Wow I didn't realize this was a Sheriff. I would expect more from the Sheriff than the other LEA's. Disgusting behavior for a Sheriff and I hope other Sheriffs put him in his place.
So sick.. I'm still on the fence about 19, but if it passes it better be enforced (allowed). Pisses me off that a State Sheriff would go with the feds on a State law issue per the 10th amendment. But as you pointed out, he probably has some third party reasons/incentives to do what he is doing.And did you know the Scientologists run rehab centers in CA? Where do you think they get the majority of their referrals from? Hint: very few cannabis users admit themselves. Those of you that guessed from the criminal justice system are absolutely correct. Now do you see why Baca doesn't want Prop 19 to pass? Can you say, "vested interest in prohibition"?