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Storm Shadow

Well-known member
You guys must know by now....to kill the snake...you must cut off its head first

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee


Obama is a Pimp...look how mad Benji NuttyYahu is with his ACME Cartoon Bomb!

He he he he Barry is a Gangsta...just wait...he's got some PIMP shit for this AIPAC come term 2....

No one is Touching Iran ... Not unless they want to unleash Hell on Earth


Rubbing my glands together
Okay first that's a mouthful why would you not vote for the only guy that want's cannabis legal? Second have you ever even heard what Ron Paul has to say in comparison to what Obummer and Romney say? Anyone who say's they don't think this guy is the guy for the job I have to scatch my head and say WTF is wrong with your thinking? I suggest you listen to what the man is saying then you get back to me on who is right and who is wrong here. headband 707:)

Have you ever heard of Gary Johnson who IS on the ballot that also favors legalization? I wish I could cast a vote for Ron Paul but alias my state doesn't allow write in candidates.


I say WTF is going on here and how did it come to this? How did everyone get hoodwinked into this type of a world? Not only from cannabis but from WAR,PRIVACY,GMO,BIG PHARMA,FUKUSHIMA .. I could bring stuff they have done all day and why? This type of world we did not ask for we were just handed and in the last 10 years .. By WHO?

here is why...i can't say who.
bought and paid for...
politics and religion...old as whoring.

You guys can't say who?
You just did. Get it?
Its WHO. Literally. along with codex, W T O, and everything else under the U. N.
(I've considered this may be exactly what you two meant ;). If so, very nice and k+++ for ninja speak. )
Many nations already casually acknowledge it as the world gov. Meanwhile it is undermining the sovereignty of the US of A with probably 95% of the populous blissfully unaware.
The average 'mericun sadly has zero idea these entities even exist, much less the extent to which they have infiltrated the gov. Just throw in the soulless mega elite globalist entities backing this financially and there's the whole fucking picture.

You guys must know by now....to kill the snake...you must cut off its head first

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee

Wow Someone has done their homework! I don't know what you are saying Os relation is to AIPAC, but I know you sure as hell got that first part right.

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