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Blackstar 100w LED


Active member
Hello everyone.

I'm just starting this grow and figured I should get back on IC and share with some friends. I haven't grown in a while and this is only my third time growing so I know I'll be needing some advice along the way.

I'm curious to see what this light can do. So far it really doesn't make much heat at all and is quiet too.

100w Blackstar 6Band LED by Lighthouse Hydro.
4 Random bagseeds
Approx 11"deep x 18"wide x 28"tall
Currently 74ºF
Soil is "Leafgro" with perlite added
I'm only gonna veg for a week or two and I'll just feed with Alaska Fish Emulsion. Any suggestions for organic flower nutes?

Seeds popped and dropped yesterday 6/24/11 and I noticed one breaking the soil a bit today.

Ugly Pics, but you get a little idea.



I think thats it...see ya.


Active member
This is mostly just for me to keep track of things, nothing interesting to see yet.

It's been about 3 days since the first girl sprouted and the others are on day 2.

Pics without the led on.


This is the bigger one that came up first.


When should I start to feed with the Alaska fish emulsion 5-1-1?


Active member
Thanks cheese. Was just looking at your bagseed, looks good man.

The thermometer reads 77º when placed under the light on the pots and about 74º 75º when on the ground.

Currently no fan running except the one built into the light.


Active member
2 plants have yellow tips on their first baby leaves like the tip of the one posted above. Does that mean I should feed next watering? Seems early but I guess they are out of baby food ey.


Active member
they might have too much food, the yellowing could be a little bit of burn

even if you havent given them anything yet the soil could be a little "hot"


Active member
I think they were too close to the light, I had recently added a book under them and its only the two taller plants that have the symptoms.

You can see here the tip is yellow but also some around the edges. In the center its kinda brown.

On this one you can see the twisted leaf.

Does this seem like symptoms of getting cooked by my light?

Thanks for any help!


Active member
-Added 2 23w cfls just to warm it up a bit in there.
-Transplanted to little bit bigger pots.
-Picked up Neptune's Harvest line of nutes. Just use the 0-0-1 seaweed for now.
-New family member, Blueberry cut from a friend.

Blueberry in cup

Back right was first up and looks very happy.
Back left looks sad but will hopefully perk up.
Front left is recovering from being burnt a little.
Front right, tiny but happy.
All are about 1.5 weeks old

Poor front left :(

Things should be taking off soon....

I plan to veg until I can take some cuts then flipping to 12/12.

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