umm...an after shot....ummm...we was hungry...LOL...nothing left but crumbs.....
Now that everyone knows who sent it to me, We will keep him in our grace and support AnnaC and BOG in getting the word out on his new book. AnnaC asked me as a friend and I'm asking you all here as friends of mine, If there's someone out there who don't know about the book make them aware. An if they do know make sure they know how to get it!. All I can say is Karma to all. M.D., thank you again man. Much .I need a favor from you if possible. Please help me in Helping BOG get the word out about his new book. It is a great book for anyone's collection and expecially for new growers. I would appreaciate any help in the matter. I need to make a public post and ask DG or Gypsy about when they will be available at Seed Boutique or Seed Bay but I havent gotten around to it yet.
Talk to you soon my brother.
most sincerely