Quick bump before bed.
A Anne_Fetamine Member Sep 30, 2019 #1,025 Bizzump. Had my morningly vape hit + codeine (usually kratom but am taking a "break" to let my stomach heal). Pineapple Express this time around. Feeling fresh but wish I could've slept longer.
Bizzump. Had my morningly vape hit + codeine (usually kratom but am taking a "break" to let my stomach heal). Pineapple Express this time around. Feeling fresh but wish I could've slept longer.
OranguTrump Crotchety Old Crotch Oct 1, 2019 #1,027 Bumping a small bowl on account of my tolerance is reset - 4 days no puffage & I'm a light weight again.
Bumping a small bowl on account of my tolerance is reset - 4 days no puffage & I'm a light weight again.
Frosty Nuggets Well-known member ICMag Donor Oct 3, 2019 #1,032 Little bump courtesy of Bruce Banner.
negative37dBA Well-known member Veteran Oct 4, 2019 #1,035 Friday high day! Friday high day! BUMP....Hi all. Hope your day is going as well as mine. Hitting some of my GG#4 along with a couple dabs of clear...mmmmm, and a whole lotta bubble. Have a great day all! Peace, negative.
Friday high day! Friday high day! BUMP....Hi all. Hope your day is going as well as mine. Hitting some of my GG#4 along with a couple dabs of clear...mmmmm, and a whole lotta bubble. Have a great day all! Peace, negative.
Cvh Well-known member Supermod Free ☕ 🦫 Oct 4, 2019 #1,037 Bump. Mixed spliff with GSC and Lemon Og Candy.