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Blumat auto watering



i dont like blumats .. idiotproof yes but maybe for idiots .
dtw with PC dripper in a 1/2 line .. with a good pressure pump
each plant getting the same amount of solution
electronic timer to water at the right time (multifeeding)
no recycle timer


i dont like blumats .. idiotproof yes but maybe for idiots .
dtw with PC dripper in a 1/2 line .. with a good pressure pump
each plant getting the same amount of solution
electronic timer to water at the right time (multifeeding)
no recycle timer




Just this guy, ya know?
i dont like blumats .. idiotproof yes but maybe for idiots .
dtw with PC dripper in a 1/2 line .. with a good pressure pump
each plant getting the same amount of solution
electronic timer to water at the right time (multifeeding)
no recycle timer
What does that even mean? If an idiot is using it it's idiot proof, but if a non idiot is using it they can break it? Or were you just trying to make a sly stab at the people who use blumats by calling them idiots?


yeah its idiot proof .. absolutely no precision on watering .. just for people who dont know how to water their medium
3 interventions each one moe useless than the others .. lol

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Fine that you don't like blumats, you're entitled to your opinion. But why the insults? Can you explain what is so much better about your DTW system because I can't see wasting nutrients and electricity as beneficial to a grow. Can you show us some photos and stats of the grows you do with your system and compare the results with those of us who use blumats?


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Maybe he used the word "dumbass" at the end of his posts not as an insult, but as a signature.. Anyways, charming fella :tiphat:


I need to read through this. Currently run no till organics in 5's 7's and 45's. Always seemed a bit confusing and was unsure how to go about doing teas and such. Thanks for the info fellas, lots to read.


Well-known member
Wow....just wow....
I discovered this thread shortly before I decided to pull the trigger on an order from blackswallowsoils, and finished it 3 weeks later.
To anyone just joining in....UTFSE!
So many repeated questions have been answered time and time again, it's all a matter of digging to get that knowledge nugget you're searching for.

Now that's out of the way, let me just say this system is pretty freaking amazing!
I'm out of town for 4 days at a time so I've be relying on my wonderful and patient partner in crime to lift the pots and water accordingly. That system more or less made sure the gals got water....most of the time.
With the Blumats in place that's not an issue anymore!
(Both my gf and my plants are much happier as a result)

The set up;
- 5gal elevated rez with single hole for thru-hull, refilled from 5gal bucket on floor with a 130gph fountain pump.
- 3gal fabric pots x2
- Promix organic vegetable soil mixed with pearlite(70/30ish)
- pH'd water with 0.5ml bleach per 5gal
- 1 carrot and 3 drippers per pot
- Tee off the rez, vertical line for level guage/air bleed
- Quick disconnect valve downstream of tee
- 3mm quick disconnect valve on each carrot(makes it super easy to take the gals out for an inspection/haircut)
- Bleed valve on end of supply line
- 28L plastic tote in cause of runaway
- Foil on supply line to prevent algae

(Blumat system was added about a week into flower)

Findings/Helpful tips
- So far the gals are drinking 6-7L while I'm out of town, they're in the first couple weeks of flower.
- Going by the pot-lift method they're much lighter then I like, but the leaves look really happy. That's with the recommended 2 triangles past a hanging drip.
- Because of the previous point I've been slowly turning up the Blumats by a half triangle every time I've back in town. I'm thinking because of how water hungry the gals are, and the soil composition. 1-1.5 past hanging drop is a more appropriate setting.
-Since I have a fair bit of pearlite in my mix I decided to surround the carrot with peat. Haven't seen this posted anywhere yet, but I can't be the only one that's done this....
- Take a peat pellet....soak in water to expand.....stuff carrot in expanded wet peat with netting still attached....form evenly around carrot....dig appropriately sized hole....plant carrot with it's peaty cocoon. You're welcome ;)

Pics of my humble set up and some doodles I made before ordering to make sure I didn't have to pay for shipping twice.
Like my old physics teacher used to say, "If you're not sure....draw a picture!"
(apologies for the sideways pics....it's a pet peeve of mine too. But rotating the original and trying to resize didn't work)
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=81125&pictureid=1972860&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=81125&pictureid=1972861&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=81125&pictureid=1972862&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=81125&pictureid=1972863&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Those quick connect shut off valves on the 3mm line, I want to order some but the website confuses me a bit, the descriptions talk about the 8mm line. Which model number did you purchase?


Is there some tldr page or just push through all 500? Looking to get these going on 45's and 7's I think. Would like to be able to turn them on or dial them down etc, so I can starve the plants out prior to a tea a bit. Any help would be great thanks.....Now to page 1 we go.


Is there some tldr page or just push through all 500? Looking to get these going on 45's and 7's I think. Would like to be able to turn them on or dial them down etc, so I can starve the plants out prior to a tea a bit. Any help would be great thanks.....Now to page 1 we go.

there is a thread by desert_hydro that is very good, blumats ftw or something like that,

you can't use organic stuff with blumats; if you need to feed tea do it manually. no need to adjust the blumat before, it will sense the moisture in the soil and stop dripping. if you want to starve them before tea, i can't give you any thoughts.

i also love blumats and use them in tent and balcony :D very easy.