Comfortably numb!
You tell himSo you're going to use ICMag as a platform to influence its members to help you ruin the livelihoods of people you don't agree with?
"Cracker Barrel, Chick-A-Filet, Hobby Lobby, I don't shop there. Remember Goya, My Pillow?" - if I'm not mistaken, aren't alla those businesses located mainly in the South (USA) and owned by evangelican Christians?
......... and howz about the livelihoods of alla the innocent peeps working there?
................ not to mention the economy in general, retail/restaurants are already struggling especially with covid!
You say "I don't stop there" - shall we help you bring down the oil industry, Wall Street?
It's funny, but alla these 'techniques': Calling in, Calling out, Canceling, shunning, social media campaigns, remind me strongly of all the BULLIES (and their little groups!) I've ever encountered, starting in Middle school on upward, these are the things they do to elevate themselves and control others.