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Calaveras County Has Screwed Over Every Legal Grower


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Christ Trump elected....Santa Cruz JUST today put a moratorium on ALL marijuana growing PERIOD, all growing is illegal as of today?? WTF?

I am SO not going back to Cali...hmm the desert out here is looking better at least their is literally NO one out here to bother me.

Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
had a few Ovcharkas..........yes natural guards, but pin cushions for fox tails and alerted/barked at every cricket fart.............rather have the intruder hollering cause my bulldog is latched on to their pecker shaking like a shark.............with no bark..........

For sure Santa Cruz has done a 180............hard to believe.........

ganj on..........


New member
Drug War 2.0 Bigger and Better

Drug War 2.0 Bigger and Better

Wow, if violence does erupt over there, this will be perfect fuel for our new US Attorney General Jeff Sessions to push for an all out re-up on the drug war. Drug war on steroids, anyone?

This came from IC member Kakaman on another thread started by him. I hope he doesn't mind that I used it.

Heres a quote from Jeff Sessions "I can't tell you how concerning it is for me, emotionally and personally, to see the possibility that we will reverse the progress that we've made....
It was the prevention movement that really was so positive, and it led to this decline. The creating of knowledge that this drug is dangerous, it cannot be played with, it is not funny, it's not something to laugh about, and trying to send that message with clarity, that good people don't smoke marijuana."

This is the man that is about to be incharge of our Justice Dept. These are his views on recent voter approved changes to Recreational and Medical Marijuana laws in Colorado and other state. He speaks of the positive progress that the drug war has had on our society. WTF... This shit just got very fucking real.


Wow, if violence does erupt over there, this will be perfect fuel for our new US Attorney General Jeff Sessions to push for an all out re-up on the drug war. Drug war on steroids, anyone?

This came from IC member Kakaman on another thread started by him. I hope he doesn't mind that I used it.

Heres a quote from Jeff Sessions "I can't tell you how concerning it is for me, emotionally and personally, to see the possibility that we will reverse the progress that we've made....
It was the prevention movement that really was so positive, and it led to this decline. The creating of knowledge that this drug is dangerous, it cannot be played with, it is not funny, it's not something to laugh about, and trying to send that message with clarity, that good people don't smoke marijuana."

This is the man that is about to be incharge of our Justice Dept. These are his views on recent voter approved changes to Recreational and Medical Marijuana laws in Colorado and other state. He speaks of the positive progress that the drug war has had on our society. WTF... This shit just got very fucking real.
You forgot to mention the part, where he said, he will use the stste registration lists, to go after "the drug dealers"! Stay in the black... oh and weapon of choice, .45, .50 cal AIR RIFLE! 1450 FPS, gies through a sheet of 3/4 plywood like.... butter....plus THERE MMJ LEGAL! Still loud as fuck when fired, just no flash...


Active member
Dogs are a great deterrent just get a few Caucasian Ovcharkas they will shit themselves seeing dogs that weigh 200-250+ pounds they are bigger and stronger than most men not to mention faster.

They are great family dogs but don't like outsiders at all it's all in the breeding pitbulls need to be trained to guard the Ovcharkas need to be trained not to guard. I'm certainly impressed with the breeding they also ain't on the dangerous dog list but only because they are fairly rare in America.

Real ripper crews with guns are not going to be scared of a dog.
Dogs work decent as an early warning system but expecting ur dog to defend u against a crew w/ firearms n night scopes is just a good way to get ur dog killed.

Anyway shame on the fucks in calaveras who released this info.
People are going to be robbed over this, and maybe killed.
If I owned one of the outed spots I'd be moving the weight off site ASAP.

A crew of psychos from My hometown (that I grew up with) moved out to NorCal like 8 years ago. They make they're money doing armed robberies of big grows.
Then drive it back east and unload it cheap. And then spend the rest of the year getting fucked up.
Anyway, those types are out there, well armed and absolutely sociopathic.
Releasing this info to all of these ripper crews is beyond the pale.
When someone dies the sheriff should be charged with manslaughter (not likely tho).
Last edited:


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
You forgot to mention the part, where he said, he will use the stste registration lists, to go after "the drug dealers"! Stay in the black... oh and weapon of choice, .45, .50 cal AIR RIFLE! 1450 FPS, gies through a sheet of 3/4 plywood like.... butter....plus THERE MMJ LEGAL! Still loud as fuck when fired, just no flash...

This... and in an age when robbers are turning up in ballistic jackets, it is worth remembering that Bows and Crossbows with hunting tips go straight through armour that stops bullets.

Also, pepper spray is made exactly like hash oil, it is done with an alcohol extraction, but personal defence sprays are only allowed to be 10 or 15 %, Bear spray is 25 % ? roughly ? You can make your own, far more potent, just pinch a few of the kids super soakers for "delivery".

Another thing, probably obvious to many, but plan to rob your place, look at it from the eyes of a ripper... work out where they will arrive, park, move... that way surprises and problems can be put in place for the expected visitors.

As they say in the Army, PPPPPPP ... Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance... get prepared before something happens...


Greetings to all. Post #2 on the calaveras county grow scene. Things have quieted down recently with harvest season wrapping up. The noisy generators, water trucks and dirt trucks are temporarily gone.The trimigrants are in Costa Rica for the winter with a little cash in their pockets. Dirty smelly people are few in grocery and hardware stores.
We had a election recently in which semi-permanent pot farming was voted down 54 to 46%. Lots of local businesses benefitted financially with the influx of new money and people.This is in a area that was doing poorly economically pre-2016 and had a big hit in 2015 with the big[70'000] acre Butte fire. Many people sold burnt out land to farmers for inflated prices.
The ever present topic of conversation this year is growers. Most of the towns in Calaveras county are small. People know your name when you go to the store. New people get noticed,especially rude ones. If you can't spare a little plant water to take a personal shower you will be noticed. If I have to step over you in the parking lot eating lunch you will be noticed.
A large percentage of farms are quite visible from the road and no effort is made to conceal them as they are legal. Many of them look like homeless encampments with a assortment of tents and tarps, no effort made to improve aesthetics. Lots of long time residents and newer retirees who moved to the country are looking to leave the county because of the drastic changes in lifestyle.
Many growers have multiple garden sites of 22'000 sq. ft. I counted one guy on the published list with18 registered 22'000 grow sites.We have had multiple weed related shootings this year and even human trafficking/slave trade work.
The sheriff is not weed friendly but wants weed money for enforcement.
The newly elected board of supervisors replaces a mostly weed-friendly board with 1 out of 5 supervisors pro-pot.
It looks like next year there will be a special election to ban all commercial pot farming.
The local growers group CCA realizes some of the public relations problems and is encouraging donations to local charities and schools. I think it will be hard for them to rehabilitate the reputation quickly with the poor image lots of growers present.
Calaveras county has a long reputation as a prime grow area and has been farmed since the late 1960's with 3rd generation weed farmers here. Everything was semi-guerilla or big mex. cartel remote grows before this year. With semi-legalization this year it seems Calaveras county is the perfect example of how to do it WRONG.
The registration program is a joke, out of 800 applications about 50 have been approved and 60 denied. Some of the denials are for the most ridiculous reasons
Everything will start up again in a few months and I am enjoying the quiet for now.
California is in a state of flux with rapidly changing marijuana laws and lots of gray zones. My bit of advice to growers moving to new areas is try to fit in with the locals. Respect your neighbors, take a shower and change your filthy t shirt, clean up your grow site. If you don't your good thing will get voted down and banned by lots of weed friendly folks like me.


My bit of advice to growers moving to new areas is try to fit in with the locals. Respect your neighbors, take a shower and change your filthy t shirt, clean up your grow site. If you don't your good thing will get voted down and banned by lots of weed friendly folks like me.

couldn't have said it better.
sohum has this too, it's sucks getting mad every time you go to town.


Well-known member
Who ever chose to release that information should be sitting in the big house for a long time. Gotta love the double standards. Goes well with the retirement package.


Active member
Nice post 'calaveras'. It seems the majority of our industry is of the kind you explain. Even the most professional trimmer's I know are 35-40 years old, make 40k+ a year in cash (in 3-4 months), and have nothing to show for it. They make there money and go to Thailand for a month or two. Lots of grower's are the same way. Not saying that lifestyle is the wrong way, just a common theme I see with these hippy's. I don't get the not wearing deodorant part either, it's not that bad for you. Personally, I will enjoy those exotic vacations later in my life when I've got a house paid off and $ in my savings.

Its crazy how places like calavera's are "regulating" but than deny so many people licenses. The only thing "regulation" seem's to be doing for most of california is creating more prohibition. Releasing the names and addresses of every grow is a pretty low thing to do. They know very well that alot of the people who are trying to follow law's and get licenses are likely not packing heat as its a felony.

What a strange time we live in right now. Its kind of hard to believe we will have a racist president in office, and a religious freak as vice president who is 100% anti cannabis. We have taken a step backwards.


Calaveras board of supervisors just agreed to hold a special ballot this May to ban all commercial grows. Anti- pot people secured double+ the number of signatures needed to qualify. This is purely a result of many people taking advantage of the situation and presenting a poor image to long time residents. Many people like the influx of money to a rather economically poor area of the state. Lots of complaints including school principals with students that reek of harvest time smells and say they cancelled college plans to farm weed. The big farmers are doing community outreach to schools and seniors donating time and money to various causes to improve their image. It is too bad the slobs do more damage than good with the homeless camp look of many high visibility grows.The anti-grow people and the pro-farm both went too far with their initiatives


It is going to be a weird spring in Calaveras county, but as Buddy Ebson said in his song, We're still living ,so everything's OK


Active member
Newest Ban Update:
Yesterday Calaveras Supervisors directed staff to draft ASAP a ban of all cannabis activity to the fullest extent legally possible, despite almost all county departments recommending continuance of the cannabis registration program begun last May. All registration fees (approx 2.1 million of the 3.7 million collected) will be returned, and approximately 29 county staff hires will lose their jobs -- including an Ag biologist, enviro health specialist, code enforcement, sheriffs deputies, legal counsel and planning staff. Implementation of this directive eliminates the $2/SF canopy tax, approved by voters in November 2016, depriving county coffers of an estimated $7-11.5 million in tax revenue. A fiscal analysis of the industry in Calaveras suggested that in 2016 the cannabis industry spent $90 million at local businesses, with gross receipts of $250 million in 2016. The fiscal study estimated that 20% of the Calaveras economy and some 2500 jobs are tied to cannabis.


ICMag Donor
Yesterday Calaveras Supervisors directed staff to draft ASAP a ban of all cannabis activity to the fullest extent legally possible,

Going back underground, I see.

At least the app fee will be refunded.
There's gotta be some sort of protection for individual growers from A64. At least I thought there was.

How much can they actually ban?


Well-known member
Newest Ban Update:
Yesterday Calaveras Supervisors directed staff to draft ASAP a ban of all cannabis activity to the fullest extent legally possible, despite almost all county departments recommending continuance of the cannabis registration program begun last May. All registration fees (approx 2.1 million of the 3.7 million collected) will be returned, and approximately 29 county staff hires will lose their jobs -- including an Ag biologist, enviro health specialist, code enforcement, sheriffs deputies, legal counsel and planning staff. Implementation of this directive eliminates the $2/SF canopy tax, approved by voters in November 2016, depriving county coffers of an estimated $7-11.5 million in tax revenue. A fiscal analysis of the industry in Calaveras suggested that in 2016 the cannabis industry spent $90 million at local businesses, with gross receipts of $250 million in 2016. The fiscal study estimated that 20% of the Calaveras economy and some 2500 jobs are tied to cannabis.

one step forward, two steps back, then shoot yourself in the foot.(the one that went forward, treacherous bastard!:biggrin:) sounds like they LIKE being poor...


Active member
These Bans are such a joke. They are un-enforceable. Hopefully calavera's grower's can get together and beat the ban

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