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British waiter faces two years in Dubai prison after testing positive for cannabis!


Its time our govt started to stand up for our people wherever they are. A British passport guarantees safe passage across any land it is accepted by. So when safe passage is not given, they need to do their flaming jobs. Personally I'd order low level flights of military jets over the houses of the dress wearing retards. They've got oil and aren't Christian. You would have thought they'd tread on egg shell with the west given our history with such nations.

The Arabs have NOTHING to worry about, they own the US government, and pretty much all other western countries. Hell, just look at 9/11; after shutting down US air space, the Arabs were the only ones allowed to fly around. You ever wonder how the US Dollar is still worth more than toilet paper to the rest of the world, since it is printed like crazy and backed by NOTHING. You need to look into Henry Kissinger's dealings with the Saudi's. They (Saudi/Arabs) keep the US afloat with 'petrodollars', and then control the US's actions at the highest levels. Just look at what countries the US has been bombing, lines up with the will of the Saudis. People talk about following the money, hell, how about looking at who is controlling the money; it's all about power.

As for the poor bastard that is going to spend the next 2 years in prison, when are people going to take responsibility for their own actions? Yeah it sucks for him, but people need to have their eyes wide open when going into another country. Along these lines, I find the people that are all pissed at the cruise lines for not protecting their passengers when they visit ports in various countries. Well if you are brave enough to get off the boat, and go into a potentially hostile country, I say that is on you. It is well marked when you get off the cruise boats, there is a 'secured' area where you can buy stuff off the locals. But when you leave the port area, you are on your own; and that is made very clear. But I understand what the people are doing, they are going to sue the cruise lines, because they know how far they would get suing a bus line in some South American country.