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British Police using Thermal Imaging to Find Cannabis Grows


The grows busted are blatantly 3-4 rooms all vented into the roof space. This is a common method amongst the Vietnamese.

Elevator Man

Active member
Half of my city doesn't have proper loft insulation, and there's many, many homes with no snow on the roof, so I think they'd struggle to identify many grows with the one chopper they have. Most chopper use is traffic-related (apart from the chasing-chavs-on-bikes routines they love to show on Cops with Cockrings, or whatever it's called), so it's unlikely they'd divert it to growoom detection unless they were really sure that's what what was going on, and that there was a pile of stuff in there.

If anyone's brave (or daft) enough to grow a warehouseful, then they should already be well aware of the risk, and be prepared to take the hit for it if they get caught. And if they're prepared to set fire to the whole street with dodgy wiring and electrical theft whilst they're at it, then they should rot in jail like the trash they really are, IMHO.


"In reality radars like that are looking at busting larger commercial growers,, not homegrowers with a few pot plants!"

I hope thats true...would a 250wHPS show up bright?


it also says in those guidelines that anyone growing 1 plant, can only receive a caution, and nothing more...........

are you 100% sure about that, no criminal record?

Im growing one plant in the UK & i wanna move to the US ina few years, so i cant risk getting a crimincal record
Guys, I have experience with IR cams. Here is the problem in a nut shell, if I am looking at say hundreds or in some cases thousands of homes, it becomes very obvious when one has substantially different heat signature. Think about how hot your air is coming off 1kw lights, way hotter than your heater, so you have a sea of homes all in the 72-75 degree area and low and behold you have one at 95-100 it will stick out like a beacon. Attics are built the same (within reason) so if every home looks this specific way when I see one that has a really warm attic at nigh and the rest don't you just went on the list to look at further. And if I stop and really look at your home in greater detail than say a drive by, it will be hard to disguise the heat signature. This is if you are doing nothing, if you take measures you could definitely get this down close but if I want I can set my camera to only see temps above say 80 degrees. I don't know what the norm is but with a high end IR cam with say a 320x240 (high end for home inspections) imager you would have a hard time hiding your heat signature. The good thing about this article is that, driving in a car will make all of this not as easy but if you have a big grow you should really think this out.

Guys you can rent an IR cam for no more than 400 per day for a real nice FLIR with a 320x240 imager. If you have a big grow running lots of power I would look at the electrical and make sure all the connections are good as well. No sense in renting one and not looking at that, a fire or blown circuit breaker at the wrong time could be worse then your IR signature. But remember all inspections need to be done under full load, and temp should be when you have the biggest dif from inside to out. And feel free to PM me with any questions.


This was posted by Bush Dr.


"Snow melting prematurely on a roof could be a clue that the house is being used as a cannabis factory, police say.

They said cannabis factories were equipped with high-level lighting, which generates a lot of heat, causing snow and ice to melt."

Be warned folks ..... it's going to get colder too

Of course if you have a filtered system like me, you can exhaust the warm air into the whole house and benefit from 'waste heat'


The snow melts on my roof, but not cause of one 250w light, cause of my 2000w electric heater!


Active member
I have done some research on the matter of thermal imaging. There is a film that claims to block the signiture, I will add the site URL at bottom of print. I found out that anything under 5000 watts is very hard to distinguish. lots of people have 2500watt+ heaters going in winter. Have you ever watched COPS when the guy they are after runs into a building or even under a tree, they loose the signature altogether. I think thermal Imaging could pick up on large commercial grows, but the hobby grower that has 400watts up to 2000watts doesn't have to much to worry about, decoupling is another way to go in other words make sure your grow does not include any part of the out side wall of house, try to make the grow in a room near the middle of house. But if you are still worried you can buy some IR block, I haven't tried it my self.


IMO they keep banging on about the heatsignature cams on the choppers to deter people from having a go. I can't count the number of times that new growers, or those considering setting up, cited the all seeing eye as a major deterant. There has been so much propoganda about this in the media in recent years that it has passed into public consciousness, a bit like 'cannabis psychosis'. Obviously it is a horrible Orwellian ploy to keep the public paranoid and passive-but the truth is that the police, in my city at least, have long long lists of commercial grows to raid already-but they don't have the resorces to do them. The biggest get prioritised and most serious commie growers have worked out that if you get in and out quick, 1 to 2 cycles, then it's cool.

Nowdays the main threat to grows and growers are robbers and gansters, they have shut down far more grows than the cops with or without their cameras.

lovin' the Dando ref, Doc



Active member
IMO they keep banging on about the heatsignature cams on the choppers to deter people from having a go. I can't count the number of times that new growers, or those considering setting up, cited the all seeing eye as a major deterant. There has been so much propoganda about this in the media in recent years that it has passed into public consciousness, a bit like 'cannabis psychosis'. Obviously it is a horrible Orwellian ploy to keep the public paranoid and passive-but the truth is that the police, in my city at least, have long long lists of commercial grows to raid already-but they don't have the resorces to do them. The biggest get prioritised and most serious commie growers have worked out that if you get in and out quick, 1 to 2 cycles, then it's cool.

Nowdays the main threat to grows and growers are robbers and gansters, they have shut down far more grows than the cops with or without their cameras.

lovin' the Dando ref, Doc

Eaddie you couldn't be more right. I went through that initial paranoia, but it goes away. "Push once push hard".