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Black Ra1n's Grow Journal

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Smell oh the Smell :) well I haven't been on much lately, been trying to cure the stench problem. I thought it was my carbon filter so I changed it, that wasn't it. I put in another carbon filter inside my utility room, that wasn't the problem. I have so many scents from air fresheners that I think I'm high lol. So I capped the air flow from my flower room to the mother room hoping that maybe that's where it's coming from, it has helped a bit. I'm also going to put two more vents in my mother room to vent some of the hot air. I've also noticed that my flower chamber door isn't shutting as good as it was before so I hope if I put a couple more snap clips in that it will cure the problem. I also bought a hepa carbon filter to put on my scrubber.

The MxA smells awesome and the calyx's are fattening up, I noticed a little resin starting to form here and there. The smell, I can't get over the smell. I love Moroccan hash and that's just what she smells like. I've also noticed that the pollinated buds are producing seeds :) not too many but not bad for the size of the buds that I used. I'm thinking of running a few seed only batches in a rubbermaid cab with cfl's. I need something to give away to friends :) ....

The M39 is beefing up and the resin is forming on the fans now. The smell is sweet and it's getting me rather anxious for this run to end soon lol .... This is going to be it for the flowering for me until either I find a place to store this cab. or I get a house. I have a lil one on the way, well in July lol and I've been informed by the powers that be that I must find a new place for my hobby, so that the crib can take it's place :) BUT, my buddy has already said his basement is my new botany lab :) as long as he gets some ... to which I said ummm deal it is. So you can bet I'll be getting the 1000's out of storage :) I have some seed projects in mind. I also still have my outdoor, of which I really enjoy. I haven't checked on it in a bit, but I'll pop by tomorrow and check it out.

I have clones coming out the wazoo. I picked up a very nice WW clone from my buddy as well as 10 m39's. I just potted 4 PPP's and have another 8 MxA's. Outdoor is going to be nice. My Ak's are coming along slowly but surely and that bagseed is growing nicely. My buddies crop is 2 weeks away and says the buds are the biggest he's grown yet which has me excited, he says the stench is unreal and can't wait for this batch to finish, I can't wait to have some new smoke to try. Well that's it for this update, sorry no pics, but I'll update on Thursday .... till then smoke on....

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Hey man!

Thanks for stopping my my lil grow and the nice comments. You have quite an operation going there. I wish I had the wherewithall do do things like crosses and cloning, etc.

I'm glad my girls are stinking too much. I live in an apt. :( My carbon scrubber gfets most of it. I have scent bombs that cover it well. Thats all I smell when I open my front door.

I have to do a Sativa strain next. I want one that is trippy as hell but will do OK if I keep them to 3 feet or so. I plan on FIM'ing them to do so.

Keep them girls happy!@!


Active member
dayuummm bro...sounds (and looks) like you got it going on ..
some killler genetics you have rollin'


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
You know we sit around waiting on the smell to start, then once it does we can't wait to get rid of it LOL
man the heat be killing me last few days, humidty has been down though which is nice

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Oblidio49, hey man thanks for stopping back in, yeah the stink seems to have gone down a bit since I re-calked a few spots on the back of my cab. I have also put in a few more vents from the mother room into the utility room, but the heat in the mother room is still up and it's pissing me off :) I'm thinking of ripping those damn t8's out and putting in the good ole cfl's. I may also make some kind of exhaust fan to get rid of the heat. Oh well eh, you always have to tweak shit.

mtnjohn, hey man thanks for popping in. Yeah I think I have a bit more on my plate than I can handle. Last year I went small scale lol and had just one, now I've gone back to plenty is great!! Thanks for the kind words, If I get half of what you get off your 150, I'll be a happy man :)

Dog, man turn down the heat!! a few weeks ago there was frost killing my garden, now it's hot as hell and no damn rain. Well it's suppose to rain for a few days, which is good cause I have some ladies to put in this week-end.
Take care man....

Well the m39 clones my buddy gave me are looking a bit worse for wear. I put domes over them in hope they pop back up, but if they don't it's okay I'll just get some more :) ... The m x a clones I put in rockwool are popping roots, I have to say this is the easiest plant to clone.

There will be a full update tomorrow, I have a crap load of watering to do....




I found the camera. You'd thiunk I wud have to be toasted to do not be able to find it being as to where it was. The FRONT seat of my truck in a plastic sack with my mail. I wasn't stoned. I swear it. I'm just getting OLD?!! LOL

I really am having a good time with my grow...and a lot of the fun is because of you and many others like you who help out us newbies. If my grow is sucessful, and it looks to be so...it is only because of the help I got here....And while not an experienced weed grower, I have grown other things very sucessfully for MANY years.

I'm fascinated by micro grows. How these guys can grow anything in some of the places they do just beats hell out of me.

I love following grows like yours.

Obli :joint:

PS I have new pics and some questions for anyone. Thanks ALL!! :sasmokin:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Catchin myself up on some reading :smile:
Kinda hard when you've been away...everybody's grow looks so much more progressed.

Was that Spring? :chin: when I left...it was barely done winter, I came back to full out Summer :bat:

Collecting some AK pollen eh? What kind of wizardry you cooking up over there? :sasmokin:

The M X A looks like some fine sativa for sure....she'll make you wait for it :eek::

Great to be back to see some great Canadian buds :joint:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
any more updates Black...its been a while is't it?....oterwise i can't :kissass: :biglaugh:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
UPDATE.... Week 6

UPDATE.... Week 6

Oblidio49, hey man I'm glad you found your camera lol thanks so much for the kind words. We're all students here, that's what makes this place so awesome, we're all here to learn and teach.

TML16, hey thanks for stopping back. Yeah I have PPP pollen too :) going to do some crossing soon. My next few grows in doors will be strictly crossing projects. I have a nice WW clone that is looking for a male lol.

Core, well here's the update. I've been so busy at work that I can only really do photo updates once a week............ thanks for the interest man.

on with the show.....

Well the smell is back lol ... I only have 2 or 3 weeks left on that scrog so I'm going to go with the flow. The smell is confined to the bedroom, so I wake up to a nice aroma :) I put an exhaust fan in the window during the day so it doesn't float to the wrong places. My clones on the patio are looking a bit better, I put make-shift domes over them to try to get the humidity up for root growth. I put them in a garbage can so that no one can see them :)

Here's the scrog ... week 6, resin is pilling up nicely and the smell is turning earthy :)

Here's some newly potted clones out of the bubble cloner. That bub clone is a survival story in itself. I had to re-cut it after most of it rotted. I had pretty much given up on it when I checked my cloner a few days later and noticed it had popped roots all over the place. I call her persistent and can't wait to grow her up and rip some more clones off her for another cross project with some 48 pollen. There's also some PPP's that finally rooted, this plant should be a good yielder outdoors.

Here's what's in the bubble cloner.... well as you can see I need to pot some of these. I'll rip some clones off the M x A mom and WW clone so I can fill this baby up.

Lastly ..... here she is ... She hasn't bulked up much, but she is throwing some resin. The calyx's are bulking up and I'm really hoping for some sweet hashy smoke from her. The next question is how long will she go. I flowered her for a few reason's the most important was to see how many weeks. The outdoor season here isn't as long as it use to be so 10 week strains are just not practical. So you could say this is an experiment to see whether I'll be planting these in ground or in pots. At least in pots, I can take them in when there's the possibility of frost.

A few closeups, I need a tripod :) it's on my list.

Well that's it for this week. My outdoor isn't coming along as good as I'd like so I'll be feeding them a good wack of N this week-end. I'm also going to put out a few more. I'll post some pics when I start bending them over and pegging them, I'll have a tutorial for anyone that's interested.

Take care all, and thanks for interest, you all make this hobby just that more enjoyable.... :)



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
howzit brother.. Man starting to plump up in the scrog.. and the M A looks like she is starting to say ok its time to get a lil fat.. heheee Hopefully she will bring a ton of frosty colas by the end.. bbl peace..


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
sackoweed, hey man thanks... yeah everything is okay. The humidity in my cab is getting a bit nuts so I'm going to put a fan in, but besides that it's good. The M x A is starting to foxtail nicely showing the sativa dom.

Zeus, won't be long now buddy ... I'm on my way to get a tripod for the pics, I'm not as steady as I use to be lol ...

Take care all, and have a great week-end.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
mmm...those M X A buds are starting to look sexy :yummy: Gonna be a long wait, but those should fill in nicely.
Don't think you'd get away with her outdoors :chin: season's not long enough unless you got real lucky and didn't see any snow or frost till Nov.

Looking forward to some of the crosses you're producing :joint: If there is anything this world needs....it's more MJ strains :biglaugh: Best of luck eh :ying:

I've got the humidity under control now. I found an old dehumidifier last year when someone was throwing it out. Lucky score or what? I was lucky cuz I almost bought one. They are pricey...but worth it.
I usually only hafta break it out round this time of year. Which makes running it cost effective :yes:

Best of luck with the outdoor crop too eh :smile:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yeah the buds are looking really sweet, I think you are going to get some prime scissor hash looking at those pics, they look sticky.
De humidifiers around here are well over 200 bones, I can get an ac unit for cheaper than that.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea i can relate Black...Work has 2 come first ...Nway thanks for taking the time 2 update...it woz already a week though :biglaugh:...nways everything looks in check ...:yes:...



Dizzamn! That's a wonderful setup! I know I have been a while, but I'm very impressed with what you have going. Keep up the good work!


Have you scrogged before? Yours looks great. Do you see any down side to scrog? I'm going to scrog next time. I was just wondering what the pluses and minuses to this meathod.
peace and pot
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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Everyone, I got myself a tripod so I took some pics. Not my best work, but I'm a little crunched for time.

TML16, hey man I too am having a humidity problem. I'm not overly worried about it right now, I just crank the AC on for a bit and it seems to help. That was a nice deal you got on that de-humidifier, gotta love a score like that. Thanks for stopping by man, don't worry you'll be getting some of my future projects.

Hey Dog, yeah she's really coming alive now. Fox tailing nicely and throwing a bit of frost. The smell will give you an instant hard on :) I can't wait to smoke her. Thanks for stopping in man.

Core, hey man glad you popped in. Yeah work is hectic as usual this time of year, so I don't get much free time ;( hell I didn't even smoke yesterday,,, and well that just isn't right lol.

Budless, thanks for the kind words man. I've been keeping an eye on your grow, I'm going to start my CFL build soon.

Zeus, hey man .... I'll be over to see how things are going in your thread shortly, I'm sure you have everything dialed in.

58FLH, hey thanks for checking in on my thread. I'll just say once you've gone scrog there's no going back lol.... As far as grows go, if you have limited space it's the only way to go. As far as I know there is only plus' to this method, or at least I have yet to find a negative one. I guess the only good advice I can give is make sure what ever you're growing in is big enough for the whole grow, re-potting would be a complete pain in the ass.

Okay my outdoor's are finally starting to come back from the frost damage. The one M x A I have in a pot has grown a foot or so, so I topped her and squeezed under the nodes to bulk up the stem (super cropping method). I then put a brick on the side to train her to lie down lol I'll start pegging them on Wed. I also got a little present from a friend..... 2 Afghan's, 1 Jack Herer, one ? lol and one marked with an H ... of which I hope is hash plant I've been searching for that for a longggggggg time. I'll have to ask my buddy what the hell it is, he just dropped them off to my step-dad. I'm going to pot these and keep them small.

Here's some pics....

You can see the M39 x PPP seed in this one.....

Here's a close up of the M39

The M x A ... as you can see she's starting to fox tail.

Well that's it for now ... thanks for stopping by everyone, I'll try to get to your threads........
