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Blumat auto watering

Ah alright.

But I did understand it right that "having it in a loop" basically means that both the start of the feedline and its end are connected to the accumulator?

Ya (wo)man, the loop allows water to flow from both ends if there is a blockage in your 8mm line.
Not mandatory but it improves reliability.
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New member
Is it possible to run 1 small elevated res per carrot near the pot and run the smaller head/drip line directly from the small res to the carrot?.

I ask this because raising a big enough res is a logistical problem. Is using a 10L res per carrot raised about level to pot going to give enough head pressure?. 5L may be better as to fit in higher between pots (but 1foot height is probably max).

I can also have a res on floor pumping water to the furthest elevated res and then connect all the elevated res's in a chain with hosing so that the closest res will finally drop the over flow back into floor res. I would use a very small pump and have it running continually as to keep all the smaller res's mixing.

Any thoughts?.


Active member
Is it possible to run 1 small elevated res per carrot near the pot and run the smaller head/drip line directly from the small res to the carrot?.

I ask this because raising a big enough res is a logistical problem. Is using a 10L res per carrot raised about level to pot going to give enough head pressure?. 5L may be better as to fit in higher between pots (but 1foot height is probably max).

I can also have a res on floor pumping water to the furthest elevated res and then connect all the elevated res's in a chain with hosing so that the closest res will finally drop the over flow back into floor res. I would use a very small pump and have it running continually as to keep all the smaller res's mixing.

Any thoughts?.

The water level in the res needs to be at least 3 ft above the top of the carrot to work right, per the instructions.Mine work at 30". Dunno how much lower would work. Otherwise you need a pressure pump & accumulator.


Active member
Is it possible to run 1 small elevated res per carrot near the pot and run the smaller head/drip line directly from the small res to the carrot?.

I ask this because raising a big enough res is a logistical problem. Is using a 10L res per carrot raised about level to pot going to give enough head pressure?. 5L may be better as to fit in higher between pots (but 1foot height is probably max).

I can also have a res on floor pumping water to the furthest elevated res and then connect all the elevated res's in a chain with hosing so that the closest res will finally drop the over flow back into floor res. I would use a very small pump and have it running continually as to keep all the smaller res's mixing.

Any thoughts?.

How many total plants are on the rez ?

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Hi everyone, I've read most of this thread but not everything, so if this has been brought up already, don't pay attention.

These two crucial things I've learned growing with blumats in smartpots with coco based soilless mix (Lavender Cowboy's mix).

1. You have to be careful where in the smartpot you put the carrot, as the smartpot is flexible and when moved around can change its shape slightly(the walls are not rigid). That in return can mean the carrot is not fully surrounded by medium (anyone growing with smartpots will have seen this... the wall of the smartpot warps and moves some of the medium or makes room for the medium to crumble away). Find a spot that's inside the safe zone, where no crumbling happens


2. If you worried that the outer areas, at the smartpot wall, don't get enough moisture (as the carrot is always in front of this soil and therefore shuts down the drip before the soil behind the carrot can get wet)
- paint one side (the one facing the stem) of the clay carrot with clear coat !
This will do the following: even when the moisture reaches the carrot it won't start absorbing the water and close the valve- because you have painted the outside of the stem facing side of the blumat carrot with clearcoat, effectively closing the pores in the clay that let the moisture permeate into the carrot, the water now has to make its way all around the carrot to the back of the carrot before it affects the valve. This means the drip will be open longer and your whole smartpot will be receiving moisture and no "dead zone" along the walls.


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
It would be 1 small res per pot, each res would be near each pot elevated as high as possible (as said 6 to 1foot). Also Why I ask if you can go direct with feeder line from small res to carrot head.

Theoretically you can go direct feedline, but I think you mean the drip line, not using the bigger black plastic line, right ?...yes.
per foot of line you'll need a foot of elevation for the rez.

good luck
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Active member
Picture the old guy in Airwolf or the old guy in the chopper in 'Predator' when they see something shocking....."Ohhhh myyyy GAD" !

Has anyone else seen this? it's like a soft jelly solid BLOB on every pot. The BLOB doesn't smell bad. Will it slither into my room when I sleep and kill me?

I normally get nice root mountains on my pots like the rest of you but these are new to me. The only difference in this run is that I occasionally introduce a ml or 2 of bleach or drip clean into my air breather tube (gravity system) instead of messing up my main res with extra crap, to keep the lines clear and free of potential gunge (don't know if I need to but I keep hearing stories of clogs so trying this as a precaution) which is working GREAT. The plants look the most vigorous I've ever seen.


can't rotate the image either on here or my pc for some reason?

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