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Buenos NEW 150w HPS Tent Grow

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor








Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
What are they crossed with if I may ask? I'm sure it's been covered earlier but I didn't catch it as I skipped through

PK Plat and SUG, What are those ones? I have a platinum master kush and a platinum cookies. Love the plats I've had so far!

The PK is Purple Kush, PLAT is Platinum Kush, and Sug is Sugar Kush all clone onlys that I made seeds from I think it was 3 runs ago.

Platinum Kush is very good smoke, you should enjoy the Platinum Master and the Platinum Cookies.
The PK is Purple Kush, PLAT is Platinum Kush, and Sug is Sugar Kush all clone onlys that I made seeds from I think it was 3 runs ago.

Platinum Kush is very good smoke, you should enjoy the Platinum Master and the Platinum Cookies.

Nice! Yeah they all look frosty, so was chemmy jones the father or did you do selfies? I may have butchered that question haha, reversed one and pollinated the other?

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
Nice! Yeah they all look frosty, so was chemmy jones the father or did you do selfies? I may have butchered that question haha, reversed one and pollinated the other?

Chemmy Jones was the father, a nice male from a CSG Chemmy Jones pack.

When you have time or if you get bored enough, you can look back more towards the middle of my thread and see the run I did the clones and made the seeds.
Chemmy Jones was the father, a nice male from a CSG Chemmy Jones pack.

When you have time or if you get bored enough, you can look back more towards the middle of my thread and see the run I did the clones and made the seeds.

Oh nice! You got to record all of it that's badass, yeah I'll have to take a look through for sure.

Just out of curiosity I've never know but always wondered. What are the standard traits to look for in a male when breeding? Just like plant structure?

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
Oh nice! You got to record all of it that's badass, yeah I'll have to take a look through for sure.

Just out of curiosity I've never know but always wondered. What are the standard traits to look for in a male when breeding? Just like plant structure?

I am far from an expert on breeding but with males I would say look mostly for plant structure. There are other things like smell, size of flower clusters, internode distances, etc. (again structure like you said).

Usually without getting too deep into selection, if you have a nice growing male from a particular variety you like, it will bring a lot of the traits of that strain to the F1 generation of your cross. If you can pop a bunch of beans and pick the best looking male of the bunch thats definitely great. Otherwise as long as it is a nice growing plant with good structure and it isnt a poor growing really stretchy plant or exhibiting bad traits, it should do well enough. There is luck involved too Im sure.

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
I harvested the plants last night and left a bunch of lower fluff buds on to try to reveg some of these. Some of the plants could have went another week but I couldnt put off chopping any longer, my next run was totally overgrown in the veg tent.

Once I get to smoke them and see which ones are worth revegging. Just by looks I think WHTCJ, SUGCJ, and PLATCJ.

WHTCJ smells like a dank mix of The White and Chemdawg.

SUGCJ smells mostly like Sugar Kush but has a lil bit of chem funk on the nose, very frosty and chunky buds.

PLATCJ smells almost dead on Platinum Kush with a small hint of chem also, very meaty slightly menthol kush scent. Also resembles the mother a LOT in growth but with much larger yield.

All those 3 phenos leaned towards the mothers side and also didnt foxtail like the Casey Jones leaning Chemmy Jones (father) phenos did.

Will update with pics and final dry curing weights.

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
This thread is awesome, truly inspirational

Congrats, Bueno


Thanks Pan, I hope it does inspire others who might not otherwise grow their own to try a micro grow. With some skill and a little luck you can get a nice supply of great smoke from a small area.

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
After about 7 days of drying they are trimmed up and jarred in the cure zone (55-65% humidity in jar). Mine are at 59-63 right now depending on jar.

Took the weights and came up with PK3 17g, WHT 14.5g, PLAT 16.7g, SUG 17.5g, GDP 15.6g, PK1 18.4g = 99.7 total plus reveg buds. I left 8-10 little fluffy lower buds on each plant but I wont count those in the total probably not much over a gram left on each plant, if that, on some.

Seems like with this tent and a 150w HPS using 100% organic medium and some organic nutrients, with a full canopy my max yields seemed to be ~100g per 8-10 weeks flowering cycle.

Going to be putting up pics of the buds once they get a little cure time on them and of course some smoke reports eventually after a few weeks or a month cure time.

But other than that this is the end of this thread for now...if not forever.

Hopefully this thread helps someone out in some way or inspires them to grow their own.

Got some COB LEDs in the tent now and a new thread for that, some of you have probably saw already.


Active member
I hope it does inspire others who might not otherwise grow their own to try a micro grow. With some skill and a little luck you can get a nice supply of great smoke from a small area.

Kudos on your harvest, great job! And for showing people what you can do with a small setup.

Dr 4 four

Awesome grow Bueno! Those were some lovely ladies and I hope you can get them to reveg. Can't wait to check out your other LED grow.