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Boy, did i LUCK THE F out or what!

Every time I have to deal with the cops, I treat them like old friends, like a good friend I haven't seen in 20 years. As long as you acknowledge them and treat them as human beings and make them feel special, you can get away with anything.

Mycroft Holmes

New member
TheBigGreen1 said:
Every time I have to deal with the cops, I treat them like old friends, like a good friend I haven't seen in 20 years. As long as you acknowledge them and treat them as human beings and make them feel special, you can get away with anything.

As long as you also treat them like the good buddy whom you knew to be a habitual liar and never believed a thing he said, that will work nicely. Too many cops are just bullies and thugs who get off on intimidation and domination of other folks, so this won't work with the professional thugs.

There are some decent cops out there. And there are some honest lawyers. Damned few of either....



New member
one time i smoked on the way to school an hour away from home out of my new mini glass bong and put it in my cup holder. i locked my door to notice the keys were on my jacket in my car.my father was the only person who had access to my spare key an hour away. lol i was freakin. i went to the locker room and got a wire hanger and popped the lock in 15 min. wow what a buzz kill.

ive been pulled over by a cop and he saw my car littered with 400w bulbs and 1000w ballasts.i was soo scared he would see them. he gave me my speeding ticket and said "im not even gunna ask you what your tryin to hide" and drove off.
i no longer drive with anything pertaining to my grow.
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I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
tempelton27 said:
one time i smoked on the way to school an hour away from home out of my new mini glass bong and put it in my cup holder. i locked my door to notice the keys were on my jacket in my car.my father was the only person who had access to my spare key an hour away. lol i was freakin. i went to the locker room and got a wire hanger and popped the lock in 15 min. wow what a buzz kill.

ive been pulled over by a cop and he saw my car littered with 400w bulbs and 1000w ballasts.i was soo scared he would see them. he gave me my speeding ticket and said "im not even gunna ask you what your tryin to hide" and drove off.
i no longer drive with anything pertaining to my grow.

haha, well im glad that you made your first and only post thus far on IC by posting this story...

thats funny that the cop said im not even gunna ask what your tryin to hide...
Anouther "dumb ass me" story.

I was out partying one night. Next day i can't find my sack. i know its in the car somewhere but, i hid it so good that i couldn't find it. Anywho I make a trip to wally world. Wouldn't you know i got to park right up front. I go shopping. as i'm leaving there is a local leo parked right next to me. I think nothin of it until i get in the car and see my stash sitting on the passanger seat in plain view. talk about heart racing fear.

I hauled ass outta there.

all is good tho, just got lucky


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