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Butane honey oil for dummies


Slap-A-Ho tribe
I'm hoping he can. Labwork is way over my head and i'm not sure how they break the results down. If he didn't get a real detailed breakdown, i'll ask if he can get them to break down the percent of unknown. Just like the bubble that was tested, what could possibly be the remaining 45-50%. I suspect nothing more than contams.

Personally i would like to put the butane debate to rest once and for all. Good or bad results.
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Active member
Chief, that is great. Maybe we can finally see some real numbers. I'll bet he can search for butane as well. That would be interesting to check out the BHO for misc contaminants. :chin:

Ooohh, I'd like to see the info on a few different strains. Or a sativa and an indica. Man, I could really get carried away with something like that. Here's hoping he can give you what you ask for.

Well, that puddle of oil in the last picture above was left in the dish overnight, sitting on a heating pad. I wish I had taken a picture of the puddle sitting there, flat, and little bubble spots where it had been purged. I scrapped it up into a little pile, and took these pictures.

I can't wait till tonight when I get to smoke some of it.


Active member
Thanks Chief. That means something to me coming from you.

Here's a closeup of the same material. I'm not sure what I see here, but it looks good. No impurities that I can see.

I gotta admit, though, I cheated a wee bit. Well, not cheated exactly. I got a friend, a doctorate from stanford in microbiology, a professor, and I told him what I was doing. He told me to stuff a cotton ball next to the screen, then put the material in from the top. He said it purifies the liquid, and absorbes very little of the butane. The relatively pure butane at the end will push it through. He says.... So I tried it. Is this a known technique from you folks here? I would think so, it seems to make a lot of sense. :chin:

As soon as I get back from all my docs appts, I will be running some more. I got a whole gallon bag to run here...... :yummy:


Active member
that is exactly what my bho looks like when i am done with it...How could that possibly be less pure than bubble? Bubbleheads are out of their minds, I use unbleached coffee filters on the end of the tube, probly serves the same purpose as cotton balls but less little cotton bits stuck to your tube.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Not sure keefhead never tried it. keep in mind the screen hole openings is 120 micron so that's pretty fine to begin with. That is interesting though.


I agree Jimbob,It seems Bubbleheads are taking over this Forum.We all now good BHO is more potent than the best Bubble but they like to think there purist becuase they use no solvent for extraction.Give me BHO any day.I would think the cotton ball would soak up some resin also, not good!



no the cotton ball will not soak up resin. because the end of the butane can will blow through blasting every last bit of thc carrying butane into the dish. that's the theory and it sounds logical, as long as you use enough butane there will be nothing active left in the material in the tube.

by the way, i don't think bubble fans are saying that its purer then bho. what they say, which is true that it's more natural. the trichomes are collected whole. in bho you are not just collecting the trichomes you are concentrating them into oil. so there is no way bubble can be as pure as well made bho. to me its not a real comparison. the one product is hashish and the other is oil. i mean i could make bho with a bunch of bubble and i'd automatically get stronger product then i put in.

to me they are two different products each has it's own advantages and disadvantages. i find well made bubble much tastier then bho, but the effect per 100th of a gram is stronger with bho then with bubble, if only it didn't lose so much taste in the making. but i've had some fun with this bho that's for sure. but i sure won't stop making bubble lol. it would be way to expensive to turn all my trim into bho, LoL.


i only ever made it once just recently. but i thought that was the price with oil. not that there is no flavour, it's just that the buds had alot of taste and the bho dosn't smell of the buds, nor is the tast that strong. in fact it's so smooth i can take a much bigger lung full then i could with bubble.


people putting the jinx on bho...shit..ill teach the dog to make it..figure its cheaper to make him some asbestos gear...hes just a lil terrier..smart fucker.."only ever says ficus"..

"Well, not cheated exactly. I got a friend, a doctorate from stanford in microbiology, a professor, and I told him what I was doing."

yea i had an arcata community college drop out give me the coffee filter tech :pointlaug

seriously..it works...near flawlessly...i guarantee it..or your next suit at mens warehouse is free...

and guys theres nothing wrong with bubble...it makes great bho...

george zimmer


Active member
jimbob420 - the unbleached coffee filter works good too. I've used 'em with good results. However, the tube just lends itself well to a ball of cotton. I'm gonna do a few runs with both, and see if I can tell any difference. I doubt it though.

Chief, I was wondering about the size of the screen. Thanks for the info. When I pulled the cotton ball out, it was sticky, but so was the screen, the bottom of the tube, the legs..... The cottom was still fluffy, not much hash on it at all. Of course it was dry, the butane evaporates immediately, but sticky. I doubt if I lost enough to weigh.

Poolratt - very nice pictures. For some reason the top one fascinates me.

gaiusmarius - I think what you said is right on. Bubble vs BHO is an apple and orange comparison. For me, there are times when I want what bubble offers, and it offers a lot. There are times I want what oil offers. And sometimes, when I really want it all, I put the BHO on top of the bubble, and off I go....
in fact it's so smooth i can take a much bigger lung full then i could with bubble.
I'd hazard a guess that you had some very fine bud to begin with. But from you that's no surprise. :woohoo:

Hashmasta-Kut - I gotta agree with you. The BHO I just made has a strong smell, and is very much like the original bud. I believe I also smell the butane, but I used Vector, so it should be clean.

tainted - yer friend apparently got a lot of smarts. Heh, my buddy has never even tried MJ. He's a very compassionate sort, but very straight-laced. But a good enough friend to help me where he can with my MMJ, and clearly happy to share his knowledge with me. I'm very fortunate to be able to call him a good friend. :friends:

Well, that all said, I guess that tomorrow will be a big BHO day for me. Probably do about 10 tubes, all into the same bowl, letting them evaporate some between runs. I'm gonna enjoy that immensely. :dance:


i used PowerPlant, but like i said it was ground up and some of it i even ground up the day before, which i'm sure wasn't the best way. i realize like with all things, practice makes perfect. but why do you think my bho has no smell to speak of, when the buds were smelly? why is the taste so much less the PP bubble made from only trim of PP not buds? is it cause i ground them up? i thought Chief and you Keefhead are doing it the same no?


Active member
I would guess that you probably still have it in oil form and in that case there is something else left in the mix that prevents the smell from escaping out...if you follow the budder making tech that TUG revealed then you will end up with something that in my opinion smells much more but tastes a bit less. I suspect that there is a point at which it is completly purged and after that the only thing evaporating off of it is the smell. It seems to me that the oil I leave in the dish for like months and then go back and scrape have almost no smell or taste but get u rocked.


no it's not in oil form it's quite hard even at room temp. but gets melty in hand temps. so with further experimentation, i find that i'm able to take more smoke from the bho, but that smoke comes from smaller amounts of bho. i agree with Kiefhead, a mix of the two can be a interesting bong hit, mind blowing interesting.