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Bugs on buds



Well-known member
Always get these little fuckers all up in my buds outside in the swamp. Don't seem to do any damage so I've got no idea why they go up there. To breed maybe? They sure do shit a lot. Ruined my whole crop this year. Seems like they can't climb up smooth plastic, so next season I'm gonna wrap my swamp tubes in plastic sheets.

Damn scrap they look like the little kridders you see at the ocean on the rocks. That sucks that they shitted out your crop this year i feel for you bro. We had a small problem with caterpillars, talk about some shit filled buds it sucks. Thats what that wasp is i posted, we bought them as a predatory defense agenst the caterpillars! They might work on the bugs you get also do you know what kind of bugs they are?

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