No pain no gain, looking good man!
If the pain I've felt is any indication of gains to be made... Then I'm in the black. Thanks.
Nice to see you stepping up your clone game, Bobble. 400 clones in individual perlite cups is what I'm seeing, right?
Are you hand watering those? How often does the perlite dry out?
My own experiment with perlite cloning didn't work out so great.
It just takes time to get enough plant material to monocrop 100 plants...yes those are 16oz clear plastic cups full of perlite. I went through well over a bag of horticulture grade perlite. Setup is a bitch... But I hand water those cups 1x a week, and I get roots in 2-4 weeks. It's been working for every plant I have pictured.
I can't seem to have success with any other method....