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Bobby Stainless presents: Return to the 36th Chamber

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
10 week cured Casey Jones...

10 week cured Casey Jones...

Strain: Casey Jones: Oriental Express (Trainwreck x Thai (billy goat stock)) x ECSD v3

Breeder: Head Seeds

Appearence: Coke can sized nugs of spiraling crystal towers, make up the bud structure of Casey Jones. One of the most unique looking plants I have ever grown, the ECSD pheno will purple some during the flushing period. I have been nominated for a POTM with Casey Jones, one of only two strains that have received nominations. Casey Jones is one of the top 3 in my garden, and will always be around. I now have the ECSD mother, and a heavy Trainwreck pheno. (9.5/10)

Smell:Casey Jones is one of the best smelling types of bud out there. Those that know it's indescribable, fruity smell, know what I am talking about. While my ECSD pheno had some Diesel undertones, this has all disappeared at the 10 week cure mark, and what is left, can only be described as ethereal. (10/10)

Taste: The same fruit taste carries over from the smell. However, in the smoke one can taste the diesel used in this poly hybrid. Instantly recognizable, all my smokin buddies know it by taste. One of the most enjoyable smokes ever. (10/10)

High:This is one of those rare "smoke anytime" strains. It will whip your ass, if you smoke a joint of it to the head. However, if you are going to run some errands, take a bong hit or a few bowl hits and let the cerebral side of CJ take control. Over indulgence can lead to a trippy stone, that can lead to fits of laughter.(10/10)

Overall: Casey Jones is iconic. It is the flagship of the Head Seed company. Sure to become one of the "household" pot names, such as Blueberry, OG Kush, and Blockhead. Those that have this strain, are part of the special club. Getting these beans is an even more difficult challenge. Head seeds sell out in minutes, and that is all thanks to this one perfect cross. There is nothing that can be done to Casey Jones. It is one of those rare occasions, when you put outstanding talent, in the same room with outstanding breeding tools. Reminiscent of the mythical Liger, Casey Jones is just as magical and rare. (10/10)






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Hey bobby...if you don't mind, could you give us a quick run down of your growing style. I know you use 5 gal buckets as well as waterfarms...but what about your lighting, light placement, etc. Do you grow trees, lst, top/pinch, etc.?? Just trying to figure out how you are pulling 5 zips from 5 gals of coco.

thanks bro,


Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
I veg for about 3 weeks give or take a few days. I top the plants as they need it. They are in 5 gals of Coco, using the H3ad formula, and some Bloombastic. I have them under 5200 watts of mixed spectrum. (4k HPS and 1200 of CMH). I keep the Coco moist, and I get about a qp on average. With the waterfarms I get about 5 per, and do the same thing but about 15% more on the nutes.


Casey Jones is also on my to-grow list. I'll be waiting on the smoke report.

How is you house coming? Are you building it yourself? I only ask because I just finished mine a bout a year ago. Well its 98% finished......

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
I am not personally building it. I have it all contracted out.

Might turn into a build and sell type deal, if I get a certain job I want.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice pics and report bro..glad to hear ur diggin the mob boss,and the blue sonja,,,especialy since i have her in seeds too...and from everything i have ever heard you will def love the casey fasho.
good luck with the job man i hope a get it.


Thanks T!

I have been doing Econowings, but I am about to go vertical.

I feel ya on that...i have been doing my vert research...and i haven't decided if i want to try it like H.Robinson...or go with smaller numbers and vert trees. Which do you think would yield better...or do you think its one of those even trade off type of things...?? :dunno:


Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
I am pretty sure vertical will be a better route. Ill be running 24 4 rows of 6. With 2k of hps and 1200 of cmh hanging vertical between the rows.

I would like to start seeing 8-10 a plant. Might go to a ebb and grow system, but I have not decided on that yet.


So are you going with shelves...like free standing in the middle of the floor? Just trying to understand how you are going to go with it. I'm assuming you are still planning on staying with the 5 gals?


I feel ya on that...i have been doing my vert research...and i haven't decided if i want to try it like H.Robinson...or go with smaller numbers and vert trees. Which do you think would yield better...or do you think its one of those even trade off type of things...?? :dunno:


Have you checked out Krunch Bubble's set up? Simple, effective, and efficient. Maybe not be Heath's status, but he is killing it. Verti-coco style. He has distilled his growing, IMHO, to a very intelligent place.

I like the idea of blowing out Heath's latest rig, stacked 3 1000w but buckets on shelves in coco with big pipes and big weight(water and weed). But if you had a failure you're screwed.

I keep turning back to the simplicity, and lower numbers of larger sized plants.

Good Luck with it.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"

As for the waterfarm, it is a bit of a pain in the ass. It is hard to keep the buckets all the same, and it is hard to get all the old nute solution out, when doing res changes. I eventually just started to elevate the main res, and let it flood the 8 buckets for an hour or so, then I would set it back on the ground. It helped circulate the nutes around. In Colorado I am only going to use it as a mother keeper. Once I get some time, I am going to rig it to where it is a recirculating DWC. I also plan to do one of my rooms in all Ebb and Grows, which I would of bought if they were available at the time.


As for Coco, I hand water every day, which might not be suitable for your application. However, I think the most important thing with CoCo, is how moist the medium is. I water with little to no runoff, and I keep the medium moist at all times. I have heard similar problems, with people over watering Coco. I also use what is known as the "Head Formula". It calls for 6ml GH Micro, and 9ml of GH Bloom all through the veg stage in into most of flower. Once the girls are about 4 weeks in, I up the Bloom a bit (3-4mls), and add some really expensive shit called Bloombastic. I use the Bloombastic for 3-4 weeks, and during that 3-4 weeks, I phase out the micro, the remaining 2-3 weeks are a flush period.

Here is a link to H3ad's formula

Feel free to ask me anything else in this thread. It is a bit easier to communicate here.
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Active member
I'd convert the water farm to hempy style coco/perlite buckets :D

I always love this show bobby, replaying the intro for kicks..

Big D

The more I read and the more pics I see of the Grindhouse line(especially your pics... they're awesome) the more I want some :D Nice job on the reports!


Just found your thread...all I can say is breathtaking.

I am curious about your oil technique. I read about the 3 gal pot inside the 5 gal bucket with coffee filters. I am having trouble visualizing how you set up the filters??? I am assuming bone dry buds and sugar leaves in the 3 gal pot, pour the alkie through that pot, through the filters and into the five gal pot (i have assumed wrong once or twice in my life though). How do you hold the filters in place?

Do you run the alkie through the same leaves more than once? I know you don't want to pull a lot of chlorophyll, but one pour through seems like it would miss extracting a lot of crystal.

Then just boil off the alkie? No water added?

Thanks for the show from a hopefully, future Casey Jones and Grindhouse grower :biggrin: