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Breeding out hermie traits


The Tri Guy
Well thanks for the flattery, I do like a bit of that, 😁,
I'm not sure science requires you to S1 to create a new smoke, but if you want to, it's fine.
The odds of finding a similar smoke to mom are slim. Put it this way, take a cook book, find a recipe you like. Now find another. Normally, we would combine both recipes to make a new dish. Mom plus dad equals new seeds. This is classical breeding.
Some of the words in dad's recipe and some of the words in moms get jumbled up, and form a new recipe. Or you can take a photocopy of mom's recipe, and jumble all the ingredients up, and randomly pick ot half for the new recipe.
But where the ingredients previously said 200g of flour and 1 egg, it could now say 400g of flour and no egg, or it could say 2 eggs, and not mention flour. Now think how many genes there are in a plant. To get them all exactly the same in the next recipe is unlikely. But, maybe you don't like eggs, ? One of the recipes could be perfect for you.

3rd world, access to Amazon? Buy either STS or colloidal silver. Plenty of threads here on using it. If not you need a small amount of pure silver bullion, 5 grams is about :$5, a 9 volt battery, (one of the square ones), two pieces of wire and some crocodile clips. You can make your own that way. Again, threads on here.

A 2.5m plant with 10 grams? How good can a high be to make that worth it? There are better things out there in my opinion. Find better breeding stock for better offspring. The S1 thing lets you know probabilities and qualities contained. Identify the best parental plants through the ratio of their good offspring, breed the best P1 plants together. It's not a quick fix, that's why most don't bother, but given evolution is random and not a progression towards a goal, an external actor, can influence and control it's direction, even speed it up. But it's still a slow process.

Boob McNoob

Well-known member
We've all dealt with hermaphroditic efforts (which drew my eye to the thread) and my first inquiry was a simple question about the avatar used - it reminds me of the Norse Tree of Life. The author seemed to take no offense but didn't comment. Curious bit of censorship deleting a second post that only sought to gain further understanding. There was no attack or inference of impropriety, simply a link to another site with a user that shared the name of this threads author. The post now deleted was simply to reach out and try to establish a rapport. I likewise take no offense to my post being deleted but am slightly saddened by the exchange.


Well-known member
We've all dealt with hermaphroditic efforts (which drew my eye to the thread) and my first inquiry was a simple question about the avatar used - it reminds me of the Norse Tree of Life. The author seemed to take no offense but didn't comment. Curious bit of censorship deleting a second post that only sought to gain further understanding. There was no attack or inference of impropriety, simply a link to another site with a user that shared the name of this threads author. The post now deleted was simply to reach out and try to establish a rapport. I likewise take no offense to my post being deleted but am slightly saddened by the exchange.

No offense taken. You were completely right, it's Yggdrasil - the tree of life in North European mythology. The name Asentrouw is also a reference to this ancient mythology. 😉

Didn't know the post is deleted by moderation. Not on my request anyhow. Ofcourse I'm always open to fully discuss old Norse mythology, but not sure this is the right thread for that. 🫡

Boob McNoob

Well-known member
My connection to this (and off topic interest) is that I've adopted the user name Jormungandr on another forum. Also tangential is my reference often to cannabis as the Leaf of Life; I have to wonder if there is a link between the mythology and Mankind's biochemical receptors (I.E. the endocannabinoid system). At any rate, thanks for trying to smooth my ruffled feathers.
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Well-known member
We've all dealt with hermaphroditic efforts (which drew my eye to the thread) and my first inquiry was a simple question about the avatar used - it reminds me of the Norse Tree of Life. The author seemed to take no offense but didn't comment. Curious bit of censorship deleting a second post that only sought to gain further understanding. There was no attack or inference of impropriety, simply a link to another site with a user that shared the name of this threads author. The post now deleted was simply to reach out and try to establish a rapport. I likewise take no offense to my post being deleted but am slightly saddened by the exchange.
I've reported your post for potential doxxing. Google the term if you don't know what it means. I had also quoted your post with the link (which was not the most intelligent move) to tell you it's potential doxxing. The moderators deleted my post too and that's fine. Never make any posts or links that can lead to real world identification of forum members. That's common sense in a world of harsh laws against people like us, innit?

Boob McNoob

Well-known member
Upon reflection and given your insights, I humbly apologize for my unthinking faux pas. It's a good day when explanations are provided rather than excuses. Thank you for your honesty and altruism.


Well-known member
Well thanks for the flattery, I do like a bit of that, 😁,
I'm not sure science requires you to S1 to create a new smoke, but if you want to, it's fine.
The odds of finding a similar smoke to mom are slim. Put it this way, take a cook book, find a recipe you like. Now find another. Normally, we would combine both recipes to make a new dish. Mom plus dad equals new seeds. This is classical breeding.
Mate, I read that post in february
I thought to myself how does he know if he never grew thais?
Results match your predictions, it is very impressive

To create new smoke is not a problem, making seed is easy. What is difficult is making quality seed. If this is the prediction of the results of S1s, I am not going to try it, it is not what I look for

3rd world, access to Amazon? Buy either STS or colloidal silver. Plenty of threads here on using it. If not you need a small amount of pure silver bullion, 5 grams is about :$5, a 9 volt battery, (one of the square ones), two pieces of wire and some crocodile clips. You can make your own that way. Again, threads on here.
Shipping with Amazon is over 100u$s for any small item from USA plus crazy import taxes. Free trade is a luxury of the first world where the consumers live. A silver bullion I can buy locally but I will not try it

A 2.5m plant with 10 grams? How good can a high be to make that worth it? There are better things out there in my opinion.
I got this kind of stock for top euros from different seedbanks with all kind of flashing marketing names, I dont think it is necessary to shout out names
The high sucks, it is absolutely not better than their ok sisters
There seems to be a lot of hype and people happy with this kind of stock. You can read in the forums all kind of raves about grinspoon types. I even asked breeders why they breed such crap and sell it, I got no answers. It is all marketing I guess
The sativa breeding is an absolute disaster. I search for better things all the time to no avail
I cant believe stock I smoked in real life in my lifetime is not available at all

Tom was on a 4 pages beer rant yesterday
Some pearls, I think this is the way too from what I see
Tom Hill said:
My first born was more autistic than most in my family actually to the point of being nonverbal. I rolled up my sleeves put my geneticist hat on and sought out heterosis, successfully, and a buttload cheaper too 😂
I think the best is to outcross my selected P1 thais(I like the tropical ones) with a sativa from another continent and make a sativa F1 and hope for the best.

Tom Hill said:
You'll never fix a chemotype in any line that is idiot child thoughts. Cannabis is closer to strawberries than corn especially drug type might as well be octoploid. It must be clonally propegated. So let's talk about the things that need to come together. That's all I am saying. Get your heads out of the fucking clouds.
Wellll, my best weed is revegged and clonally propagated and I dont see the same quality in the offspring

Tom Hill said:
Drug type cannabis is incredibly complex and it is idiotic to think anybody can breed it to be grown from seed. That is reality.
It seems it is. I cant believe what happened to sativas


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Its hard to know what you are working with but it sounds quite bad... and i'm not sure what you are looking for in your weed.. maybe you are working with landrace genetics that some heads will rave about but other smokers would regard as 'mids' - but i would try some different genetics.
The results from S1s will depend on the nature of the parent and how true-breeding it is, just like making crosses but even more so i guess, but if you find an S1 with the parental traits you want, it will be more likely to breed true for those traits than the P1 !
Sure cannabis would be propagated vegetatively for growers if it was perfectly legal, just like apples or strawberries, but i must say that most of the stuff i work with and make crosses with usually retain the potency and often general terp profile of the parents comes through in different measures/plants but is still recognisable. Perhaps i'm lucky or the genetics i use are already inbred.. or i just have more 'middle of the road' tastes in weed lol.


The Tri Guy
Sometimes things get translated and a spot of confusion arises. Can I just check, when you say revegged, do you mean you cloned them in veg and you're talking about the next grow, or do you mean you actually flowered them, then revegged them, then took cuttings, rooted and vegged them? Not that it should make much difference, but it might.

You're getting good advice from V.G. and Tom, I can't really add anything.


Well-known member
Its hard to know what you are working with but it sounds quite bad... and i'm not sure what you are looking for in your weed.. maybe you are working with landrace genetics that some heads will rave about but other smokers would regard as 'mids' - but i would try some different genetics
I look for similar weed to the one I smoked in real life. I never smoked hybrids in real life, I smoked tropical sativas bought and smoked at their landrace markets in Asia and South America
I like the kind of weed with creeper high. I grew up with this kind of weed and this is what I smoked most of my life

If you want to have a look at this season grows
I like doing comparative grows because there are no reliable references and after growing a bit I dont trust the sources, too much illusion and fairy tales.

Autumm grow, hazes are a disaster, sativas in general are a disaster. probably indicas have better results but I dont have the proper environment for indicas and I am not into hash making and smoking hashplant buds suck which is what the canna world rave about
This is all hybrid grow. The tallest ohz x sk gave 22 gram bud harvest. I am not checking the F2 of this
Sativa hybrids have too much indica in them and high tolerance

Current winter grow, I dont consider any of this landrace and there is some talk about it in the thread

Perhaps i'm lucky or the genetics i use are already inbred.. or i just have more 'middle of the road' tastes in weed lol
I dont think is luck. You are working with indica genetics that are adapted to indoor environments and seems the inbreeding of indicas is a lot better than the inbreeding of sativas

or do you mean you actually flowered them, then revegged them, then took cuttings, rooted and vegged them?
I mean this ☝️
and I try to do it again this year. All of it outdoors in the greenhouse. Thais indoors go intersex badly
I dont use translators, I simply lack botany knowledge and probably correct vocabulary in my mother tongue as well

I just ask the people who know the science for things I find difficult to work out

Thank you guys, have a nice sunday


I look for similar weed to the one I smoked in real life. I never smoked hybrids in real life, I smoked tropical sativas bought and smoked at their landrace markets in Asia and South America
You should use seeds from the weed you like, if you can no longer get those seeds it will be much harder. Sativa seeds you buy are not good, even if they are pure they were reproduced indoors under lights. If you are in a tropical area you need to breed outside not in a green house, you can move them inside a green house after they have been pollinated. Crossing two unrelated sativa's would be the ideal, for hybred vigor. If you only have a hermy strain you need to start a segregation program, only male flowers on one plant and only female flowers on another plant. Keep them small so you have total control of them and do not let any other plants pollinate the female. A few generations and they should segregate to male and female plants. Sativa's are hard to maintain away from there original habitat. good luck