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Bong arm of the law: South Korea says they will arrest those who smoke 'erb in Canada

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Decades of propaganda by the US and Taiwanese leaders has lead many Americans to mistakenly believe Taiwan is a democracy when in fact it is actually a military government with limited democratic elements. That's better than it used to be, since it was a military dictatorship until the 1970s. The oppressive government that the US military installed in Taiwan after WW2 killed tens of thousands of people with US weapons in order to enforce "democracy" on the newly-independent nation.

Then again, Americans largely believe they live in a democracy too, so its hardly the only delusion they suffer from.

G `day K

There ya go two birds with one stone ! lol .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
The issue of Formosa(Taiwan) is complicated, but certainly a situation where US backing was a big factor. Chiang Kai-Shek used anti-communist sentiment in the West to get support against Mao. Kind of sinister versus sinister in my opinion. Certainly not a coincidence that much of the same propaganda was used to create both countries. Republic of China(ROC) and Republic of Korea(ROK).


Active member
The same has been threatened by the Governments of Japan and China against their respective citizens.

I have no experience with what the authorities in those countries might or might not do to their citizens re: smoking pot in Canada (or elsewhere). However, I expect that the practical effect of this is that citizens of those countries ought not to be taking photos confirming consumption or telling stories about their wild parties in Canada and posting it on Facebook, Twitter, etc.. They need to keep it on the down-low or risk being made an example of upon their return.

Because that is what those governments don't want: they don't want those freedoms to be celebrated by their citizens and publicly chronicled and shared with others in their country. That would embarrass those governments and maybe bring about calls for reforms of their own domestic cannabis laws, too.

Every Prohibitionist in the History of Ever has promised DOOM in the event of general legalization. Which is why none of them are happy with Canada. Turns out, three weeks in to Legalization that there's really no discernible change at all. Buses and subways still run, people still go to work, children still go to school and there have been no sightings of anarchy breaking out anywhere across the land. Even fighting in hockey is down.

In short: Life just carries on without discernible interruption.

No Prohibitionist wants to be shown to be demonstrably and provably wrong. And they sure as hell don't want word of that getting back to their citizens, confirmed in social media posts from their friends, loved ones and co-workers.

So, in the face of that potential embarrassment, it's promises of handcuffs and prosecutions.

It can be a shitty world sometimes.