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Blockhead F2's



Hey all , it's been a minute since I've been 'round . Much shit goin on 'round here and just needed to take a break from tha 'puter and BITE THA FUCK DOWN . So I hope all y'all are doin' alright yer selves ! I just typed this up last week (please bear with me , scanner is having human error), it will pretty much sum up what I've been up to , short of speakin' of family , which has been rewarding , as well as challenging .



Coupla nug shots from several phenos

Plant G63
A typical BlockHead plant observed in many threads . Appears as a SPG with a sativa plant structure . Stretches for tha sky , while producing plenty o' dome shaped buds . Very nice smooth tokin , just too typical of pheno to keep

Plant E42
A fairly common pheno but with good power and taste .

Plant G66
Another pheno similar to tha one featured above , good taste strong stone and a fair producer .

I'll be takin plant shots in tha next coupla days . This crop is starting to fatten up nicely .



Current pics of Blue Sonja

Current pics of Blue Sonja

Alright y'all , gonna update with pics from this evening . Hopefully you'll have a chance to veiw it before getting bogged down in all tha other bullshit 'round here .

Here she is 'bout a week ago .

Here she is this evening

So yeah , she's on tha flush now . I like to give 'em 'bout 2-3 weeks flush , as I feed an organic - synthetic blend . I also want to add that over tha yrs , I have tested different flushing methods . Tha one that seems to work best for me is a complete , nute free rinse of approx. 5 gallons water per site , then feeding with only Earth Juice Catalyst . I basically use it to PH my water , as it is acidic and my water is alkalaine . I feed this solution , changing it weekly and end up harvesting a sweeter , tastier crop .

These next pics are from tha F2 crop
This girl here is a keeper for clone cropping . Plant C28 , a SPG indy pheno with fruity , buttery , baby shit undertones . Phastest producer of tha F2 progeny . Tha wife and I love her

Plant C28

This girl Plant E42 carries an easy berry perfume . Colors up nice and plenty of frost .
Plant E42

Hope everybody has been doin O.k.




Blue Sonja , pics taken in dark showing tha natural colors of this underrated lady

Already bigger than a typically sized forearm


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steel savage said:
Blue Sonja , pics taken in dark showing tha natural colors of this underrated lady

Already bigger than a typically sized forearm



maybe this?


Active member
i got blockhead goin now courtesy of seedbay!
i always stayed away from breeder steves work for some reason?
i heard this was great bud ! i ordered sweet blue for a future run!
im interested in exploring the high from this.... the wackyness of the high intrigues me...


Active member
Got a few of those Blockbusters going now myself

Got a few of those Blockbusters going now myself

Gonna F2 em next week:sasmokin: I also have this Sour Bubble BX3 Amazon queen I'm gonna knock with the BLOCK :woohoo:


Active member
It gets better every day SS. The colors on those BS show their heritage well. Nice sat structure also that reminds me of a Mexi in the bud leaves. The future looks bright due to your generosity and diligent work with these strains.


oooh yeah.. Blockhead guy... Hey steel ;) i remember now man, sorry about the otherday....

nice work dude:D


Here go acoupla shots at harvest . More to come as each plant is ripening at it's own pace .

Plant G66

Serious nute deprivation to bring out them bad ass colors




Looking great ,man. :joint: What's the range of flowering times in the f1's and your f2's?


Active member
Very very nice SteelSavage...

That looks just like 1 of my phenos of BH..

the other 1 is ummmm well you tell me

this is the young 1 similar to yours.. both are seeded with my Sour D cross..

Great job as always.. :joint:


T , glad to finally see 'em here .
Schmokin , my Blue Sonja finishes at 75 days . My fastest F2 is plant C28 .
She goes for about 60 or so days . SPG pheno with a smooth , buttery , baby shit with berry undertones .

She's been chopped and is hangin' high .
Tha rest of tha F2 progeny finish within those figures .

I must say though , that tha Blue Sonja "head" is what this project is all about . Tha quality of high is so refined , one might really feel like they have just stepped on tha "Stairway to Heaven" . No bullshit . A very positive , creative , inspiring , and from a medicinal pov. excellent for overall , emotional well-being , plant , worthy of being thoroughly worked .

On page 7 , post 97 & 104 give an overview of whats in store for this line .


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Active member
Hey SS just went over post #104 again and wonder which is the Indica mom? Is there a pic of her that I missed?
tha Blue Sonja "head" is what this project is all about
Amen to that! Major respect for sayin that, can't wait to find out exactly what that is lol.

I'll get some nice shots of her on here when she gets to middle school lol.