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Bump This Thread If You're NOT High!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I didn't think I would ever have to visit this thread. But....my name is Miss Blunted...and I'm NOT stoned.

I'm ashamed of myself:frown:


Active member

Been on cannabutter and infused olive oil for a week now. Rationing sucks ass as I'm barely with it and my pain is pretty good throughout the day.


no wuckin furries!
been in alcholics anonymous 15 years so yes i'm sober..really wanted a cold beer this summer though...i'm cosmiccowboy and i'm a non practicing alcoholic.

good on ya man well done...3 or 4 years for me(cant be bothered to do the math right now and dont matter)...im the same on a nice warm sunny day i feel like a nice cold sweet apple cider once or twice a year(drink of choice)..but rather i go for a nice cold OJ....much better indeed...

still not stoned but thinkn about it....how can you not while sitting on a weed site all day lol....no craving thou...would just be nice thats all....when i do smoke thou its gona be like the 1st time and much better than a daily smoke so something to look forward too :D .HH. =]-~


guess I will bump again today. Sure wish I was high but another day goes by. All this water and not a drop to drink. Life sure is a drag without a :joint:.:1help:

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I took a couple puffs earlier off of a left over bowl from last night. Not high anymore though...... time to pack up a freshie! Then I'll bump that other thread.... Teeheeeheeee!


Well-known member
im phucking stoned right now wishing that there would never have be a thread to bump for not being high but some just are'nt as lucky as others


Active member
I ran outta my private stash of Rez's Alpha Diesel and Chemhaze Diesel about 2 weeks ago. Shit, I had 12 pint jars *stuffed* with weed and my dumb ass runs out in 7 months? WTF??? Well, anyway, I'm clean and sober and will be until my current grow (of AD and CHD again) matures, sometime in late Dec or early Jan. I got 8 females outta 10 plants, so I got my hands full this time. I'm exercising and eating healthy, but I'm nervous as hell and can't relax for shit. Gonna have to take up yoga or something. Fuck, this sucks!!!

~Abbie :joint:


Well-known member
bump for me too, dammit! been out of work for 9 months, a job may be on horizon, can't screw up now!:fsu:house payments are SUCH a drag...


Active member
BUMP , i'm NOT high:fsu:

But i WILL be in 2 hours:woohoo:

Next week i will again take an mj break to clear up , so this week i have a don't smoke before 20 hrs rule so i get used to lower levels of thc , making the transition from pot to no pot easy