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Calcium Def


Active member
Its mites. Compare the picture with the arrows with the sketches I added. 1 mite is really clear in the picture.


Active member
ShroomDr said:
*adds another thought* about 3-4 weeks ago i topped off with my dehumidifier water (10ppm) if the 10 was aluminum or copper, that could be toxic :confused: I did this for maybe a week.
Aluminum? I will let you in on a secret. For some reason, mj is super sensitive to aluminum.


i think those are just pics he found... not his i maybe wrong...aluminum thats funny i use it all the time with no problem....foil that is
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Active member
Mj is aluminum sensitive but don't tell anyone.


Understanding aluminum toxicity in plants - research of acid soils
Agricultural Research, Nov, 1992 by Sandy Miller Hays

For years, farmers have struggled with acid soils in which overabundance of soluble aluminum has spelled death to crops. And when a particular type of maize or sorghum or wheat seemed able to tolerate the excess aluminum, the farmers gratefully accepted that crop as a gift of nature and didn't ask a lot of seemingly unanswerable questions.

Kochian, a plant physiologist at the U.S. Plant, Soil, and Nutrition Laboratory at Ithaca, New York, on the other hand, has enough questions to make up for everyone else. He wants to know why certain plants can put up with aluminum toxicity and to find out what's happening to the ones that can't. The answers will be important to a lot of people.

"Up to 70 percent of the world's potentially arable soils are acidic, including regions in the eastern United States and large areas in Asia, Africa, and South America," says Kochian. Aluminum toxicity is the primary problem limiting agricultural production in these acid soils."

That's because aluminum is one of the most prevalent minerals in the Earth's crust. High acidity in soil can render that aluminum soluble - forming with water a potion that is deadly to growing plants.

While lime can be added to soil to neutralize some of the troublemaking acid, that's a luxury" many Third World farmers can neither obtain nor afford. Even when lime is a feasible expenditure, it's hard to place deep in the soil. So excess aluminum might still lurk below the limed zone, down where thirsty roots wander in the summer.

It's those groping roots that engross Kochian and his coworkers these days. Their studies have revealed the root tip is the plant's Achilles' heel when it comes to aluminum.

"In experiments, we exposed the entire root system - except the tip - to a solution containing a toxic level of aluminum, and the roots grew just fine," Kochian recalls. "But when we exposed just the root tip to the same solution, growth was inhibited in about 2 hours."

In comparisons of aluminumtolerant and nontolerant plants, uptake into the root tip of elements such as potassium and chlorine was not hindered in either group of plants when aluminum levels were high. But calcium uptake was a different story.

"We found aluminum inhibits calcium uptake almost immediately in aluminum-sensitive plants," Kochian notes. "But we saw a much smaller effect on calcium uptake in aluminumtolerant plants."

Calcium is an essential plant nutrient and plays an important role in regulating many diverse cell functions, Kochian adds.

"Our goal is to develop more aluminum-tolerant crop plants," he concludes. "As we leam what's happening in aluminum toxicity and find out what's different in the tolerant plants, we can better look for ways to develop or transfer that tolerance to other plants."
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Flowering day 35 more pics

the damage goes all the way though some of the leaves. It could be the mites feeding, or a nute burn earlier, but its definitely goes all the way though in some spots.

If its mites, slap me in the face and tell me mites, i wont be mad.
i just dont see them.

I hope i wasn't being to vague earlier


well are the pics with mites in them that you posted.. of your plant or not?


higher resolution here


Active member
sproutco said:
I am pretty sure these are mites. I put arrows on what appears to be adults. Great photography.
Click on it to enlarge.

Compare the sketches with your photograph. Its mites.


no, the three pics of mites were from the The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles sticky in this sub-forum.

sry for the confusion.


no, these pics are not mine



They were my references for spidermites.

Again, not pictures of my plant
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no you dont have mites....you see tricomes...and it appears you are lacking magnesium...im not sure....if you have no pest strips you have no mites end of story on that...you have a nutrient uptake problem what it stems from is a guessing game with the information received

ShroomDr said:
no, the three pics of mites were from the The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles sticky in this sub-forum.

sry for the confusion.


im thinking im starting to get a Mg def too. if i had time i could take another pic, but i gotta go to my other job.

No, bugs in my wall mounted sticky tape, other than one unfortunate mosquito (she pulled all her legs off)


Active member
sproutco said:
Just for interest, I got these numbers for your fertilizer combination. It appears more suited for vegetative growth rather than flowering. This is because the cal mag plus adds nitrogen. Not bad in that it is nitrate nitrogen so this avoids ammonia toxicity and calcium "lockout". But you dont really want nitrogen boosts in flowering. Target levels (in parts per million) for flowering are 100-100-200-60 nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. This is from Mel Frank's insiders guide. So if you look at your pbp bloom, you need to add more phosphorus and magnesium only and no nitrogen. Calcium should be increased along with the mag because potassium, cal, and mag compete with each other. There is a nutrient calculator http://www.angelfire.com/cantina/fourtwenty/articles/profiles.htm in this thread you can experiment with to try to come up with a nutrient solution that closer matches those target levels. FYI, 1/4 teaspoon epsom salts in 1 gallon of water = 30 ppm mag and 1/4 teaspoon powdered gypsum in a gallon of water = 70 ppm calcium. Neither of these adds nitrogen and not double micros like the "plus" would. Maybe add pk 13/14 + epsom + gypsum instead of cal mag plus? You could use kh2p04 monopotassium phosphate for the pk 13/14 if you did not want "store bought". We can come up with a teaspoon per gallon rate for this is well. Try to obtain between 8:4:1 to 4:2:1 ratio of potassium to calcium to magnesium. Experiment with the numbers and report what you come up with.

Numbers below are starting at the top: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and lastly magnesium. It is in parts per million (ppm)

Here is PureBlendPro Bloom @ 15ml/gal

and PBPBloom 15, plus 5 cal mag (GrowGreen's formula) it resembles the grow formula of FloraNova @8ml, as well as GH's 15Grow, 10Micro, 5 bloom formulations, the most copied recipe Ive found. It seems competition only copied GH's veg formula for the most part..


Wtf? The pictures of the mites were not the plants. Okay. It may just be a nutrition problem. You know cal mag plus adds micronutrients along with the cal mag. It also adds nitrogen. This may not be desirable and just trying to use gypsum and epsom salts may be a better solution to get the cal mag. Aluminum will cause calcium deficiency. Work on your nutrient solution in my post above. I will help.
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you think i should flush for a day or two, then go from there?

I will change the reserveroir tommarow, and i am in the process of decifering your post sproutco. I understand how the epson salt is better than Cal-Mag plus this deep in flowering.

Thanks for the info again, I just checked the newly placed 'no pest strips' under the canopy, and there is nothing stuck to them.

So, no mites. Thank god.

I will try to gather all my nutes values for a total.


btw, i dropped the PBP bloom and was using hydroplex this last week, It has a much lower ratio of N to P & K.
I just wonder if i should flush because its a toxic build up or if its a straight deffeciency (which a flush would not help with).

If i can provide anymore information, please ask.

unicorn said:
you have a nutrient uptake problem what it stems from is a guessing game with the information received

I just can't think of any other information to provide.


Alright, ive done the math, based on per gallon this is what im at

Name N P K Mg Cal Fe Sulfer
Hydroplex 6.25 53 130 6 0 0 6
Sweet 0 0 0 66 0 3 100
CalMag+ 17.5 0 0 10 27.5 .8 0

So thats N 23.75 P 53 K 130 Mg 82 Cal 27.5 Fe 4 Sulfer 106

the silica blast is sodium silcate and potassium silcate. all the bottle says is 105ppm of silicate, at the rate i added it.
I did not include the Liquid karma, i cant find the exact info(i did not look hard though), and i it's only a .1-.1-.5, so i figure its negligible.

The Ambrosia & Nectar are a fungi treatment. i remember the Ambrosia added 5ppm to the total, the nectar did not affect the ppm.

The Sensizyme does raise the ppm, but again, its a very small amount. looking back at my growlog, at my application rate, it was adding 22ppm.

so N P K Mg Ca is roughly 23.75 53 130 82 27.5

That's too low on the Ca right?
If you say a 4:2:1 of K Cal Mg, I've got a 4.5 - 1 - 3 ratio as far as i can tell.

So, this leads me back to a Calcium deficiency right?


could the addition of the Fungi and there added ability of nutrient uptake cause this, or am i still off?