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Butane honey oil for dummies



First BHO attempt using some Chem 91 outdoor trim and a DIY tube. How does it look? Personally, I'm way more pleased with this than my QWISO results so far.

First scrape after purge:

Second scrape after letting the oven warm it up a bit:

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good first BHO bro! Good color!

The thin shot seems to show either bubbles or particles refracting light. Is that the case, or is it just the way the picture turned out?

How did it taste?


Thanks a lot! The picture should be showing bubbles (I have a BHO enthusiast friend coming by to show me how to properly take pictures, heh), definitely a constellation of tiny little bubbles throughout.

On a skillet it tastes like vaporized lemonheads.

My DIY tube is 3' long and 1" wide - would it be worth cutting this down into 1' lengths to use instead in the future?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Thanks a lot! The picture should be showing bubbles (I have a BHO enthusiast friend coming by to show me how to properly take pictures, heh), definitely a constellation of tiny little bubbles throughout.

On a skillet it tastes like vaporized lemonheads.

My DIY tube is 3' long and 1" wide - would it be worth cutting this down into 1' lengths to use instead in the future?

Depends on how much material you need to keep up with running. I have one inch tubes in 12", 24", and 36". The 12" got used some, the 36" mostly, and the 24" almost never.


Gotcha. For now I guess I'll be sticking with the 36" and making a little tamper to pack everything in consistently with. Thanks!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
How much material and how much butane were you using in each size?

My 36" tube holds between around 72 and 94 grams of the material that I have processed, depending on whether it was trim or bud.

Divide by three for the 12".

Sour Deez

I have heard of people doing small runs, like only running an 8th, how would someone do this without creating some air pockets in the tube? Or are they just using a tiny tube?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I have heard of people doing small runs, like only running an 8th, how would someone do this without creating some air pockets in the tube? Or are they just using a tiny tube?

Never tried anything that small, but besides a small tube, you could freeze everything and use a thermos, or use a lot of wadded up filters for packing in a larger tube.

Sour Deez

you can just pack the exit end only. its not too hard.

Thats what i was hoping. So just pack the tube like normal then right? I was just worried the empty space at the top of the tube could create problems.

Im gonna be using a SS turkey baster, heard they fit about 14g, but my runs would most likely be 7g at a time so just making sure. :dance013:


I'm getting shit return for my BHO....I am using a small ss turkey baster, maybe get about 7 grams in the thing, and I use one can per 7 grams I fill up in the tube....I think that I am using way too much tane per bud amount.....am I right? I just used maybe an ounce of trim, 4 cans of tane, and got maybe a gram return...Thanks for any help.


Did a second batch this evening of about 20" worth of material well packed... just trim from a variety of plants, mostly dried. Unsure of the weight, probably about 37-40 grams. I'll check that for an approximation when it dries out. Used two cans total.

Video of the making here (10 mins, wrapped the camera around the tube), and the results below. At the end of the video it went into the oven at 170 for about 30-35 minutes until the large bubbles were all gone.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Here ya go I fixed it. The only thing I would suggest is you should be outside making that.. Or have a ventilation hood over that..



Fixed the link, thank you!

I didn't really show this, but I'm standing in my foyer that is maybe 7' wide and has doors on either side of me that were wide open. On one side there was a 1600 CFM axial fan running (that low hum you hear through the vid is the lowest setting) that was getting a good amount of air moving.

Normally I do this standing outside in the carport but I wanted to watch some of The Office while hanging about! :tiphat: * No really the light was better than outside.

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