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BonsaiGrower's Garden


Take Five...
Hey newcomers, nice to see new people here. Some very kind words all around!

Yep, BG has got the setup running and almost dialed. It will be scary when that happens. Dude, smoke some 63 this weekend. Make it your first of the day and break it up in the grinder and leave it to dry out the night before. I think you will likey! :D

Thanks for the kind props on the gardening. It is a soul saving hobby and passion. My cat is a vole killer. She only kills voles, not moles or mice or birds, and voles are the little underground buggers that eat you plant roots from underneath, not to be confused with moles, which eat insects, grubs etc and are a benefit to your garden with pest control and underground soil aeration. She earns her keep! She is crashed in her fuzzy donut bed right here beside me. She loves it and loves to hang when I'm on the computer.

As the 57 cures it gets better as well. I was thinking last night how j after j I am still getting buzzed from this. Not super stony, but decent balanced and good duration which will improve with time.

As well, the taste is getting sweeter and the smell is getting skunkier as that overlying 'fresh green' smell goes away.

Do you think that pheno in the 430 is more 'fuel-y' than the one I got? I don't smell any fuel smell in these. Do you?


Occasional User
Heady yes for sure it has more fuel smell. The pheno we harvested was a Mother Pheno seperate from the ones I kept. Pheno's I'm growing out this time are 6,7 and 10. If I notice any difference I'll keep better track of my clones next time. If it's all the same then I'll do away with a mom or two. I suspect a little difference though so I'll be paying closer attention to the clones next time I cut anyway. I'm such a stoner....lol...when I took cuts last time I had everything labelled but you think I payed attention when I was puting them in soil? ....just as I was finishing my last clone I was like ...DOH!!!!!

I dunno about you but I find the buzz lasts for a long time. Sure the initial head blast goes away ..(Thank god) after 30 min or so but then I find I'm left with a great little hum that lasts several hours. I know you are more of a get blasted kinda smoker but I prefer the subtle blast. I also find that if I smoke two in a row I can get knocked out in a hurry. Do you find there is an initial blast and then a bit of a creeper?

Sometimes I suck at describing things.

Big D and Gittinright,,, thanks for stoppin in and the kind words. Glad you liked it. Thanks for the tip on Gypsum. I'll be keeping that in mind.



Occasional User
So Here's some Shots of how things are in my 150 tent a few days later. Clearly I have bad soil cause I'm showin all kinds of different "Issues" ,,lol

Have ater boy's and girls. With a week to go till flush is there really any point in doing anything? except washing the bins after this harvest?...lol

A few still look like this

The 430 Cab doesn't look like this at all and as of last night was clearly winning in the "Weight" dept.

Peace Folks


Occasional User
For comparison I snapped a quick shot of the 430w Cab. Seems to have the right amount of fert burn and no def. Soil mix is the only thing I can think of.
Gotta love learnin



given the chance,,id say you can grow a nice tweed my friend...looking dam fancy, and mighty nice. ill save you the snow covered cliches, but i will say its obvious you have a handle on your system. a big thumbs up from blue dogs babys daddy......gs up hos down=)
issues schmissues...=)
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ICMag Donor
Garden's lookin great Bonsai! Don't worry too much about the deficiency if you're about to harvest..... These are annual plants..... Life and Death are a quick cycle.... Every round is a new game! :canabis:

Great jar shots too, Heady! I can smell them from here! :yummy:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Very impressive growing indeed :yes:

The 150W tent might not yield as much, but those buds are looking equally frosty and delicious :yummy:
Looks like they're flushing out nice and proper too :woohoo:

Another great update Bonsai


Take Five...
Hey brotha, I'd say all looks well. That def in the tent is minor so like you said, nothing to worry about now...just flush. Soil probs there for sure and you got that dialed, now, so far. The overall yellowing is very good, you should notice a difference in taste/smell without the excessive nitrogen in the plant. Those budz look great. Are you taking them to 70 days? Definitely watch the trichs as it may finish earlier now that N is reduced, and 70 may turn it into the crippla! You may be giving it away at the pain clinic!

The 430 looks great too and I might suggest that you could actually increase fert a touch as there really isn't alot of tip burn yet, but do what you feel comfy with.

You may have misunderstood before, I find the 57 like you describe above with a good lasting buzz, no complaints there but I do like the numbing, and I find the fresher 63 has more of that, but doesn't have the staying power yet, still needs curing. I think the 63 will be more powerful and 70 even more so. Try a nug of the 63 this weekend and compare.

Definitely the Mrs. and I have been enjoying the primo smoke. I was just looking at a big bud last night thinking, "this has never touched a baggie!" The smell is getting more creamy/vanilla, lemony/fruity skunk undertones, tasting very sweet. A complex plant for sure.

How bizarre that it can mimic the smells and tastes of other plants. I believe it does this as an evolutionary device to form symbiotic relationships with humans, who then grow and cultivate it. Why else would the plant have a chemical that naturally fits with receptors in our brain? I think this is one of the most incredible examples of a plant evolving to make itself more appealing to humans. How many plants can do that?
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Occasional User
Limelight, Thanks Dog. Just tryin to do the great white north proud. How's things there now? You get things straightened away after the storm?

Hey Big D, Thanks for the kind words. You just had me pissin myself in TML's thread. Chapped lips and your avatar was just too much. Peace Bro. Here's some Blistex, it's dry round these parts this time o year.

Pipeline, Hey Brotha :wave: Yeppers. a new cycle is just around the bend. Soon will be some of Sugabears Beauties.

Mr G ...thanks man. If I grow it, I will smoke it.

Hey TML. Thanks Man. I'm hoping soon I'll have some nice color like your garden. Now that I know I can grow snow I wanna get some color into my garden. Your BB looks fantastic.

Heady my buddy!!! :wave: I'm with ya Bro...so many different smells I'm getting from it. I couldn't possibly try to describe this one. Saturday Mornin I'll try the 63. Man it smells good in the Jar now.

I'm leaving this run go till at least 65. I've got it figured out how to look at the triches now. My Jewelers loup is the best. Everything is clear still with the odd one turning a bit cloudy. Different from one side of the box to the other and since I have 3 mixed pheno's in the bins I'll try my best to chop accordingly over an aprox 10 day period. I swear next run of clones I'll be more vigilant with marking and keeping track of phenos' .... I swear.

I'm super glad you and the Mrs get to smoke my buds... can't tell ya how warm and fuzzy that makes me feel.

Peace everyone and thanks for stoppin by my garden.


Occasional User
Ha Ha NT ...it's a "perpetual" invitation. Thanks for stoppin in Bro. Your den is lookin sweet too mang. Isn't this community friggin awsome?


Take Five...
Ha ha NT! Trim time is fun time with BG!

I am about to smoke some 63 in my pipe. Anchors away!
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Occasional User
The 4 Burmesse F2's just went into the peet pellets. All had nice little tails. Beautiful seeds SugarBear. I have them in the Scrog prep area with the fan turned off. Temps are warm enough this time. Wish me luck.


Occasional User
Well I'm bored senseless and I wanted to install the locks on my 430 cab. Batteries are dead for my drill so I did some trimmin instead.

I know it's only been a day or so since my last post but here's a few shots anyways.

Here ya go. Yesterday was the first day of flush for the screen on the right and I think I'm gonna up the dosage on the bin on the left. What y'all think?

Taker easy folks.


Occasional User
Thanks Suga... The OB1's are lookin good. Both started branching last 2 days...woo hoo.

I hope to do the F2's proud my friend. Thanks again
