I had PM and I believe it's all inside my new house! Loc Dog had PM and states that it's all over his grow space! I never used anything that kills PM. I trimmed plants back, killed plants that seemed to favor the PM; then controlled humidity, temperature, air movement and never had a problem again. YetiOG any ideas why you can't get PM under control? That extra special weed growers PM that's stronger is only stronger against weed growers chemical systemics like Eagle 20 ect... Control temperature, humidity, air movement and grow strong strains that have resistance to PM and you'll be successful. This method I describe has been used by all kinds of farmers for a long time. Plants with more resistance to disease and insects have been highly sought after for centuries.
Thanks, for putting it so nicely. I do not waste my time with know it alls. I never said it could not get it, only that it is obviously very resistant due to the fact that my area is obviously contaminated with it. One of the main selling points of seedbanks is mold resistance. GG4 is an exact phenotype, for those that have the real cut, not just a strain. Had Agent Orange X GG4, by the original grower of GG4, which was also a clone, and it was PM magnet.
From any article on internet about mold and mildew -
Mildew growth requires fungal spores, organic material, and sufficient moisture. In actual practice, you can only control your moisture level. Experts agree that 50% relative humidity or lower is a good target for preventing mildew.
Ran across this while verifying my facts -
Hyperparasites of powdery mildew[edit]
In the family Sphaeropsidaceae of Sphaeropsidales fungi, species of the genus Cicinnobolus are hyperparasites of powdery mildew.[21]
Ampelomyces quisqualis is an anamorphic fungus that is a hyperparasite of powdery mildews. This parasitism reduces growth and may eventually kill the mildew, so investigations on biological control of powdery mildews (especially in high-value crops such as grapes) have taken place for over 50 years, resulting in the development of products such as 'AQ10'.[22][23]