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Bram's ISO extraction method


Active member
I'm new here, but since I'm finally getting my camera working, I thought I'd post a couple pics I took of some iso oil I made with a similar method, on a bowl of super haze. Enjoy!



Maui, I DID NOT pilfer from Ninja, other then being given the hint to freeze my iso by an old stoner up here in BC I am completely self-taught. It sounds like you have a pretty good method, but once ALL the iso is evaporated it should actually be like glass breaking apart in shards; and taking a good 5-10 sconds to really start melting to your fingers. Goes with any solvent I have used so far actually.

Nice iso oil Dr. Katz.


Bram, it was a tongue in cheek dig, if you feel you were the originator of this technique then fair enough but Im afraid I don't think you are. Like most of us you learnt of it somewhere. Why get so touchy heh? You seem quite angry if someone challenges you. Arrogance and Anger are not endearing qualities, neither is plaguerism.

Not wanting to flame you here but you thread originated 30/06/05, ninja's originated in july 2004 and even then he acknowledges that this is a modification on other Iso techniques and other people are responsible. You can read a much better thread on this subject here

Oh if you wonder why plageurism bothers me, im a scientist, if someone claimed a technique Id designed as there own I'd play hell
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I don't see where I said that I was the only person to make honey oil with Iso, nor have I ever read Ninja's thread. I saw a lack of knowledge in the iso honey oil making department so I spread a technique that is normally not known to everyone. Hell, if you even reda my last post I state in there that I was myself told to freeze the iso. So I don't know where you get this idea that I think I am the only person to make oil this way. And I only get angry when someone insults me by implying that I am a hack.


Active member
Bram said:
To avoid getting chlorophyll while doing large batches like Wreck did, I have found recently that you need to wash no more then about an oz at a time to maintain near zero chlorophylls.

GOOD point...thats how i do my extraction thorught a funnel ...oz at a time then run solvent over bud no acual solvent +material soak.. just a crisp shower

goddammm why did int i think of freezing mine.....that would have been a nice lil brick .

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not hating on zep at all! but his method you should not smoke his oil, he uses it for cooking. He lets it sit in the iso for waaaaaay to long, makes it tary and black :( but for converting into butter its fine.

will try out this freezing method next time, never froze the content beforehand


The words "self taught" imply that bram mate, but thats by the by. Its just a quality technique for extracting all that goodness from what is essentially unsmokeable pap. Also Iso isnt honey oil, well it never is for me, its always solid at room temp and goes from amber/brown to cherry red in colour. Only butane or hexane will give you true honey oil. A bit pedantic I know as essentially they are all the same thing but its important to note the differences. Iso is the cheap and easy but effective version, butane gives a better product but is a more difficult process, hexane is hard to get hold off but gives the best product of all and is the same process as iso.

Back to the technique, one thing to note, it works just as well on wet trim as it does dry. Infact in terms of quality it is much better to use wet trim although your yeild may be slightly reduced if you don't do a second wash.

I harvested 2 nevilles haze yesterday, gave them a quick trim as they need to be dry in 7 days but nothing too excessive. I made some Iso with the trim from the Haze phenotype this afternoon. 1g of cherry red oil/hash was the result, it is extremely brittle and takes a fair amount of warming to become maleable. However the colour is just amazing, deep cherry red which is unusual without using activated carbon filtering. The high is incredible, very cerebral but also trippy and then later more stoney. Im completely mashed off the spliff Ive just smoked. No more of this for a while!!!


Zilaniz, you can leave it to sit for 24/48 hours in iso in the freezer.

However this will extract all of the chlorophyll and waxes that you dont want. However if you filter the iso several times using activated carbon you remove all the chlorophyll and waxes from the oil leaving only the THC and other cannabinoids. This will leave you with a cherry red iso oil/hash.

This method maximises yeild, unfortunately the QWiso method is pretty inefficient leaving up to 40% of the cannabinoids behind, its just the best compromise without complex filtering. Look up iso cherry oil on OG or google and have a look, if you can get the carbon filtering set up apparently it is a far more efficient way of doing it. You can double your yeild without any reduction in quality, infact most people who have done it say that carbon filtering actually improves the quality. Im certainly going to be giving it a try.


Active member
mauiwowie said:
The words "self taught" imply that bram mate, but thats by the by. Its just a quality technique for extracting all that goodness from what is essentially unsmokeable pap. Also Iso isnt honey oil, well it never is for me, its always solid at room temp and goes from amber/brown to cherry red in colour. Only butane or hexane will give you true honey oil. A bit pedantic I know as essentially they are all the same thing but its important to note the differences. Iso is the cheap and easy but effective version, butane gives a better product but is a more difficult process, hexane is hard to get hold off but gives the best product of all and is the same process as iso.

Back to the technique, one thing to note, it works just as well on wet trim as it does dry. Infact in terms of quality it is much better to use wet trim although your yeild may be slightly reduced if you don't do a second wash.

I harvested 2 nevilles haze yesterday, gave them a quick trim as they need to be dry in 7 days but nothing too excessive. I made some Iso with the trim from the Haze phenotype this afternoon. 1g of cherry red oil/hash was the result, it is extremely brittle and takes a fair amount of warming to become maleable. However the colour is just amazing, deep cherry red which is unusual without using activated carbon filtering. The high is incredible, very cerebral but also trippy and then later more stoney. Im completely mashed off the spliff Ive just smoked. No more of this for a while!!!

thats kinda funny ...mine looks like cherry or honey oil...and i didnt use butane..or hexane (which i founded) and mine deff dont look like no iso oil...that link u posted doesnt even look like oil..looks like hash to me.i always thought oil was oil not a solid....it seems the iso dont make the tricombes into a liquid form all the way...like i said if u want the best oil...u make the material/trim take a shower..not a bath..
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Iso Oil/hash all depends on lots of things killa. The strain you use is the most important, if I do this with my grapefruit it gives a golden brown yellow oil, the WWxC99 and the Nevs haze have both produced hard brittle translucent amber like substances that only melt when you apply heat of your hands.

Temp is also important, im in scotland so ambient temps are always around the solidifying point of THC which is 19C, that means that it will nearly always be solid until you apply some heat, then it turns into goo and sticks to everything.

It seems some people are here to share info and have ideas. Its seems others are here to stroke there ego's and say how great they are and how there method is the one.

Oh kila "or hexane (which i founded)" what does that mean? Are you saying you invented the hexane technique now lol , you cant even F*cking spell!!! moron


sorry 2 bee the bearer of bad nuize, but solid = betta

and dat ain't honey... no offense



Active member
Oh kila "or hexane (which i founded)" what does that mean? Are you saying you invented the hexane technique now lol , you cant even F*cking spell!!! moron[/QUOTE]

haha ...ask around buddy....where did u find the recipie for hexane at..did it just pop into ur head?

iono ...i think oil constitutes being a oil...not a rock.. oilbaron is oil frozen..if i froze mine ..it would come to look like jarassic park amber but i can assure u its not black ...these pictures are from the day it was made...not like 5 mins after it got off the heat.....

hard is better cause its much easyer to handle.YES..but thats in freezing temps....how can u compaire frozen to non frozen oil?

i never said my oil was anybetter...im just askin how did u come to this sayin all this about oil..i dont even know the strain i used..it was all trim from a friend... and im sure it didnt matter...

makin oil is like makin dry sifti say ....u only want the good tricomes that come off easy and make it thought the screen ...i make it the same.. i only want the good tricombes to become oil ..the first run.. seconed run is the crappy stuff..black./green..its kinda hard to show u what i mean..but no matter i never said anyones oil sucks...its all the same gets u high..iono why people are tryin to be the master of oil makin ...or being a scientist is gonna help u ..

all these are not the same..but i bet they are honey oil even tho there not honey color right"? cause it gets u high
pics c/o oilbaron
gloves? must be sticky


ur name is mauiwowie..... and u live in scotland do u know where maui is?.....whos the moron...and i stil havent seen ur oil? or ur method ..or ur thread on how to do it.. i would love to see other techniques..

since me hillbillie,hashmaster,and bram are the only ones with threads that i see..if we all got togeather at the icmag and made batches of our honey 4 diff methods im sure they would all be dank..and no one could sit at our honey oil booth for more than 10 seconeds without hullucinating.. :bat: :woohoo: i gaurentee most people on here cant even handle the oill...

im pretty sure when we all meet up at the iccup in a few years we will have our own booth and own catagory .. BEST EXTRACTED im sure this is enought for eveyone at the cup

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Ok killa, you obviously like smoking iso in your oils. To me that last picture looks unpurged, sorry but it does. The other pictures look like a mix of iso and BHO, the 2nd is obviously bubble, its too dry for full purge iso or budda as its known commercially c/o Buddaking. Too many people claiming things and techniques for themselves, a biochemist friend has been doing hexane oil for over 25 years, did you teach him??.

Ive decided to give up my secret in another thread titled "full purge iso oil aka budda". I don't claim to have invented this technique, but stumbled upon it earlier this year after smoking some mail order budda and realising that the iso I was making was close to this product. A few modifications after finding info at another website and it came to this.

This product is better for you, smoother, tastier and is more easily handled. Check out the thread and try it out killa, you may learn something ;o)
You said my oil looked like hash, well it was oil that had the consistency of glass, this is what I consider 99.5% purged oil, it goes very hard and brittle. However, another purge

bad pic but here is a pic of my oil and then my full purge, wish i had a flash and zoom, that jar of yours looks significantly iunpurged as I said. Oh did i meantion its actually nevilles haze oil, yum yum. Both were extracted at the same time from the same plant, I just saved a bit of the normal oil to show the difference.

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Active member
ur friend has been doin hexane for 25 years?? wow why didnt he share the recipie ...cause i know for a fact hillbillieonpcp is the only one makein hexoil on icmag..and i introduced him to it...so ur saying hexane was invented in scotland in 1975 by ur friend? dam i dindt know oil came from scotland.
i wounder where u would get hexane in 1975 ?

unpurged..what does that mean.?? does that mean that i didnt leave it out..then yes ..and i didnt make it with iso...so there is no iso in it... and that was stright off the hotplate im sure i cant just play with the lil balls like u got...when u got alot its kinda hard to let it just sit cause i smoke it like its candy .. if i balled it up it would be a baseball.. and ive never seen it done the way i do it eather ..not the solvent but the process..seems everyone just soaks the weed then extracts it ..where as i do it tottally diff.

and i know ur not talkin bout that BUDDA stuff that is in canada..where u can see them smokin it ont he urban grower..and it dont look solid to me..cause when they pack the bowl he melts it into the bowl .like a liquid..

i got my recipie from a friend that used to work for CENTAR pharm. in norcal
they had a huge 1000's doller machine that did it for them..i forgot what its called but ill ask agian ..
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lol, my friend I was speaking about is an old hippy turned professor but he isnt a scot and neither am I. He has used many solvents to make oils over the last 40 or so years so he has told me. He used to extract the brick weed from africa and S america that we used to get in the uk as more often than not it wasnt sensi and was full of seed. He actually does a 24/48 hour soak with whatever solvent in the fridge or freezer, then a variation on activated C filtering and then purge. According to him, these methods have been around as long as the solvents have, they were nothing new when he started doing them and he just used knowledge that was passed onto him by other old hippys and smokers.

Doesn't matter what you extract it with kila, it should be solid at room temp, otherwise its either still full of solvent/water or you extracted something else from the plant. THC and other cannabinoids are solid at room temp, they be the laws of physics unless you oil is very special on a quantum level ;o) it should be solid. Im only concerned on a health level really dude, if you are 100% its purged fully then all good but you don't want to be smoking whatever solvent you use.

The budder is solid, like full melt bubble hash but as soon as you apply a flame its liquid, it bubbles and then its gone. I have to use 4 screens on my pipe so I can smoke it, otherwise it just drops into the bottom. Ive smoked budderkings budder quite a few times and its definately fully purged whipped iso. Its oil jim but not as we know it ;o)


Maui, why don't you fuck off with your pretentious attitude. I think you might be more welcome at Overgrow.


Aw bram, what up you sound like a right arse.

Is that all you can do, tell someone to fuck off and call them pretentious, the most prententious thing iin this thread is you claiming this technique as your own. Obviously a very well rounded and subjective huan being. Typical yank, claims something that isn't his as his own, then cry's when someone points this out and them comes up something more.

I don't even understand why people like you smoke and if you do what on earth makes you so angry. Ive been nothing other than polite with a few IRONIC digs, oh I forgot you yanks haven't developed the intellectual capacity to understand irony yet have you. tshhh.

The only person you are kidding is yourself little boy and I think you will find it is your attitude that is more suited to overgrow. Overgrow's the place where people fellate their own ego's and tell themselves how original and great they are isn't it?

I just like sharing info and finding out new ways of doing things, have a laugh, a debate, be nice to people and generally just chill. Everything you have done in this thread shows you up as an immature egotistical ill educated fool, nice as pie when someones stroking your ego but anyone questions you, your response is one of anger. I suggest you discuss this with your therapist, they will help you work it out arf.


all I have to say in response to you buddy is that people should weep when they encounter someone like you, but rejoice in the fact that not everyone is like that.


Heres what im going to do do.

1. take about 3.5 grams of premium bud.

Cut up into small pieces with new small trim scisors directly into the jar. Freeze material for 1 hour. Take frozen iso (higest availble % Hopefully denaturalized) pour a decent amount(enough to absorb more than all the thc by a small amount) into the jar with bud and shake carefully for 1.5 miniutes and then strain through a cofee filter and poured into a small pyrex glass drying pan.

Held with glove over stove and slowly moved for about 10 miniutes. let cool for an hour, repeat till sticky substance emergeswhere it will be scraped and layed out on glass and dry more.
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Active member
POd said:
Heres what im going to do do.

1. take about 3.5 grams of premium bud.

Cut up into small pieces with new small trim scisors directly into the jar. Freeze material for 1 hour. Take frozen iso (higest availble % Hopefully denaturalized) pour a decent amount(enough to absorb more than all the thc by a small amount) into the jar with bud and shake carefully for 1.5 miniutes and then strain through a cofee filter and poured into a small pyrex glass drying pan.

Held with glove over stove and slowly moved for about 10 miniutes. let cool for an hour, repeat till sticky substance emergeswhere it will be scraped and layed out on glass and dry more.

why??? hope that stove is electric... jk
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