannabis. Maybe just those first few moments where you feel the shrooms starting, but that would only be a very brief comparative moment. That part where you just cannot help but start to smile...after that, no.

I've been VERY paranoid, shivering, etc from one weed experience. Never considered that sort of thing as being trippy any more than i would call the spins from drinking too much as being trippy. Also have enjoyed some Cannabis that made 'guided visualization' easier, and have had wonderful daydreams. Maybe i just don't understand everyone's definition of trippy. Also, our brains all seem to work a little differently from each other, plus that changes with age and other factors.
Give that man a cigar (y)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Trying to compare pot to LSD shrooms or whatever is not useful. Pot is pot. That said, my one experience with pot was more memorable and meaningful than LSD or shrooms, and just as crazy a feeling if not more so. 20 minutes or so that felt like 20 years, hehe. Acid or shrooms last for hours and that is a reason they do not hold much appeal for me. LSD got to be less magic and more anxiety as time went on. Shrooms were always mellow except the comeup.

Most people will never experience that, I said the others in the group acted normal when that trip happened. The current strains I have tried, the hybrids here in California have very little of that vibe to them. GDP for whatever reason can trip me out sometimes. Not super tripped out like that one time.

Chellakutti for me is very trippy with the right pheno. Not memorable or meaningful as that one experience though. ^^ I am smoking a cigar right now. hehe


learning and laughing
So this dude was saying, everyone wants to reach “that high” yesterday, and in doing so miss the journey. It's not the destination that is important, its the Journey.
Well put!
My experienced also, even catch myself doing it, just regular living, not necessarely when getting high...
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