I moved the 2 smallest ones to the right hand side so the bigger, healthier ones can get more light...in case you're wondering why some seem to have shrunk lol
Nice grow Gangabiss Those plants look healthy. I was considering growing C99.. I heard its good for breeding. Were those plants under HPS during veg? They look really nice and bushy. Did you lst those plants? Cuz it seems like each plant has more than 1 top.
Anyways beautiful grow man..
Happy growing.. gonna pull a chair on this grow. wanna see how the C99s turn out... by the way what kind of nutes are you using??
They were all grow under 250w MH during veg for the first 4 weeks, and once they were repotted into their final pots I put them under the 400w hps for another week before flowering them.
They have all been topped which is why they are all so bushy. They all seemed to respond very well.
This is an al organic grow...they're in a mix of soil, perlite and worm castings with some added blood, fish and bone meal, bat guano and lime.
I'm giving them occasional light feedings of Bio-Bloom to kickstart the buds.
Thanks for the kind words man, I do my best
I'll get some updates up by tomorrow...just need to get some new batteries for my cam.
Whats up Gangabiss? Damn mang are your walls puffin out in there? Really filling up nicely. Nothin wrong with a carpet of buds...just dont walk on it,lol!
I too got the 5 pack of blockhead as a freebie! Yes you have to give it up to SB for that! Awesome!
Man your plants are really coming along nicely... How many plants do u have in there and how big is the space? Can't wait to see what the plants look like when buds start forming.. what's ur nute line up??
I'm currently using 2x125w 2700k enviros and will attach 4 x23w 2700k cfls to get lighting to the lower parts of the plant. But I think I'm gonna switch to HPS for my next grow possibly the only problem would be electic bill which in my mind would increase by 30~40$ and getting better ventilation and what not. But i think it will be worth it as the plants feed themselves more and not only will it produce a bigger yield but i'm guessing it will have bigger colas too...
Anyways I'm looking forward to seeing how ur plants develop..
Happy Growing..
Wow they are looking great! A sea of blockhead mmm
Yes i got mine as freebies, Which is great as i have heard a lot of good about this strain.
Good luck with the grow!
Willie Nillie, Hey man yea they seem to be making themselves at home in there don't they?
I don't want to jinx meself but this just may be my biggest and best harvest to date (fingers crossed).
You're going to enjoy growing those BHs out man, this girl is right up there with sweet tooth 4 and bogbubble in terms of vigour and sheer healthyness (is that a word? lol). But then I haven't really grown out that many decent strains yet.
Just make sure to take some clones when you grow them out. I think SOL have discontinued this strain for some reason...I could be wrong though.
hangook420 Hey man thanks for taking a look at my girlies and for the compliment.
I have 8 ladies in there. 7 C99 and 1 Blockhead. The space is around 7 square feet with 2 rows of 4 plants, they seem to fit in just perfect.
My nutes are mainly in the soil mix which is perlite, compost, worm castings with some added bat guano, lime and fish blood and bone meal...I'll give them some guano tea in about a week when they start feinding for some more. I also give a little Bio-Bloom in every watering. They seem to be loving it
I'm sure you won't regret switching to HPS...are you going to go for a 250w or 400w? The 250 will not cost you any more money on electricity than tyhe setup you have now, don't worry. The 400 however will cost you slightly more but nothing to worry about really...and for the difference in bud size and quality over the CFLs you'll be amazed!
Good luck with your grow man
neilspotshop, thanks man! mmmmmmm indeed I hope all goes well with your grow also. Can't go wrong with BH
FlyvAgaric, Cheers buddy! Stick around and hopefully things will liven up in my growroom in the coming weeks. I'm hoping for lots of frosty goodness
I'll get some updates up for tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by everyone!
Hey there AKgrower Cheers man! I have actually replaced the 400w with a 600w so that may have something to do with their bushiness
Here are those updates I promised
Day 13
Full garden shot
One of the C99s
A peek under the skirt of the blockhead
A couple of C99 close ups
Looking back at all the pics it seems I may have to sort out a better method of taking my pictures...I hate that damn orange glow. Even with the white balance feature on my camera it doesn't seem to work very well.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong...it should be on the incandescent setting right?
Very bad news...the lanky bitch on the right hand side of the room has decided to throw balls in my face
Take a gander:
I could tell there was something different about this one. She/he stretched like crazy compared to the others and wasn't really producing many pistils.
Full shot
I'm gonna rip her balls off and put her in a seperate room under my 400w. I'll strap her down and hopefully with a little attention I can get her through flowering without too many seeds.
I would just throw her out but I need all the weight from this harvest I can get.
On a positive note however it means a little more space for the remaining girlies in the room
I'd strongly advise against anyone buying feminised seeds. This is my second run with them and every one has thrown some balls so far...it's simply not worth the aggravation for me.
I've grown Skunk Special and Sour NLxNevilles Haze from Female Seeds which all went hermie on me. And now this
I'd rather buy a pack of regular seeds, weed out the males and not have to worry about this kind of shit again.
Sorry on the new of the hermie dude.. I heard the problem with feminised seeds are having a higher chance of getting hermies. Well at least you got the other healthy females..
The buds seem to be developing nicely... We are around the same stage of flowering.. It would be fun to compare the the difference between HPS and Enviro's although HPS' are alot better than enviros. To see what the difference is in how fast they grow and how much they yield..
I wouldn't worry about the other ones.. They should be fine.. I've heard other people growing feminised seeds and they only had one hermie. Anyways good luck on the grow...
Hey A.N.Other Thanks for the compliments! Stick around buddy, the show is just starting
I decided to throw out that hermie simply because I can't be arsed mucking around with it in a seperate room. I decided it was too much hassle to bother with, so I'm sticking to my remaining super troopers lol
I haven't noticed any seperate aromas really as yet, but that's mainly due to them all being cramped in there together so when the lights and fans go off for the night a pungent, skunky aroma fills the room within a few seconds.
I have noticed a rather unusual, funky aroma distinct from the rest and I'm thinking it may be the blockhead
A few pics from day 21 flowering
A couple of BH macros to wet your whistles
Underneath the BH (sorry, forgot to rotate the pic and I'm feeling lazy )
Rest of the garden
I think the brightness in my room has something to do with the quality of my pics...I always seem to end up with the buds glowing from the light.
To all of you out there despairing over the crappy colour in my pictures, don't fret...once the buds start getting fat I'll start bringing them out of the grow room every week so I can snap some better pictures in proper colour
Wow the buds are developing nicely.. They are at a pretty good size.. I think they are alot bigger than mine but its probably because you are using an hps.. I think I will definitely switch to HPS for my next grow.. and use the enviros and cfls for another flower box or side lighting.. Those HPS do wonders..
Great job with the plants bro.. can't wait to see how those babies turn out.. Looks like you are gonna get some fat ass colas.. Keep us posted!
Happy growing!
Thanks for the good vibes guys! It makes me happy to know you think highly of my little grow
hangook420, I think you'll love the hps when you get it up and running. You'll never go back to cfls once you see the penetration of light and the huge buds. They would do very well for under/side lighting though.
neilspotshop, Glad you're enjoying the show man!
Big D, Welcome to the thread bro!
I noticed a few balls on the Blockhead But they seem to be staying on the tiny shoots below the canopy so I'm not too worried. I'm sick of all these friggin balls man...I'd love just 1 grow without BALLS
On a good note the C99s are developing rather well. The fluffy buds are beginning to grow together to form the colas I love this part. One of them seems to be frosting up a bit quicker than the others...I'll be keeping my eye on her for a potential mother