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CA NORML against 25% tax on Cannabis

jump /injack

If the politicians can't ruin cannabis it by letting the DEA demonize it they tax it to death so that their friends who voted against it for 40 years can make money. If you trust politicians something is the matter with your thinking ability. If you haven't read the Democrat proposal you should take some time to do so, they fought against the legalization for years on behalf of the Guards Union and Law profession, lots of money in incarceration-big money.

NORML has come out against the new proposed law put forth by the Democrats, have you read the proposal yet?

California: Floor Votes Expected Soon On Legislation To Impose Retail Taxes On Medical Marijuana
Members of the state Senate and Assembly are expected to vote this week on pending legislation that seeks to impose new taxes on the production and purchase of medical cannabis.
Senate Bill 987 imposes a special 15 percent statewide tax upon medical marijuana sales. This tax would be in addition to the imposition of existing state and local taxes.
Assembly Bill 2243 imposes a new $9.75/ounce tax on the cultivation of medical-only marijuana. At current wholesale prices of ~$1,500/lb, this is tantamount to a 10 percent tax on the value of marijuana.
While NORML generally does not oppose the imposition of fair and reasonable sales taxes on the commercial sales of cannabis for recreational purposes, we do not support such excessive taxation on medical sales. Laws enacted by the legislature last year to regulate medical marijuana explicitly did not include additional taxation, and lawmakers should not try to impose such taxes now.
Both measures have passed the committee stage and are expected to be voted on by their full chambers this week.
Please visit NORML's #TakeAction Center to contact your Senate/Assembly members and urge them to oppose these measures:


they are taking the few dollars needed to help the patients later on either that day or just later in life. they make plenty of tax dollars by the way already. they just look at it as money and that is only all they see if they were to impose a tax to help homeless and drug offences as well as to help cancer and aids research then yes impose a tax.. but if they just impose a new tax and keep imposing taxes and so where will that leave most of us where they want us I suppose broke with no work traveling the state to find medical cannabis because we cannot grow our own in some cities mine being one of them. maybe they are just trying to keep the money out of the hands that help the patients (the collectives).


Well-known member
government looks at ALL money as THEIRS. only question is, how to get it out of your wallet without inspiring hordes of torch & pitchfork carrying voters. "those morons! they don't need money. they will just waste it on useless shit like food, housing & educating their kids!"


Active member
Legalized with 25% tax is worse than the decrim you already have.

With decrim you might pay a small fine only if you get caught with legal/taxed its like paying that fine all the time.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Pretty sure EVERYONE is against a 25% tax....

Lovely first they make money off jailing us, now they have their dick in the game, they will gladly take the money FROM the people they WERE jailing...

What a circle jerk, what a corrupt system, some mothefuckin bullshit is what this is...