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Blackhouse for All-Summer Flowering!



wow 4 harvests, this is an awesome thread NPK! I like the boxes too, such a great idea that I may have to steal it next week when everyone gets the axe! Have a good one :wave:


Active member
Thanks guys! Yeah, I use cardboard boxes because they might help absorb some of the water in the drying bud, I don't have to dedicate closet space for drying. Plus, they're free. I'm not using a fan--the bud dries fine without one this time of year.

SuperNuck, I've only actually pulled two harvests thus far. Round number three is in the early stages of flowering now. I expect to pull four rounds by the end of October, though! (Knock wood and all that.) :wave:


NPK do you think that a greenhouse with attached blackhouse would be ideal for year round outdoor harvests in temperate areas?


Active member
Heyja All, nice tread and topic !

First congrats on the harvest look´s nice and in mid july :headbange

Are your plans to try and grow all year around ?

I always have puzzled abouth why no one has made a automated system that one can put up in a 10 or 20 square meter green house fore personal use, the only ones in europa is fore big green house and cost above 3000 euros, when used.

I have a freind that has a atumated shading system from a tomato grower and he makes to harvest pr year from mid april to mid october then mother fost arrives.

I think that some off the reason that spring crops are more leafy can be, because off the diffence in spectrale composition of sun light from spring to atumm and that have a big influence on plant hormon production.


Active member
NPK do you think that a greenhouse with attached blackhouse would be ideal for year round outdoor harvests in temperate areas?

Heya Hempster, that would depend on the day length, time of year, and climate. I can see using a greenhouse if privacy is a concern...my grow space is all fenced in though, so I don't use one for vegging. But yeah, in my region, you can have some sort of outdoor grow happening for a good eight months out of the year. I started flowering some plants outside back in March when the days were still short. The weather was mild enough for that to be possible. Guess there's some upside to global warming. :rasta:

Dkgrower, thanks for the comment man. I would LOVE to grow outside year-round, but it's not possible where I live. Still, having plants out in some stage of growth is possible for eight months, as your friend will agree. Sounds like he's using a Grobot (or something like it)?

livewire420, thanks, appreciate that. :smoke:


Active member
NPK. Sounds like he's using a Grobot (or something like it)? [/QUOTE said:
No it is fore a normal glass house, it has one motor that pull a string system that draws likes curtains the shading cover from both ends of the green house in to the middel. in the bottom in fixed to a rail both the ends of the green house is shaded permantly, hope you undestand.

What i personaly was whising fore was a system that one can build oneself or bye cheap, fore glas or plastic greenhouse, so one dont have to carry them every day.

What are your thoughts on how much one can miss out on putting in plants before trubel arise, reveg, is it days, then one I have asked say max 3 day in spring time.
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If i were to do this i would make 2-3 "soma style" organic raised beds (SEEN HERE ) with wheels on them so i could just wheel them in and out of the dark house as needed. I had great luck with raised bed SOG's outdoors last year so being able to control the dark period and use organics and all the good stuff along with multiple outdoor harvests a year is a dream!!!

Man i cant wait to get a spot that will allow me to do this!!!


Active member
Dude, great link! I really like that idea--rolling your entire SOG in and out of the blackhouse on a platform of sorts. A person could easily do this within a small footprint, too. Cool idea. :smoke:

I actually have a big ole compost bin that's loaded with goodies. I'm loving the coco, but Soma's thing makes me want to stick a few girls in the ground, too. There's probably still a little time left in the season to permit that...hmmm.

Dkgrower, I think I kinda get the picture; it sounds ingenious, and definitely better than hauling your plants in and out every morning and evening. It's not that big of a deal, but it does keep you housebound. My fiance and I haven't gotten away at all this summer.
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Great Work NPK! Always dreamed of doing the forcing thing but never had the balls nor time to try it, Props!

Now heres what im thinking; What if you built a basically a garage with the door facing the sky. Then put an automatic garage door in on a timer, on the ceiling. Then cover said opening with greenhouse panels, courrigated plastic.etc. proceed to put raised beds on wheels inside or just directly in the ground.

BAM, automatic force flowering greenhouse!

You think you could get a auto garage door to work on a timer?



Active member
Hey there White Wolfman, maybe a garage door opener could be run on a larger mechanical Intermatic timer, but your idea sounds pretty ambitious! Not to say it wouldn't work--an architect I ain't--just a little beyond my means here.

No lights in there, Headman ku--that's the whole point of the structure, to block out light so as to force flowering even outdoors. Mind you, it's not perfectly lightproof but it's been working well enough for my purposes.

Here's how this year's third rotation looks at about sixteen days:


I'm seeing the beginning of some powdery mildew on the two Bogglegums, so I'm gonna bust out the dehumidifier tomorrow.
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What 16 days outdoors 16 days from what the day the buds were the size of yer thumb man I am officially jealous,I take my hat off to you sir that is alot of hard dilligent work gettin them all in and out of that box once a day.You are a braver man than I to attempt such an undertaking.So what you do 4 a year outa that.Very very nice,I am impressed!Keep up the good work!!


Active member
Hey Gromer, thanks man. Five of the plants are Critical Mass, and frankly, I'm really surprised at the size they've put on since I started flowering 'em...must be a fast-flowering strain. I actually almost got rid of them when I read they're a "remake" of Big Bud--now I'm glad I held on to 'em, as they're already showing a dusting of trichs and seem promising in other ways, too.

This is the first time I've force-flowered outside. The structure will give me two extra harvests for (hopefully) a total of four this year: I put out some plants early in March and was able to chop them in May without the help of the blackhouse. Next, I force-flowered the Shits. Now I'm doing the Critical Masses, and I'm vegging what I hope will be my fourth successful harvest (Mango, AK-47, Blockhead, and Odyssey) now. Won't need the structure for the fourth crop, as the days will be short enough to initiate flowering naturally.


Excellent!!Wish I had a backyard where I could get away with such an undertaking.Somday...someday Ill have my own little blackable greenhouse.Get the auto roll out jobby on a timer so then I can be lazy.Man thats gatta be a bitch,what you got an alarm clock set to let you kno "hey man time to move the plants"Id always forget,again my hats off to you!!


Active member
Thanks for the nudge, Dkgrower. I've been busy as a one-armed paper hanger and haven't kept up with updates. Here's how things are looking at about the halfway point:


I've had to stake up a few of the plants, and am going to need support for the side branches. They're already sagging from the weight and some will definitely break without some help. Even though they're only halfway through, I think the plants would be under threat from mold without the dehumidifier. I started using it a couple of weeks ago, at week three of flower.

I also threw a bunch of clones in and am already seeing some satisfying results. It's hard to see them well--they're in the green tub at the back, on top of the dehumidifier.


Active member
Hey NKP,

it is looking so sweet and you say your only half way throug :jump:

What kind of dehumidifier are you using in your black out structure

Stay Shanti.


Active member
NPK excellent craftsmanship
if ur neighbor saw it heed be like "damn that dude is dumb light wont even get in his greenhouse! so it doesnt stay dark for very long there at night i guess

or u just like ur cycle
whatever... its workin!