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blue knight

Been getting the BK since 2010 from Butte. Very Stoney herb. 2010 was the best year for BK IMO. Buds had the prettiest coloration and were tighter. Best bag appeal and effect. Seems the last 2 yrs the buds have less color and are much looser. Very bracky. Tried both indo and out and the outdoor is much better meds again IMO. Heard from diff growers the plant behaves differently indoor vs out. Pretty good hash plant too. Still one of the top favorite of the med pts around here. Great for pain relief, sleep and appetite. Buds look loose now like sativa but def indica stone.


Active member
yea 2010 was the fuckin shit for BK...it was selling for 2500 a LB for outdoor and fetching up to 4200 back east, the 2009 batch was real nice too i remember smoking a big blunt of BK up in chico and it had me high the entire 3 hour trip back to san francisco, not just high but out of my mind stoned hallucinating on the freeway back....such pretty herb and had a nice contrasting bright purple hues on golden background and the smell was so strong. last year had less purple color and yea the packs were a bit more popcorny and stemmy but people still loved them and asked for more...

ive already set aside a good chunk of change im gonna try and buy as much BK as possible when it comes down...should be seeing some in about 3 weeks..

Bo Hasset

Active member
I've tried searching around and haven't been able to come up with much on this strain I'm holding that goes by GT Blue Dragon. It's a Butte County cut and I'm about 99% sure it came out of the same camp as the Blue Knight.

I've found these two quotes... one comes from the "Pot prices plummet" thread from a user that is apparently no longer registered that went by the handle nondual and the other post also by non dual came from a "2012 Outdoor Strain Guide". He had some pics posted in the second thread, but apparently the went up in smoke when he did.

That's some awesome looking Blue Knight. I started talking that strain up last winter. Good thing you got light dep cause full season stuff tends to be uber small nugs as it just breaks apart. Still smokes great though. Hard to believe that stuff did not come from the Chico hills area. I bought no Blue Knight buds last year but did buy a few lbs of Blue Knight kief. Blue Knight finishes super early anyway so you're just now getting it from a light dep?

There's a new strain called Good Knight which is Good Times (aka a select cut of Vanilla Kush) x Blue Knight. Both were reversed and don't know which ended up being the daddy/mommy in the cut they ended up selecting. Last year they tested crosses and this year full blown grows with the selected cut.

That's some awesome looking Blue Knight. I started talking that strain up last winter. Good thing you got light dep cause full season stuff tends to be uber small nugs as it just breaks apart. Still smokes great though. Hard to believe that stuff did not come from the Chico hills area. I bought no Blue Knight buds last year but did buy a few lbs of Blue Knight kief. Blue Knight finishes super early anyway so you're just now getting it from a light dep?

There's a new strain called Good Knight which is Good Times (aka a select cut of Vanilla Kush) x Blue Knight. Both were reversed and don't know which ended up being the daddy/mommy in the cut they ended up selecting. Last year they tested crosses and this year full blown grows with the selected cut.

So, the cut I have is for sure not the original Blue Knight. It has a much more "blueberry muffin" aroma with some background funk to it. One of the few herbs that tastes exactly how it smells. A real pleasure to smoke a joint from start to finish. I put out some clones right around June 1st and ran supplemental lights until 6/21 just to be sure as I was told by both the people I got the cut from and some folks I subsequently gave the cuts to told me that it has that hairline trigger that'll push the plant into flower if a passing cloud looks at it funny.

I did 12 of them in 2 yard pots and the average yield was 5+ which wasn't bad for a plant that was completely down and out of the garden, second cut and all by 9/27. I also put out another round of 12 at another garden to fill in the space two plants that had to be yanked mid-July. I suspected the soil had killed the other two, so on August 1st I transplanted 12 GT Blue Dragon clones all around 1 foot tall that I had taken and rooted inside my mini g-pad in early July from their 2 gallon home into 12 20-gallon pots. They finished at about 40" and all yielded on average a 1/4# with the exception of one experimental clone which I had been keeping in coco since it was a cutting. I really haver never had much experience other than as an amendment to container mixes or as a mulch. Hell, I don't even know any growers personally who do coco. Anyway, I'm sure if I'd known how to really treat coco other than "water and feed twice as often" which is what I did. That plant yielded almost 1/2# and when I dumped the pots out the rootball was incredible... definitely was the seed for a coco dep/greenhouse grow I've put on my to do list. All the smaller plants were also taken all at once on 9/27.

My friend ended up doing really well with his GT Blue Dragon garden, though he waited an extra week (not b/c they weren't ready, but sometimes it just happens that way) and when he took them down it was evident the extra week hadn't done much for yield, but the bud ended up being about 50% completely purple. That and the smell made for a lot of happy folks.

So, that rambling monologue was my experience with it. Now, as to nondual's comments... I can't find anyone to give me the same lineage twice when I make inquiries. The person who's opinion I value most says GT does stand for Good Times, but that there is no way GT is a Vanilla Kush pheno, He says in this case Good Times is just another name for Green Ribbon, which he claims at one point has been passed around these hills as Green Thai... but not "Thai" like you're thinking.... "Thai" but spelled as "Tie"... "tie" like a "ribbon". Which in a way makes sense if you've ever seen Green Ribbon grow she does get her name honest as she is one viney and rope-like plant.

Now, this theory would actually come closer to the genetic make-up of the E-18 talked about in the second post as Green Ribbon is a Green Crack/Afwreck hybrid. However, most folks I've talked to say that the GT Blue Dragon is strictly as the name implies and is completely devoid of any Blue Knight as the original Blue Dragon clone was apparently used for this one.

Also, randomly enough I've turned up a random image from the Huffington Post which shows a jar of nugs they claim to be "GT Dragon - a Trainwreck and Blue Dragon hybrid". The picture oddly enough came from a San Diego dispensary.

So, I know that is one hell of a ramble/novella and if you've made it to the end, then congratulations. I'm just hoping some of the Butte County folks familiar with this family of strains might possibly shed some light. I wish I had pictures of her in flower, but that camera grew legs during trim scene and probably also spontaneously turned into a bag of tweak somewhere down the road as well. Oh well... but I will have some finished pics from a small early season light dep I'm starting in the next week.

I've included a couple pics. The first shot is of the best of the crumbs left of my GT Dragon head stash (top) next to to some Blue Knight from around here (bottom) for comparison. Don't laugh... the second and third pics are what's left of a flood damaged mother plant (only 1 of 3 left... out of a dozen mothers I'd been keeping!) I just raped for about 50 cuttings after a month of TLC of which about 75% have sprouted roots, which ain't bad considering the mom was in real rough shape and I never would have thought this girl would have weathered being in a flooded basement for almost a fortnight when compared to some of the mothers I always thought of as hardier. The last is a random cola shot that came from one of the small plants... you can't really telly much by looking at it, but if this thing were scratch and sniff.... I'm puffing on some now.

Oh yeah... I almost forgot...

i have a bag full of blueknight s1's

I know we're not far. If you'll just go dump them somewhere I can find em' I'll gladly scoop them up and put them to good use for you.






Blue Knight is one of my favorites, if she grew better I would run her exclusively. There doesn't seem to be many pictures around of her? Here's some 2011 Blue Knight...

I have some more recent pictures but they need to be ripped from another harddrive. I've talked to a few people that claim it's not as flavorful, that it use to have a putrid blueberry flavor when it first showed up. It still has the same flavor that I remember from when I first smoked it in 2010, just yielding less and less and being more temperamental these days.

Anyone know the relationship to blue frost out of berry creek? Is it a BK bag seed? Has that krypto/bk smell but a different structure than BK


Active member
nice pics old country thanks for the contribution! i was just talking with one of my local homies about blue frost, we were smoking and i can't fully remember but will have to ask again.


Well-known member
The blue knight is a clone only, with some rudaralis is the genetic, which shows in many of her offspring that come from blueknight hybrids. I have many blue knight s1 seed, with no desire to ever crack them. Not a fan tbh.

The GT does stand for good times. I am under the impression it is vanilla kush, as I met and chatted with the guy who found it.

The Blue Frost I don't know the lineage but another early one out of the 530. I like this one, she grows similar to the popular purple Mr nice cut that floats in the triangle, except the blue frost is fruity and sweet, where the nice is pepper and hashy.

If you see these cuts you might be in the same circle to find Unknown Prophets red dragon cut he passed me in 09ish. I'm assuming she's extinct, but I also know I passed her to a guy who passed out about a thousand of her between 09 and 2011. Anyway, she's a great big sativa girl, def a keeper IMHO. IIRC UP said it was found after popping the lone seed found in a bud in A-dam.


Have you had much experience breeding BK? any traits you've noticed dominate the offspring? I've had the chance to run BKI (blue knight x ingrid,) it was alright i guess, finishes maybe 2 weeks later than BK. Sept10-15 chop for the croppers. Very dense nugs, some mold issues, dark appearance, not my cup of tea but decent bag appeal if they don't mind the dark look.

Ran a BKI x OG(reversed) pheno that put out an amazing funky diesel berry flavor with super chunky buds. The high was lackluster though. Running a BKI cross this year before I toss it completely.

There's a BK bag seed floating around now, looks/tastes just like the mother but finishes a few weeks later. I've thought about making a few S1's myself but finding a clean and healthy BK clone seems to be difficult in my area. The whole "let your plants go to shit in the off season" is strong around here :\

I bet you would probably be the person that would know about e-18 also eh? :) I'll have to make a new thread when im able to and hopefully get some more info.


Well-known member
I've seen some fire out of bk hybrids, but mostly I've seen stuff that is midgrade. Sounds like you've dealt with both too.

The e18? my knowledge isn't beyond what has already been stated in this thread.

Stay safe.


Active member
the e-18 i saw this year was awesome, one of my favorite batches for sure. it looks like green crack but is much prettier, frostier, and has these really nice dense bud structure. they were some of the best packs i saw up here this year. wish i could get more! i was surprised because i saw e18 around last year and it wasn't that good just looked like bulk green crack to me.


i use to get some Blue Dragon between 2000-2004
it was some killer shit
Dude I got it from said his buddy got the clone from Humboldt
Said it was an outdoor strain but was surprised how well it grew indoors
My friend lost the strain and I have tried to find a Blue dragon clone for him but no luck


The E18 I received (i think) 4 years ago came to me from someone who started them from seed. Amazing big light green dense nugs, no ceiling and super stoney(favorite of that year,) but had absolutely no taste and a generic smell. It was exactly like smoking a cigarette. Grew very uniformly though and I wish I kept it just for personal smoke.

There was a male in the batch of clones that I got so some F2s are popped for this year. I hit a Sour D the first year with the E18 male and they showed some potential. I was only able to find around 12 of my original batch of e18 seeds but I have high hopes.

I'm pretty sure i'm going to be running Blue Frost this year instead of Blue Knight, the cuts I have of the frost are just much more healthier.


I guess I should be asking whether or not it's possible my E18 was even legitimate since it was started from seed? it came from the cow.


Active member
the e18 batch i saw from 2014 season had a really nice skunky fruity smell, similar to green crack but a little more on the spicy side.

i want to run some blue knight for head stash!! really want to make some oil out of it and see if the flavor translates.


Well-known member
Just picked up some blue knight from my guy grabbed a 100 pack of seeds from him looking to pop them in a few months.

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