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Canna Boost Ingredients ?


New member
Hello Everyone.

I have used CannaAqua for many years. With the introduction of Canna Boost into the Canna feeding schedule, i have seen a tremendous increase in growth and quality. I have recently tried the CannaAqua program without Canna Boost and i have seen a huge drop in growth and quality, but i cant seem to figure out WHY?. Could someone please tell me what am i missing?

Have any of you Advanced Botanists figued out what Canna Boost is yet?

Is it similar to any other products?. eg H&G BudXL, CX Headmasta, etc

Is it advisable to use any other products in conjunction with Canna Boost and the Canna schedule?. eg AN BigBud, etc

Thankyou for your time.



New member
Thankyou for your comment, but I can assure you it is not just Carbohydrates. I have attempted to supplement the Canna schedule missing Canna Boost with all sorts of simple Carbs.

I feel, if it was that simple, my early trials at substitution would have been successful.

I have found it extremely difficult to substitute Canna Boost. I wish i could.


New member
Very interesting Storm Shadow. Thankyou!

Is this the stuff?

"Alfalfa meal and chloroform extracts of the meal have increased the growth and yield of several plant species. A crystalline substance isolated from the active fraction of alfalfa meal increased the dry weight and water uptake of rice seedlings when sprayed on the foliage or applied in nutrient culture. The substance was identified as triacontanol by mass spectrometry. Sprays containing this compound also increased the growth of corn, and barley grown in soil. Authentic triacontanol produced a similar response over a wide range of concentrations on rice grown in nutrient cultures and tomatoes grown in soil."


If you mind me asking Storm Shadow, could the Canna program benefit from anything not offerd by Canna. eg AN BigBud, AN BudCandy, Mycorrhizae, etc?. Do you believe Canna Boost is just Triacontanol without any other aditives?. eg Fulvic or Humic Acid, Amino Acids, Phosphors, Potassium, EpsonSalt, etc.

Thankyou for your time Storm Shadow



poppin' outta control
im not storm shadow, but I my old nute program used to consist of :
age old, liquid karma, AN big bud, bud candy, hygrozyme, and canna boost

It worked great.. Then I switched to humbolt nutes and kept the bud candy and boost.. Humbolts the shit because it doesnt fuck with pH/ keeps perfect all the time.. and grows fat beautiful dank buds

Kiwi Star

There's a lot of haters because of the price. Nobody here really knows their recipe.

All I know is the more the better. Only used in soil and coco though, can't wait to do it in hydro. Secret yield juice.


New member
I appreciate your imput Dahedies. i assume you use Humbolt`s WhiteWidow and use the BudCandy to feed the beneficial`s ?, I prefer to use something with trichoderma including mycorrhizal fungi an many different species of beneficial bacteria.

I also prefer to have slight swings in PH. PH swings provide a wider range of nutrient availability as apposed to fixed PH values.



poppin' outta control
I dont use the white widow actually.. Only MycoMadness and MycoMaximum.. I forgot to say I also use Liquid Karma for additional myco/bacteria


New member
I have also found, when i use the Canna Program including Canna Boost , higher rates of Canna Boost massively outperform lower rates.

I am unsure if it is possible to overdose or cause "lockout" with Canna Boost, as it does not seem to be a fertilizer itself.

before you mentioned it Dahedies, i didn't realize Liquid Karma had beneficial`s included. its good to know. Thankyou Dahedies.


Hello Everyone.

I have used CannaAqua for many years. With the introduction of Canna Boost into the Canna feeding schedule, i have seen a tremendous increase in growth and quality. I have recently tried the CannaAqua program without Canna Boost and i have seen a huge drop in growth and quality, but i cant seem to figure out WHY?. Could someone please tell me what am i missing?

Have any of you Advanced Botanists figued out what Canna Boost is yet?

Is it similar to any other products?. eg H&G BudXL, CX Headmasta, etc

Is it advisable to use any other products in conjunction with Canna Boost and the Canna schedule?. eg AN BigBud, etc

Thankyou for your time.


Imvho, Canna is not going to be so forthright as to disclose their ingredients, active or otherwise, as that would be akin to CocaCola divulging their recipe. ;)

Aside from adding PK 13-14, you shouldn't need to add anything else additionally, unless you want to incorporate Cannazyme into the regime, and, if you opt to add Cannazyme then you would be best served to also use Canna Rhizotonic. Canna's Rhizotonic can be used without Cannazyme, and in any medium as well as along side other nute lines, but, if using Cannazyme (works by rapidly breaking down dead roots into minerals and sugars to allow for new healthier roots to form, maximising nutrient uptake) then supplementing that with Rhizotonic to assist in replacing new rapid root growth would provide better results.

My .02 cents from using Canna's products since 1999. ;)

Canna nute charts here: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=192646



New member
Hello Dutchgrown. it is very nice to read a fellow breeders thoughts on the matter. I have also been using Canna Aqua for over 10 years, it seems great minds think alike.

Some time ago I stopped using Canna PK13-14. Canna`s PK13/14 seemed to be an inappropriate ratio. I have found 9-18 produces better results in trials. 1:2 seems to be a good rule of thumb when choosing one of the many "PK`s" on the market.

I would like to add, Canna Aqua also seems to benefit massively from added Potassium Silicate, Epson Salts is also helpful when my plants need more Magnesium than the Canna program can provide, witch it quite often.

I have considered sending Canna Boost to a reverse engineering company, i assume nobody has done this yet?,

Assuming Canna Boost is devoid of amino acids, i am considering adding L-amino acids to the program too,

I have also noticed my plants demand higher PK levels than the Canna Program can offer around 4 weeks into flower.


Different strains eat differently. Some are heavy feeders, while others are light eaters. Some varieties require more ca/mg than others, while others perform better (the majority imvho) with PK 13-14. It's all up to what genetics the specific gardener has going in their grow, and dialing in their nute regime around it. Canna, I find, hits in the middle, providing all that is really required, sans the occasional need to add ca/mg due to the 'plant variety' rather than because Canna is void of adequate amounts. ;)


New member
I use canna aqua. After reading several threads about boost, I decided it wasn't worth the price and I stopped using it. At first I noticed absolutely no difference. In fact the first crop I harvested without using boost was the best yield I have had in my current set up. The my roommate and I decided it couldn't hurt to add a different carbohydrate nute to replace the boost. My roommate picked up a bottle of humbolt honey. I had never heard of the stuff, but the guy at the grow store said it was good. About a week after I started adding the stuff, all hell broke loose. All kinds of slimey shit grew in the res and the plants all stretched and started looking like they were in 120 degrees even though my max temp is 82. Needless to say I immediatey went back to just canna. I use the whole aqua with all of the additives pretty much exactly as in the canna schedule except with fewer res changes and no boost. Now nothing seems to be doing as well as it was with the boost, so I'm thinking of putting it back except that I'm broke and the best crop I've grown with canna didn't get any boost. Frustrated


New member
Hello again Dutchgrown. since searching your sub forum i have realized you are indeed a very compliant Cannabis breeder, it truly was a pleasure to look into your past.

I agree, nutrient demand is entirely dependent on the choice of clone, but i have found in trials that 9-18 is always better than 13-14, for Cannabis specifically in mid to late flower.

Hello Bigcolas. i would be hesitant to draw any absolute conclusions from one trial. Is it possible you handled the tanks differently when you didn't add the Canna Boost?

do you notice a drop in PH when plants demand PK?


New member
CB99, I'm pretty much a novice. I just add the pk when the scedule says to, I don't really know how to tell when the plants "demand" it. My ph stays pretty constant. Every now and then it drifts up a little. It has never dropped. There is definitely plenty of possibility of lots of stuff happining slightly differently. My room mate and I share the grow and we sometimes don't communicate well and we don't really keep any records. I just stopped using the boost because I was broke and it costs a fortune. Then everything seemed just as good. I don't think the lack of boost caused improvement. Really the improved crop was most likely because I did a better job in veg. The only real conclusion I have is that that humbolt honey shit doesn't work with canna aqua and I'd be hesitant to put it in any tank. Now I feel like I'm definitely seeing decresed bud size with out the boost. The no-boost trial was actually in two tanks. I run small tables with small tanks. I have a few more tables that are in various stages that have never had boost. Some are recovering from the humbotl honey and the others are still to early to tell for sure if they are suffering from no boost, but I'm kind of scared that if I don't start adding the boost then my yield won't be as good. Like I said, I'm frustrated. I wish I had more experience and knowlege. I'd like to do some experimenting and learning, but I am dependant on the success of my crops so I am afraid to


Active member
As already posted, the active ingredient in Boost is Triacontanol, and yes, it really works.
Seeing is believing.