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Canna AB question

Hi guys,

I’m in almost three weeks of flower and have been feeding Canna nutrients. My question is doesn’t nitrogen taper down as the flowering process gets further underway? Well that’s what I thought anyway. Canna’s feed chart is telling me to use like 12.5-13 ml per gallon at week five. Bringing my ppm to about 950 using the Hanna conversion. Any advice? Thanks guys


Power Armor rules
Lower the amount of part A and increase the amount of part B starting at week 3/4 in flower. Total NPK for Canna Coco is 5-4-3. Add a bloom booster to increase the P and K.



Well-known member
If you used 10ml of 5-4-3 with 2.5ml of their 0-13-14 product, you would have 12.5ml of 4-6-6 in the tank.

I'm not sure if 0-13-14 contains calcium and magnesium. In the example, 10ml of 5-4-3 was used. It contained lots of other things, like Ca and Mg. If the PK doesn't, they are getting watered down. Here, by 25%

You could just use 1ml with 10ml. Giving you 4.5-5-4 and a minimal dilution.

I poured 0-13-14 straight into my one part from Growth Technologies. It looked like milk instantly. They work in the tank together, but didn't mix well neat.

Canna coco using their feed, produces perfectly good cannabis
Lower the amount of part A and increase the amount of part B starting at week 3/4 in flower. Total NPK for Canna Coco is 5-4-3. Add a bloom booster to increase the P and K.


Never heard this before. Anyone actually do this? If so, mind sharing your exact modifications made to Canna’s schedule?


Does anyone use chlorinated tap water with Canna A+B?
I’m currently using r/o water to mix my nutrients. Looking to save water and money.
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Does anyone use chlorinated tap water with Canna A+B?
I’m currently using r/o water to mix my nutrients. Looking to save water and money.

That’s what they recommend, although I tried to switch to tap and still had to add cal mag so I switched back to RO. Not all tap water is the same. Others have great success with tap and don’t have to use any cal mag supplement at all.
Does anyone use chlorinated tap water with Canna A+B?
I’m currently using r/o water to mix my nutrients. Looking to save water and money.

That’s what they recommend, although I tried to switch to tap and still had to add cal mag so I switched back to RO. Not all tap water is the same. Others have great success with tap and don’t have to use any cal mag supplement at all. Either try it, or get an analysis of you water and see if it has the right stuff in it already.
Hey guys thanks for all the replies. Been really busy trying to diagnose this issue I’m having. So here’s a quick breakdown maybe someone can’t point me in the right direction. I’m in 5 gal fabric pots of canna. One 1000w de light for each set of 4 plants. The issue I’m having I think is K deficiency but wanted to pick you guy’s brain. I’m feeding 3x per lights on right now at 1.0ec. The problem started with the lower leaves with yellow tips and yellow/curled margins. I flushed from 800ppm runoff down to 400ppm. The problem still remains and I feel my buds are small for start of week 5. Is 1.0ec too low for week five? My ph runoff and input is 5.9-6.2. I pretty much fucked off the canna feed chart because was scared of the high EC numbers. Idk I’ll post some pics later from computer


Well-known member
Hi guys,

I’m in almost three weeks of flower and have been feeding Canna nutrients. My question is doesn’t nitrogen taper down as the flowering process gets further underway? Well that’s what I thought anyway. Canna’s feed chart is telling me to use like 12.5-13 ml per gallon at week five. Bringing my ppm to about 950 using the Hanna conversion. Any advice? Thanks guys

This is just a general statement, adjust as needed.


200 ppm of a + b for veg. is plenty.
350 ppm of a + b for flower is plenty.

CaliMagic/Canna A&B ratio
150 ppm/200 ppm = 350
100 ppm/300 ppm = 400
50 ppm/ 400 ppm= 450

Here is a chart the gives the ratios of Calcium in given ppm of A&B.
This Calcium information is purely based on a Canna schedule, using CaliMagic. Once you hit around 700 ppm, Canna base nutes, you no longer need Cal/mag additives.
This is based on slightly rough math but is very close to correct, in my experience.

3 ml/gal = .4 EC = 200 ppm with around 44 ppm of calcium
4.5 ml/gal = .6 EC = 300 ppm with around 66 ppm of calcium
6.2 ml/gal = .8 EC = 400 ppm with around 88 ppm of calcium
7.7 ml/gal = 1 EC = 500 ppm with around 112 ppm of calcium
9.2 ml/gal = 1.2 EC = 600 ppm with around 135 ppm of calcium.

I use GH Cal/Magic and I believe the recommended rate is 3.5 ml (1 tsp/5 ml)/gallon. I use Canna Coco's line of nutrients but I back off of their recommended rates, as I feel they are way high. For example, in veg I will add only 200 ppm of A&B and in flower 350 ppm. Now these rates do not give me the Cal ratio needed. You need around 150 ppm of calcium alone.....so even if when I'm at 200 ppm if I only added 100 ppm of Calimagic, only 75 is calcium so I would still be a tad short. In flower, I use RO (55 ppm of Cal/Mag), to this I add 0.75 ml Cal/Magic (68 ppm) and 0.5 grams Epsom (63 ppm) per gallon to bring my #'s to 131 ppm, below the 150 ppm needed, That's without the 55 ppm of the RO, then begin adding the base nutrients. But I have been working with this and it seems ok. I believe it has to do with the 55 ppm of Cal/Mag that is added back to my RO water.

pH of 5.8 and let it drift to 6.0 to 6.1. Drip Clean for the win, helps clean the root system of excess nutes and keeps you nozzles clean.

Hope this makes sense!

Here is a copy of one of my worksheets. My last made tank, I will be reducing the CaliMagic to 1.5ml/gal.

Got questions ask.


Well-known member
This was the chart for last tank @ 25 days into flower, I makeup 21 gallon tanks and let them rest to stabilize for a number of days prior to adding them to the rez.
Am now at day 28 and will be reducing Canna A, increasing B and adding Liquid KoolBloom in the rez at day 35. Now this will also be at reduced rates but carried on beyond week 35 around day 48, same amount as full recommend dose only spread over two to three rez fills.
Hey thanks for that info it is very helpful. I’m week 7 in flower and I haven’t been using calmag until now. I’ve noticed some leave curl, dark leaves with a rough feel so I added about 4 teaspoons of Epsom to 30 gal giving me about 60 ppm of mag. I’m feeding the base at about 6ml per gallon @1.2 EC. You’re right even Cannas light feed in flower seems really high especially if your doing 3+ feedings per day. Also 5ml of boost and 6mls of pk at the moment.
Awesome info man thanks! I’ve been trying to dial in this system and is had been going pretty good. I currently have some in flower and veg. The veg clones are on 7ml base and 100ppm of calmag, flower plants are on 6mls of base and about 100ppms of Epsom salt. Total ppm’s is about 550 but I’m feeding three times during a lights on cycle. If I was listening to Cannas light feed chart I would be at like 1000ppms right now and scorching my plants