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California's first-quarter cannabiz tax revenue is 80% below what the state projected


Check out warrent-less compliance checks you may be suprised that the man may still be coming round to check on your compliance, that has not changed you may be misinformed.

The "more and more people are going to prison everyday" is ...? a few people not passing compliance checks ?

I am for the people being free to use and possess a plant. I do not care about a few criminals making money. Time to switch crimes. This one is not illegal anymore.

Like always, when someone says a non-violent victimless crime should be illegal they always have a dog in the race/profit involved.


Active member
My thing is what's up with the huge permit costs and banning folks with a past? I don't think either measure does a lot of good. It only justifies a black market.


My thing is what's up with the huge permit costs and banning folks with a past? I don't think either measure does a lot of good. It only justifies a black market.

It does suck. it is not just cannabis. Restaurants, food production, etc all deal with over regulated corrupt systems designed to suck money out of them.
I have clients that deal in food production and distribution. They deal with some messed up money sucking "regulations" probably just as bad and just as expensive as the cannabis industry.

In Colorado the mass sentiment was Just get cannabis legalized then we can deal with the smaller regulatory laws. To wait for the right laws that profit the "small grower"=Never.


Active member
Lot's of things people complain about are due to peopke having died. Maybe not weed regulations but it could. Someone with HIV using dirty weed would be bad. Or whatever else.

But 100k permit is crazy exclusive. They don't care about dirty tobacco at all. They almost encourage it!
Politicians will never get this right that’s why there will always be an activist movement in marijuana..... until the day when there are minimal profits which I would love to see


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I saw a woman that had a warehouse and a couple houses filled with pot plants here in socal. She got a misdemeanor. Not sure how I am supposed to be worried about my grow in a closet? shaggy you are consistent I have to give you that.

California is a socialist paradise, Jerry Brown said so! Though he did not support legalizing pot yet smoked it early in life. Obama too. Turds.


Seed Whore
I saw a woman that had a warehouse and a couple houses filled with pot plants here in socal. She got a misdemeanor. Not sure how I am supposed to be worried about my grow in a closet?
Just because a woman doesn't go to jail doesn't mean you'll walk.

Do you have boobs and can say "Love U Long Time?" :biggrin:

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Legalization is a process. Of course it is going to be regulated everything is regulated in commercial realms.

You obviously have a dog in the race. Yes, the cannabis industry will get monopolized just like every commercial product in the world.
I could care less about the "small cannabis grower" they only survived because they took a risk, the risk is gone. Go bye, we are done paying the inflated prices.


Obviously you haven't been around long and haven't got a clue what so many of us went thru for so many years,
just to grow our own, smoke our own, and make a few bucks by helping out our dry friends who were too scared or too lazy to grow their own.....
And now you're happy that Big Biz are the people who are gonna make all the profit, at the expense of the little guy?

Typical bullshit.....

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
WTF did they expect was going to happen when they based all their projections for the entire thing on black market prices (which are based on risking years of your life in jail, that's the only justification for weed costing more than cabbage, especially when there's a glut of the stuff) and then adding tax on top of those prices?


Prison for what ? Not common MJ consumption and possession.

Legalization is a process. Of course it is going to be regulated everything is regulated in commercial realms.

You obviously have a dog in the race. Yes, the cannabis industry will get monopolized just like every commercial product in the world.
I could care less about the "small cannabis grower" they only survived because they to a risk, the risk is gone. Go bye, we are done paying the inflated prices.

This guy is a flamer and a know nothing know it all who apparently loves overpriced corporate weed and logic dictates we should all love overpriced corporate weed. Corporations are people too!

Oh ya, I forgot rec stores only charge $100 an oz (his other favorite claim).

At least we can’t get in trouble anymore... unless losing your home is a problem.


Obviously you haven't been around long and haven't got a clue what so many of us went thru for so many years,
just to grow our own, smoke our own, and make a few bucks by helping out our dry friends who were too scared or too lazy to grow their own.....
And now you're happy that Big Biz are the people who are gonna make all the profit, at the expense of the little guy?

Typical bullshit.....

Nope, I am happy that common citizens are able to grow and smoke without getting door kicked in.

Sorry about your profit loss, but you were making money price gouging, so I really don't care. Growing a few plants in the spare room will not cut it anymore. Time to get a real job, maybe "big biz" will hire you.

This guy is a flamer and a know nothing know it all who apparently loves overpriced corporate weed and logic dictates we should all love overpriced corporate weed. Corporations are people too!

Mountain Sprout your days of price gouging MJ are coming to an end. Time to find a new crime to invest your illegal risk taking career on.

I love good home grown. Home grown is not just for people willing to break the law. Your average citizen can grow legal now in many states.
I do also like going to the dispensary so much nice then meeting paranoid people in a parking lot. Yes will need to form a business to sell at a real wholesale scale. The days of playing Scareface with $1500. worth of product are wrapping up.
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Active member
ICMag Donor
We in WA State are a few years ahead of you guys in Cali. They convinced people to vote for legalization and then a few years later they decided they wanted it all. The small grower (medical grower) had to be eliminated to make way for the state supported mega grows. There are no cannabis farmers markets left here in the state. Everything is controlled by the state (The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board).

The state gets greedy for tax money, and the little guy just gets plowed under. Cali getting greedy for more tax money is very likely.

"Untenable" This is the term they started using when referring to medical grows. If you hear that term you know the medical grower is in the way of their monopoly.... and your days are numbered as a legal grower.

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