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Bogbubble....grow it or pass it on


Active member
Stan Laurel said:
I've grown out both Bogbubble & Bogglegum, and consider myself lucky to have a excellent Bogglegum mother in my garden :joint:

I definately prefered the Bogglegum, although I had more females to choose from. Plenty of people have grown her from my clones, and have all been more than happy with the results.

And lets not forget the Bogglegum bubble :yummy:

Yes, I love my Bogglegum :canabis:
Stan,,,,,,,,,,,man you don't avan know what you did to my heart rate.You sick bastard,,,,,,,,,,,,prrn like that,WELL this is a family chanell. :angrymod: :pointlaug
I have closely observed BOG's gear and hoped that I would get a chance to grow out his gear but it seems that that might be impossible unless somone gives us, the people who took too long to finaly try BOG's great gear.........I myself would love to try F2's or anything that is authentic


Grow them, seed them, then pass them around. That's what I would do,it give others a chance to grow what might be considered to be an elite. Since BOG himself has stated that he will not produce seeds anymore and also that no seed bank have them anymore, its a chance at preserving some true classic strains, something many growers will never get to try. If I had them I would make a shit load of seeds and send them to Gypsy to give away as freebie's.

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