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Breeding with wild hemp



WoW didn't know so many people cared about CBD!

I'll just say a few things. Sick people like to get high too but they really just want to feel BETTER! CBD is a powerful tool for them to use. I think the best plant would be a strong hitting plant with THC and CBD. There are seeds on the market with CBD levels 5 fold of normal pure THC strains. These plants are still very potent and sticky. As I stated before wild breed land race strains have higher levels of CBD due to natural selection of cannabis in their area of the world. Nature needs THC to protect from UV and has CBD from strong "hempish" plants.

I have not been to Afghanistan and studied the plants there but I read that it's got somewhat the best of both worlds. An increase of CBD from .025% to .6% would be over two fold increase in a chemical very important to the medical benefit of cannabis. This to me is an amazing increase and hopefully to patients a sweet release from the crushing, demolishing life of pain and sickness.


ICMag Donor
We all learn together at the same rate here :D :canabis:

I'm just debating the 'theory'. Botanically, little evidence suggests that trichome production in cannabis is related to UV levels.

The resin first appears on the leaf panels. The first trichomes produced on the main fan leaf are waxy and contain little medicinal value. The next trichomes appear on the stems,, again waxy and associated with scent. The next trichomes are displayed in the shade leaf and then as sepals appear in the flowers,, these contain the complex cannabinoids.

There are species of plant, that produce glandular trichomes only in the flowers, while the leaf remain free from trichomes completely including succulents and cacti. This is mainly associated with the collection of water / moisture / humidity during the main flowering period in areas that are otherwise dessert. These areas are also high in UV.

Hope this helps


ICMag Donor
Sick people like to get high too but they really just want to feel BETTER! CBD is a powerful tool for them to use. I think the best plant would be a strong hitting plant with THC and CBD.

Nice post :yes: I agree that the interplay between different cannabinoids evokes much of the medicinal (and getting high) effects :yes: :canabis:

Try vaporizing the THC off first at 160c . (let your friend get high) then hit the medical CBD/N/G's on the Vap at 200c yourself. Great way to break down the profile! :D


Currently,, most breeders select / judge seeds and clones based on crystal content and flavour in the end line... with a high THC / THCV content in the end profile. This means that all the deemed weaker plants containing a nice CBD CBN CBG profile get overlooked and discarded from breeding.

A good place to start would be Skunk #1 . It contains so much variation from seed that plants with specific profiles other than high THC could be isolated and used in breeding,,, without ever looking at hemp! Same grows for Mini Malawi.. and several other landrace IBLs available which contain plenty CBN/DGs already :D

Playing with hemp might have a reason,, but let's not use 'medi weed' as any excuse.

If anything it will produce poorer quality genetics for medi. users!!!

Peace, love, flowers


CBN is not particularly necessary since its a degraded cannabinoid of THC.

I doubt that a strain like Skunk#1 has pheno's with a higher CBD-content or other cannabinoid, although one of the strains which is used is Afghani.Not all Afghani's contains a nice amount of CBD.

Some hemp strains is just shit to use, while others are very interesting like the Finola.This counts also for certain landraces, some are shit and some aren't.

CBD is an antagonist which blocks the effect of THC, so if you want to get high you don't want to have any antagonists which block the effect of THC.

For medical reasons some people needs only THC, some a combination of THC & CBD and some CBD alone.Every person is different like every disease.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:


but are not any hairs coming from a plant called trichomes? im pretty sure i read somwhere that roses have trichomes, but not in the manner that cannabis has.

that leads me to derive the conclusion that trichomes on the leafs and stalks are no different to other plants, its the trichomes that are produced during flowering which are unique, possibly could also be the only trichomes on the plant that are affected by UV

(not to say all other trichomes on the leafs and stems dont do somthing)


ICMag Donor

I have heard little argument to persuade me so far that crossing cannabis with hemp is a good idea. No hate to the thread starter,, but we've never heard of this volflex hemp strain,, (that's my ignorance not yours. ),, and the only hemp we come across is 'owned' by conglomerate seed companies,, or is highly suspicious in origin (possibly GM) ,,, you cant blame us for being so sceptical. Indeed negative in places.

I'm only thinking about the growers of 2020!!

elimanito : the whack plants that ppl throw away in Skunk #1 gardens are the ones medi. breeders should be looking at IMO. Skunk #1 is a true breeding cultigen with a proven track-record over 30 years. The cannabinoid profiles covered by the variety alone still has a lot to offer the medi. community IME. Same goes for 1000 other varieties,,

Why toy with hemp? Unless it's truely wild,, in which case wild hemp does hold survival qualities that may be useful to outdoor growers,, but it would take multiple generations to stablise anything worth smoking.

The distinction is between plants that people currently keep as clones and those that medi. users may maintain in the future is currently at each end of the spectrum. Ironically the "crap" plants are the ones that could most help the medi. community at present. It's just that the commercial growers aren't yet ready to hold onto "low grade THC' (crap) plants just yet for the medi. community to access... and most medi. growers are fresh to growing and dont know wtf go on either way,, bless them.

Supplying medi. growers with hemp crosses sure isnt the answer! IMO. Actually it's a f-ing shit idea! I'm a medi user! No harm meant to all that mean well :D

With education there is hope yet :canabis:

Good discussion :yes:

peace n love all


First of all i want to say there is a possibility you had GM hemp seeds in your possession, but this not means that all the hemp strains are GMO, especially those which are used for food.It sounds not right when organic farmers are cultivating GMO hemp.:chin:

One thing is most of the marijuana strains contains only the Bt/allele which is a gene responsible for THC-production.The Bd/allele is bred out.Hemp contains the Bd/allele which is responsible for the CBD-production.When you cross them together you have a F1-generation with an average THC-content and an average CBD-content.Interesting part comes with the F2-generation and than you need a TLC-test for the cannabinoid profile.

Another method is of course to use a landrace which has the Bt/Bd allele to use it in a breeding project and one of the hemp varieties here in Europe is Finola which is certainly not genetic modified.Landraces you can also use are from Lebanon (THC:CBD 1:2), Afghanistan, Pakistan, North-India???? etc.

For the breeding project you need a TLC-test to analyse the profile.You cant do with out it.

This is a multi hybrid i made in the past, although i must say without a TLC-test, but it was a pretty good smoke & very resinous :D

Genetics: Neville's Haze, Nepali sativa, Red Dawn (Finola), KC33


Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



ICMag Donor
Cool reproach :canabis:

I n I agree poly-hydrids are the future in medi. genetics :yes:

Peace n love man


cbd helps you brain cope with the psychosis effect of thc, so its more for people with higher anxiety, helps you better enjoy the effects of thc. theres a women who did a documentary and she got injected with pure thc and had a freakout, then she was injected with a thc cdb mix and she was laughing and giggleing
this fall im going be harvesting alot of ditch weed for my hash tumbler so im going have alot of seeds if anyone is interested.


I did not mention France .. someone else did The crops were growing in the UK,, likely from Canadian origin (think the Queen owns it)... haha

ha ok you didn't say it:) but I still hold the opinion it would of been a french cultivar grown def not canadian especially if you believe its GMO as Canada has never grown GM Hemp to my knowledge if you know otherwise please tell. i personally don't think it was GMO, and I think the sterility route is likely.


up until 05 these where the cultivars that you could grow in the UK

Asso Fedora 17 Kompolti
Beniko Felina 32 Kompolti hibrid TC
Bialobrzeskie Félina 34 Kompolti sárgaszárú
Cannacomp Férimon Lipko
Carmagnola Fibranova Moniseed
Chamaeleon Fibriko TC Multiseed
Codimono Fibrimon 24 Red petiole
CS Fibrimon 56 Santhica 23
Delta-llosa Fibrimor Santhica 27
Delta-405 Finola Tiborszállási
Dioica 88 Futura Uniko B
Epsilon 68 Futura 75 Uso-31
Fasamo Juso 14

it used to £31 for a lic to grow it, and was getting to be big business with subsidies weather it still is i'm unsure.

but there are other options for obtaining CBD than crossing hemp



New member
Wow this thread really took off. Thanks for all the info guys, real good read here. :joint:

Anywho I plan on collecting a number of seeds from the different plots and grow them out next year. Might not be worth my effort, but hey, if nothing else at least maybe I will learn something. Might do a cross or two with some other bagseeds and see what I get.

cbd helps you brain cope with the psychosis effect of thc, so its more for people with higher anxiety, helps you better enjoy the effects of thc. theres a women who did a documentary and she got injected with pure thc and had a freakout, then she was injected with a thc cdb mix and she was laughing and giggleing
this fall im going be harvesting alot of ditch weed for my hash tumbler so im going have alot of seeds if anyone is interested.
Should I Smoke Dope? - haha that was a fun documentary.
interesting thread. I am also going to try the same for myself as i need CBD. I will be crossing landrace mazarisharif with wild hemp from northern vietnam. My friend will be getting me some seeds when he goes on a trip to Sapa in Vietnam. I will also keep both lines pure while crossing and experimenting.


Interesting suggestion to cross a northern Vietnamese hemp strain with Mazar-i-Sharif.Hmong people usually grow hemp in Vietnam.
In a interview with Robert Connell Clarke i found this writing what happend in the past in Switzerland and this is not the way you should do it.You have to take care for your genepool and preserve it, so Docleaf i can understand your fear.

Mixing hemp and drug varieties so far has been a disaster! It happened accidentally in Switzerland, where people ended up with hemp that is too high in THC to be legally hemp and lousy recreational/medicinal product.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



@ Docleaf,

With regards to the hemp you grew, it could be feasable that the cultivar they used was bred in such a way that the cultivators would have to grow from seed stock each season, hence they would be buying stock each season, the so called "terminator" gene etc.



when i do my breeding i dont want to cross it with any "modern" strains,, how long do would it take to increase thc level 3 times the current level?


ICMag Donor
@ Docleaf,

With regards to the hemp you grew, it could be feasable that the cultivar they used was bred in such a way that the cultivators would have to grow from seed stock each season, hence they would be buying stock each season, the so called "terminator" gene etc.


yes. seems likely :yes:


Smokes, lets go
Somone should go out to the hemp feilds, with some potent pollen, from a Diesel or Kush strain or a strong indy purple, a big bag of pollen and pollenate those hemp plants with dank pollen keep doing that to that hemp patch every year until all the hemp genetics are dwiddled down to nothing and then u have a patch of semi dank and the cops will probably leave it alone , i dont know if midwest cops go around killing random hemp feilds but it has been full eridacated in most places...


Crap .. I've been looking for a confirmed source of CBD for a couple of years.

And not any of this 1.6% crap ..

Finola is supposed to be in excess of 15% CBD. As is USO 31.

I have no intention of cross breading it. I'd run it clone to clone period.

To have the crossed effects, I'd extract the CBD and spray it on a normal bag of bud or add it (with normal bud) to medables.

I have several MS patients that would love to be able to get it.

Is there anyone selling Finola seed online?

danut aka peanutbutter.