Bram said:To avoid getting chlorophyll while doing large batches like Wreck did, I have found recently that you need to wash no more then about an oz at a time to maintain near zero chlorophylls.
mauiwowie said:The words "self taught" imply that bram mate, but thats by the by. Its just a quality technique for extracting all that goodness from what is essentially unsmokeable pap. Also Iso isnt honey oil, well it never is for me, its always solid at room temp and goes from amber/brown to cherry red in colour. Only butane or hexane will give you true honey oil. A bit pedantic I know as essentially they are all the same thing but its important to note the differences. Iso is the cheap and easy but effective version, butane gives a better product but is a more difficult process, hexane is hard to get hold off but gives the best product of all and is the same process as iso.
Back to the technique, one thing to note, it works just as well on wet trim as it does dry. Infact in terms of quality it is much better to use wet trim although your yeild may be slightly reduced if you don't do a second wash.
I harvested 2 nevilles haze yesterday, gave them a quick trim as they need to be dry in 7 days but nothing too excessive. I made some Iso with the trim from the Haze phenotype this afternoon. 1g of cherry red oil/hash was the result, it is extremely brittle and takes a fair amount of warming to become maleable. However the colour is just amazing, deep cherry red which is unusual without using activated carbon filtering. The high is incredible, very cerebral but also trippy and then later more stoney. Im completely mashed off the spliff Ive just smoked. No more of this for a while!!!
POd said:Heres what im going to do do.
1. take about 3.5 grams of premium bud.
Cut up into small pieces with new small trim scisors directly into the jar. Freeze material for 1 hour. Take frozen iso (higest availble % Hopefully denaturalized) pour a decent amount(enough to absorb more than all the thc by a small amount) into the jar with bud and shake carefully for 1.5 miniutes and then strain through a cofee filter and poured into a small pyrex glass drying pan.
Held with glove over stove and slowly moved for about 10 miniutes. let cool for an hour, repeat till sticky substance emergeswhere it will be scraped and layed out on glass and dry more.