Theres a Few Fella I'm into the New Dual Diaphram From Advanced Hydroponics( Dam i Swore lol) Its specially made for Hydro & ive seen it on EBay for £46, trouble is its in the States & they want $40 shipping, still around £80 (or under) shipped to your door is pretty good for what it is, its a real nice pump, 4 outlets built in & 20litres per minute. I recommend you check the decebel rating on the pump you decide on buying. Theres the V-series, i think its a hailea V20 i like, as its only 40 db (decibels) very quite for what it is, ive seen those on the net for under £30, i would buy both depending on budget. I was running the old Kam-Air 70, which runs 70 litres of air p/m at 0 meters but only 40 lpm at 2 meters, so if you got a run of airline of that length your losing nearly half the output. That V series are for Koi ponds but they'll work great in hydro too, you'll just need to ask the supplier for the fittings for fishtanks(multiples), muti-way Manifolds(so you can fit a number of lines to it), & for airstones i want the micropore stones, but they cost a bomb at £15 each, ive seen them for £10, but the large disc type 4 or 5" id prolloy get if i was running RDWC pots or OXY's. The V series comes in different models, V20, V30, V40, V60 etc etc, i think you can even get a V120, but the db rating is gonna be high, the v20 is perfect for me at 40 db's. waffling this morning. There is more too but have a look at those, ill pm you a link if you cant find it, but a search should help ya out. Good Luck matey!