Awesome! The Burmese have a very high resistance to botrytis. Mine were stress tested under extreme humidity and wetness and only one plant out of very good number showed issues! Awesome that you're groing them outside in the tropics. Let us all know how it goes.I'm in Isaan, lowland area of Thai, and I am so looking forward to planting my RSC Lao seeds. That Burmese was something I had a very good intuition about and it sounds great from these reports on this thread. I'm going to run a few in June, see if i can get lucky and not get too much botryitis etc and then more around August. Yeah going to run those Burmese, the Lao Golds, the Boleokamsai, maybe the Vientienes too a few of each in June and then select from those, whichever seems to do best and plant a bunch of one type in August. Thanks for the reports guys, it sounds like its going to be great fun, I'm psyched!