I'd also like to implement an automated watering system, or possibly hydro. Something so I don't have to hand water every other day.
Don't get crazy with a bunch of computer activated this and that. What you need is Blumat. Read the epic thread started by Sunnydog, Blumat Auto Watering, from beginning to end. If you do not have the time and patience to read all the posts, read the posts by Rives. He has some pumps, float switches, and solenoids in his system, but when it comes to delivering the right amount of water at the right time, Blumat are a proven resource.
You might want to post your questions in the Blumat auto watering thread.
There are guys doing the pump accumulator regulator systems who could better answer your questions. You have to use the 3mm hose for the last few inches of the run because the blumat sensor works against the thin flexible 3mm line to cut off the flow and allow the flow. There are various ways to work around using very much of the 3mm line, by using barbs and connectors, if you want to go that route.
Sustainable Village is a good source for Blumat equipment.
I think those quick connects that Sustainable Village sells are from Kent Systems. They are supposed to be very helpful when called, but their web page is not real user friendly.
Please feel free to contact them at [email protected] or by calling 970.593.3185
KENT Systems http://www.kentsystems.com/
Give Kent Systems a call and tell them what you want to do and let them recommend the best option for your purposes.
Each plant takes 1.5-2 gallons every 48 hours, so worst case I'd get 2 days out of a reservoir full. But I'm guessing the Blumats will use a good bit less water on average. If nothing else, there won't be a bunch of runoff that I then have to vacuum out and dump down the drain.
***and then for your latch just use a more powerful magnet than used on the studs to pull the door off***inaccessible with out the stronger magnet, you can even put it in a different room to "lock" the door.
I take it that you do not plan to ever be out of town for more than two days at a time? Why not use the Blumat pressure regulator off of your regular water supply along with an automatic shutoff if you have a runaway dripper?
You could go out of town for a couple of weeks with that sort of a system.
Is it because you want to add fertilizer to your res?
For me, this is more about saving the time of hand watering than anything. I spend far too much time sitting there dumping water into pots.