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Bubba and Diesel

I Care

Well-known member
Let them rest a bit, straight ph-adjusted water for a day or 2, then assess and proceed with the spinosad in whatever label it's from.

Good luck. They're not beyond being brought back to health.
I cleared up any signs of pests, seemed to return on one leaf of NL. i did some preventative on everybody else. Then I soaked that leaf tom and bottom. 1st of the month was heavy on me so I never made it to get the dead bug. Also no signs of anything on the one I falsely suspected to introduce the issue. So they’re either from warming up here outside/inside or imported like suggested..

moose eater

Well-known member
Bubba and Diesel having some issues. Larger leaves are from the diesel and the smaller leaves are from the bubba. I munched on them and there’s not much flavor either so I’ve got to start doing something. View attachment 19000778
Look into phosphorous, calcium and potassium deficiencies or lock-outs and the causes.

Maybe some micro-nute issues as well.

There are good charts to interpret things with. You can find some online, or here in the Cannabis Infirmary there used to be a pretty good thread by Joe Fresh with lots of pics. Other diagnostic threads there, as well.

I Care

Well-known member
Diesel has responded very well to feeding. I never started a grow log, but I thing it was about 800ppm of Jacks Tomato formula as a side watering about a week ago. And the response is good for the Diesel. Still little improvement in the Bubba. The bubba in training is really liking topping and the LED veg light fixture I’ve got it under.


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I Care

Well-known member
So size wise, I’ve basically git an NL, Bubba and Diesel that are in sort of in the same place.

The NL could probably be big as a tree in the city center at Christmas with a long outdoor season. I was having suspected soil PH issues. Don’t really know what that was, but I was mostly ignoring PH in veg because things looked.. from good to okay and not striving for pure excellence. I just started assuming I had acidic soil and to just stay in the middle with water.

So I finally set up an auxiliary drain pan for flooding pots, it’s just an oil catch pan with part of a germination tray to prop the pot up off the bottom of the pan. I got a really good run off and got what seeemed to be the same water I put in as I got out. pH7.1 and 800ppm added nutrients for an 850 total. Im just rounding 50s cause that’s what comes in the ground.

Well that wasn’t going to cut it for me and may actually explain why things are a light green on a the BK and the NL. They both need water so I took some corrective action. I recycled the run off from the first measurement, filled the jug back up and added more food to get back to 800 then I lowered the PH. Did a complete flood both plants with the same recycle water poured through and then what was left from that, I used as food for the seedlings.

I think the problem I had in the big pots was related to the peat sediments flushed out before the soil settles. The roots are established in the pots and performing exactly how I want it to. That seems to be the story across the board now.

Well worth building this soil and when I get things moved around again I’ll monitor the soil for the next thread I have that goes in a new pot.

I Care

Well-known member
I restored the title, paranoia has polished itself out.

The diesel is super wild and out of control up on top, I don’t even know what to do about it right now. I need to take c-zeros from up top here ASAP. To be honest, I wish I knew what I was feeding this thing, but I think it’s mostly the plant and the jack’s tomato.


… and the light

I Care

Well-known member
Well the diesel is still crazy on top, I don’t even know why it’s still so happy with it being totally pot bound. Bubba 2 (B1) was topped and is growing out of control right next to the diesel many nodes that are easily cloneable.

Bubba 1 (B2) was clogged up with nutrients and had to recirculate the water a few times to get it down into the 1100s. It hasnt been behaving well since the new 6L container and maybe I’m finding it’s had the most compost soil in it all this time. I actually expect it’ll start looking better after helping it out next waterings.

I have some traffic jams happening right now, all areas of life. But they still haven’t gone outside to the open air. One cutting from B1 bubba in training that I put right in soul with gel on, looks good after a couple weeks.



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I Care

Well-known member
Outdoor adventures with the neighbors; with the gifted Bubba 2 (B1), Diesel and Sour Kush 🔱

there’s some FF all purpose, FF marine cuisine, osmocote green, Neptune’s kelp, and jacks tomato feED all mixed in the ground before planting. unfortunately they did get all buggy already and it was too hot today to do anything about it. an old spot that already had bunch of bag soil bedding. Some point like to flood it all the way out, add some sort of evaporation barrier on top of soil and start foliar nutrients and pest control before fruiting season.
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I Care

Well-known member
I’m confusing myself with the bubbas. I’m taking the first bubba seedling I referred to as Bubba 1 and calling it (B2) or bk2.. this is still inside. It was the 1st seedling I was given with the diesel.

I got a second seedling from a second batch of seeds and I got one of those too. is what I’m calling Bubba 2 or (B1) or bk1...It’s outside to see what kind of bush we can grow at the neighbors. It has also produced a healthy cutting that is the b1/0 under led 5700k
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I Care

Well-known member
Bubba and Diesel
topped bubba seedling leaning out toward the photographers hat, reaching out behind, on the right. Untamed beautifully grown diesel seedling in the left of the photograph. Seems be many of the same unidentified pest because I have done zero management.

Peat/Perlite garden bed, mended ff all per, ff marine, nh kelp, osmocote flower and veg, bone meal. Multiple bottle sources to reach levels between 1200-1800 ppm as a weekly watering. Leaned lower pH nutes with expected rainfall, water averaged 5.8.


I Care

Well-known member
Oh hey let this slip Into outdoor grows but not into this thread. neighbor checked on the plants cause I was busy make it over to see them, might make it

bubba and diesel

these things got it all. Watered in ground organic and hydro chelated with cal/mag/micros, tilled and amended with FF all purpose, FF marine cuisine, neptunes kelp, osmo14s and even a few tsp of jacks tomato in soil in July. recently followed up with a dressing of bone meal mid august. beginning of Sep ground was dressed garden expert tomato and veg, epsoma bloom organic, epsoma potash and jacks classicote along with jugs of water. morbloom and molasses added with the solution of part of the cal/mag/micros, jacks tomato and general organics nutrient solutions I’ve been giving them every couple weeks between rains.
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I Care

Well-known member
Going to be rain expected in the middle of the week with moderate cloud cover the days to follow. going to get a chance to dry out to follow the rains. They’re going to be really nice, forecasted rain followed by some warmth will bring the ground to life a little later than I hoped for, in the middle of the season. Hopefully it’ll show how much the ground prep payed off and they’ll stay well fed and the soil will maintain acidity for the finish.

Look forward to representing all the work that went into getting these seedlings in my hands, in the ground, grown without constant unwarranted use of plant performance stressors. The nutrition folks leading the way and helping represent the scope of what nutrients make plants thrive.NPKCaMgSBMnCuMoFeZnSi from various dry and soluble sources organic and synthetic throughout the lifetime of the plants.

The rest is at mercy to the Mother Earth.

I have memories and photos to remind me how my first full season has played out. With some strange blessings and some character building. Learning how much food and which nutrients really make container plants thrive and produce healthy vegetation.

I Care

Well-known member
I didn’t think the Diesel would finish without a lot of problems from weather. couple of them big ben colas.

La Bubba got some support for future weather becaus the diesel really didn’t survive well with the beating and I don’t want the bubba girl in the dirt too.