skin said:the pitbull is a performance animal , as soon as you breed for looks instead of ability your going to fuck it up ! like every other useless kennel club dog that has been bred for looks!
there are working dogs and show dogs i only have time for working dogs be it pointers , flushing dogs , retrievers , hounds , catch dogs , little game ground terriers or many of the other classes.
i may sound like a dog fighter but i can assure you i am not , it took hundreds of years of natural selection to make the pit bull what it is , and all of a sudden people decide to use the name and breed some muscle bound , huge headed over priced lump ! so wrong
i have a large mastif also and the last time the local pack of feral dogs came to chase and kill my other animals (goats,sheep,rabbits, turkeys and chickens) i let my big fearce dog go to do the biz , only to find after a brief scuffle that he wasnt really that fierce and lost interest very quickly ! , leaving my animals to the mercy of the other dogs .
i have the mastif so i dont have to use my pits as guard dogs and give the media and haters anymore ammunition if they actually had to guard me or my family !
when the mastif proved his lack of gameness i got my big male red nose pitbull out of his kennel and let him have a go , needless to say after a short battle the feral dogs soon retreated and he had proven his breeding and heritage and saved my animals .
some minor medical treatment and all was good .
as someone mentioned earlier in this thread 'IT IS BETTER TO HAVE IT AND NOT NEED IT THAN TO NEED IT AND NOT HAVE IT '
i personally couldnt and wouldnt be part of what would of been necessary to create this breed from scratch but seeing as it is here already i see nothing wrong in trying to maintain and admire it !
good msg bro..and i agree.
i know more about dogs than i do humans, and when i hear of peeps not being responsible dog owners i get pissed.