Sorry if this has been asked already, but I am thinking about making the switch to blumat and coco. I was doing some searching and found that they sell what they call the "Tropf Blumat Outdoor Sensor case of 50", now I am looking to get a bunch of these, is this what I would need or is there another 50 or 100 pack that I should pick up? (I am going to being using 3 gal pots) Also what else would I need besides the 50-100 sensors? And I saw a few links to online places that sell blumat supplies, but does anyone have an updated link that would have cheap prices for the big packs. Appreciate all the info, this thread ROCKS!
If I were starting over I'd just get the sensers, lots of the 3mm tubing, the little barbs from kent systems.com , 1/2' tubing from your hydro store and that's it. THen you just have to figure out how you're going to set up your rez etc but really, all you need from them is the sensors and tubing imho. Unless you need distribution drippers which you shouldn't in 3 gal. Lots of setup and rez ideas in this thread.