You're touching on what, to me, is really the crux of the biscuit--RIGHTS. Here in California I believe that we failed miserably when we passed Proposition 8, which specified the REMOVAL of rights from a group of individuals who have committed no crime. And therein lies the rub for me, do we afford rights to real and true individuals, or do we take them away? Current political climate, living in the land of Homeland (in)Security, I feel that rights are being eroded and laws and legislation that further remove rights are the norm. That's wrong. We must focus on laws and legislation that GIVE rights to true individuals (as opposed to corporations, like the man said, put a corporation to death and I'll be a little more likely to view them as a person), not removes them.Increasing state rights is only an erosion of civil rights if states are not forced to meet/maintain a minimum standard set by the feds in the U$ constitution and bill of rights, imo.
That's my opinion, and I'm stickin' to it.