do you honestly think cops have to use a heli to get a FLIR image these days?
I was a volunteer for a fire company for a bit, and that was 7 years ago, they had a portable FLIR camera THEN.
what the hell do you think they have these days?
5grand for a PDA sized FLIR camera is nothing to departments.
I don't like to scare people, but fuck, you ALL know its out there, you ALL should know how to protect yourself from it, SO FUCKING DO IT.
Seriously, if you are setting up a new grow, and you DON'T think about exhaust heat/FLIR you are a fucking moron.
the products out there to help protect you are cheap in comparison to that big ole lawyer fee you'll have to deal with if you don't deal with it and get caught because of it.
There have been multiple threads in this section alone about FLIR and what it CAN and CANNOT do.
Educate yourselves FIRST before thinking it isn't something to worry about.
while I am at it here, how about also filling you in on one more little secret: the inverse square law is a bunch of bullshit as long as you are using a reflective hood. for some reason most people actually believe that shit.
(I have Personally made threads de-bunking this MYTH; anyone who knows basic physics should know the law is bogus _UNDER OUR CIRCUMSTANCES_)