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Black Water USA = the new DEA!!! please read...


Pull my finger
well, the sad thing is that enlistment is down because this war is sensless and young americans are smart enough to know that they dont want to risk thier life to bring down gas prices. i was a hair away from joining the service when 911 happened. coming from a long line of servicemen a figured it was my duty to serve. i had taken and passed my asvab with 98 percentile and planned on swearing in that very week. when those planes hit the twin towers, my dad and grandfather demanded that i stay home. my father worked for the cia and nsa during his careerand he knows hoe dirty our government is. although he wont talk about it, i can tell when he is in disbelief. he says his job was to "keep secrets" and thats all he will say. granted the secrets he kept were from the cold war era, but the american government has more skeletons in the closet than people think. dont follow the news. if you want to know what is really going on over there, follow the servicemans blogs. it will make you sick. this country needs to wake up and realize that this isnt a democracy anymore. the govenment has the media in its pocket. they only broadcast what the government wants you to hear. remember waco? notice those black helicopters flying around the compound with no markings on them? those choppers were firing on american citizens. in other words, the taxpayers military resources were used against american citizens. the military that you pay for can be used against you. the reason there were no markings on those choppers is obvious. ability to deny involvement. helicopters dont fly themselves people. lets wake up and take our country back. f blackwater. we dont need them. thats just somebody else getting rich off of our tax dollars while most normal people cant even get health care. we need to focus on our own problems within instead of putting our men on the front line to liberate a third world country. i smell bullshit.


Swampdank you said, "this isn't a democracy anymore". It never was one. The United States is a Republic.


Sleeping Dragon
texasluv said:
. I really don't care who you are, 135K for 9 months of putting yourself in a war zone is NOT worth it, IMO. There is no price on your life.

That being said, my friend has put his life on the line protecting this country and the people in it. It makes me sick to drive down the street and watch people protesting the very troops who are risking their lives to protect out freedoms.

Do you all really think that Blackwater is going to come kick in your door and raid your house? Come on, lets take a couple second break from smoking and think about that for a minute. You may have something to worry about if you are importing or exporting hundreds of pounds of heroin or cocaine, but do you really think blackwater cares about weed? Maybe if they are going to bust a 60KW warehouse, but not anything most of us on this site have to worry about.

This thread is funny....

to what you said first part
he was in milatary stay there if u want to fight for ur country.. thats what milatary is for.. any others are just paid killers (blackwater)

What makes me sick is phrases like the 2nd part.. WTF>> thats the americans right.. and there not against the boys there rather the REASON>>

UH>> blackwater has been aproched by DEA allready for "light In house cleaning".. IE POT GROWERS>> and the small ones not big ones.. (the big ones help make them money by paying bribes..)small ones are just easy....
and if u dont believe that..
they have allready stated they are working on getting things going to provide private police forces in USA>.

ya they care about weed.. why u think the dea wont allow weed to be legal.. cause it makes so much money.. either black or legit and on the black the feds bank..

also the patriot act Lables us small time pot growers as Terrorists.. IE blackwaters Domain.. they say we support orginised crime..

no offence....but ur brainwashed by the feds and bad ones out there..

ya my bro inlaw was offerd gig from a company like blackwater as soon as his term is up and he said
"if i choose to continue to serve for my country in any military sense, it will be directly under the armed forces no Private agancy"
and they offered him 250k for each tour of 6 months thats 500k a year.if he stays a whole year. (i dont know what they wanted him for, but he is airforce)

if we needed troops so bad we would have reinstated the draft but that wouldnt happen cause then we would know the war is a joke.. wait are we at war.. have we even declaired war and with who.. just terorists.. WTF>> thats not a person or group just a lable of anyone. with veiws against urs..

USA is the ORI from stargate atlantas..
If you dont convert to Democracy then we destroy you preemptively.
hitler came up with first strike crap like this..

the wack thing about that.. is that the usa is saying taliban and terroists are like if we dont convert to muslim then we die.. but thats not true..

so when u look at that we are the terrroists..
they SAY they after us cause we FORCE our views on them.. not that if we dont convert we die..
A couple months ago before the US Gov't called for the removal of Black Water Ops. in Iraq a friend of mine tried getting me to enlist with black water along with him. I did some serious investigating into the company. These guys fucking remind me of Ravenwood straight out of the TV Series Jericho. They have a blantent disregard for human life as is why they were forced out of Iraq for the deaths of Civilians. First time i heard of them it reminded me of a private militant group that back the government, Yes in the USA militia are ok & legal but last I thought was they were supposed to suport the people not the government lol As far as them being a christian group I have no clue on that one. I try to think for myself when it comes to religion. I rather just be spiritual then practice something thats been dead for over a thousand years :rasta:
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