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This mean looking dude stopped by today.
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moths most likely, ones around here are night flyers
I have pics of eggs somewhere and will try to find them
BT or row covers help as well as hand picking
Look closely and you can tell a moth has been on your bud by looking at the color difference of the pistils, some will be slightly darker in color, matted down ever so slightly. Look under and on top for yellow/white eggs.
Kill them all when you do see them, take no prisoners
Good luck with them this year
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PentatomoideaShield bugs have glands in their thoraces between the first and second pair of legs that produce a foul-smelling liquid, which is used defensively to deter potential predators and is sometimes released when the bugs are handled. The nymphs, similar to adults except smaller and without wings, also have stink glands.
The nymphs and adults have piercing mouthparts, which most use to suck sap from plants, although some eat other insects. When they group in large numbers, they can become significant pests.
Is that bug predator or not? I do have those too, but no clue if they are good or bad..