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BlueDigiBerry F2


Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
Hi again, the smell of the BDB is pretty consistently berry, with other funk (muffin, candy) in the background and a quite common occurance (sometimes strong) of a rubber/burnt rubber smell. Number 3 has shaped up pretty well and i would be likely to include it for diversity if it didn't have late male flowers. They are probably sterile but that is one thing that i would be very reluctant to include in the mix.
I will keep in mind what you say about the structure being close to an early BB pheno though.. maybe i'll find a similar one without the nanners in the next round.


ICMag Donor
Yeah. The number 3 looks much more akin to your side of the Blueberry mother. I agree it looks like old DJ work.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. It is Chili_B's cut - and he knows it best - but when I was sorting the Digi Bx1 line for 3 years - I always tended to note, the burnt rubber coming from the more indica plants - the more broad leaf, sour bubble dominant plants. I think it's a blend of the sour and the berry that gives the burnt rubber nose. Having never grown the clone personally, I can't speak to her stem rub.

When I picked the Bx1 male, it was in part first selected for double serrations - and within Digi line crosses and outcrosses, that was a sure fire way to isolate plants that were more likely to have a very distinctive blueberry aroma on a stem rub. That had a range of intensities and muddiness and some very clear cut winners. I personally, tended to selected away from the burnt rubber as well, in my mind, selecting away from plants that held a more sour bubble terpene profile.

I'm not sure how a limited F2 selection pool will ultimately influence the over all population - but I wouldn't dismiss the advice Chili is giving in saying the burnt rubber is coming from Digi. I personally want to dig more to explore that. Meaning, I want a new selected line for outcrossing Digi to make a new Bx1 variant that is absent the Sour Bubble. It's good in one regard - because it is easy to select away from just by looking at the general size of the fan leaves - but it's also sort of a downside, because it does constantly infect and surface as heavy indica with limited branching, etc in the later generations. It means you have to hunt a whole lot more plants to see those ideal phenotypes.

At least that was my experience when sorting the Bx1 line. I also just sort of think that is the nature of the blueberry gene pool. There is a ton of dross in the genetics that just has to be filtered out over multiple generations...



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hey frank i very much appreciate the input... and the double serrations tip is a new one for me which will prove useful i'm sure
The Number 3 plant, i agree that the stacking is certainly present in my BB mum, but the bud structure is quite different in that the BB mum has many more 'original' calyxs in a more classic bud structure closer to plant 2 or inbetween. In plant 3 the initial bud has very few calyxs which then stack.
What you say about SB phenos makes me even more convinced that plant 1 is quite special because it has that structure but with a very clear BB terp profile.

Ive been thinking that if i get an out and out burnt rubber pheno i may do a separate batch of seeds with it to explore that side of the genetics a bit more.

VG :tiphat:


Hey VG! I just couldn't stand to see this on page 2...

Would love to hear any individual notes from the latest run, see some harvest/dry pics?




Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hey DMS ! ive been meaning to come back and make some reports, its hard to know where to start... ALL of the plants smelt of Blueberry, all of them are great to smoke... including the slightly intersex no 3.
Plant 1 is still my favorite. it probably has the best terp profile.. a very strong blueberry smell that is so in your face it is almost 'artificial' - it is slightly sweet, slightly doughy/muffiny and also has a sharpness and muskiness to it. tastes great too and good clear potency... i need to get all the jars out and compare them at some point so will try and do that in the next week or so.


Active member
Another bdbf3xf2 cut a few weeks ago, dealing with very high temperatures so it dried out very fast but it didn't affect the taste or smell that much, very earthy and berry with a mix of burnt rubber!
The f2 father was mostly berry smelling, not very earthy or rubbery and mother smelled allt like burnt rubber, f3 father smelled like sour berry!

Grows small buds but they get compact and you get a good harvest from a small plant, the smoke is smooth even without a cure but the taste gets better and better the longer it cures.

The high is the best and the worst at the same time, if you wanna get stoned/high out of your mind this is not for you, no matter how much you smoke it will stay in the background if you know what o what, it's the equivalent of a calm bar with a chill setting compared to a nightclub, where the bdb is the calm bar no matter how much you smoke , perfect for skating!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Thats interesting 99, how you describe the high... i have always smoked blueberry when i want to be high and relaxed but also when i am in a situation where i don;t want to seem wasted... like you say it does the job perfectly and is very functional. My BB mother doesn't have so much of a ceiling though so you also have to get the dose right..


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hi all, i have some new BDB plants going into flower, and i hope to have some seeds ready from the best of the olds ones and new ones before christmas.
will also try to get some pics up


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hi there, yes i am taking down the seeded plants next week, and it all seems to have gone well. I used the 3 good plants i found last run and have found 3 more which i have included as well. the new ones are variable between narrow/wide leaf but generally a bit more 'middle of the road' in that sense.
Seeded plants are not generally very photogenic but i have grabbed a few. i think it was 3 males that i used
here is the wide leaf plant no1 from last time. lovely sweet.. almost artificial blueberry syrupy smell. nice colour too.. i used a bigger pot for this ne to ensure a decent seed yield (indica/wide leaf plants often produce fewer seeds) a few mites crept in during the last week or so but not worried at this late stage.


  • BDB1harv.jpg
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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
and here are some of the new plants... i seeded the lower buds on these : This one is quite sweet smelling berry
and another, this was the shortest one and wider leaf:
and the tallest one, this was a more savory BB smell with some burnt rubber.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Thanks guys, i'm pretty pleased at the population of plants that i used for the seeds. Listening to people talk about Blueberry over the years has made me realise that everyone has a different vision of the ideal plant.. and the BDB, whilst being very consistent for Blueberry terps, has a lot of variation between wide leaf/narrow leaf, and also sweet/sour/muffin influence - so i wanted to keep as much of that diversity as i could. Hopefully the F3s will achieve that.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Hi Verdant green!

I am so stoked to see this one getting restocked! What a killer strain! I will be looking to score some packs of the new batch!


New member
Long time lurker but a big thanks for the work you do and the genetics you've sent out!
Literally the only strain I grow is a homebred femmed BlueDigiBerry (your first test batch) x Black Cheese. That plant is my baby, recently started running her outdoor under the Durban sun and been getting good results so far.
If you ever need testers this side of the world please let me know!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hi patgeo2364 that's awesome! - yes i sent a bunch of Black cheese seeds to my friend oldbootz and it sounds like it has become quite well known over in SA ! great to hear you rocking your cross. I'm thinking of doing some fem BDB myself and i just crossed the BDB to my White Rhino clone which i'm quite excited to try .
